"As the march toward a cashless (and privacy-less) society accelerates forward, a new high watermark has been reached. India first introduced its concept for a nationwide biometric ID database more than 7 years ago, which they touted as a necessary 'social welfare' program to assist the millions of India's unbanked, streamline welfare distribution and reduce corruption ... Time and again, we have seen countries both democratic and autocratic serve as blueprints for others to follow. Given the surge in the use of biometrics for airline travel and other forms of 'elective' identification in the United States, is it really unreasonable to assume that if a country of more than 1 billion people can implement this, the U.S. population of 350 million will be protected by its own Constitution?"
It is amazing at how things are moving forward today. We were saying over 10 years ago, at a time when any 'cashless society' seemed impossible, that this is what was necessary to be able to properly enforce the Sunday law mark of the beast. Many mocked at the idea, but now we are seeing it happen right before our eyes. And that is because Bible prophecy is sure ... "We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts." (2 Peter 1:19).
We know that there is a movement in America to change the constitution and as this news report says - If India of 1 billion people can implement this scheme, then it will be easy for the likes of America to do it. And if you have been following this news page over the years, you will have seen that even the African nations are pushing ahead with the cashless society. The fulfillment of Revelation 13 is soon to come friends. The systems are being put in place ready for the enforcement of Rome's Sunday rest law, in honor of their false trinity god. And the climate agenda is also something they are using the bring about the Sunday law. So the question is, are we ready? Have we surrendered all to Jesus Christ? Because there is a time of trouble coming for those who stand upon the truth, and we must be abiding in Christ to be able to get through the trouble coming.