Surpassinggoogle Account Is Now A Steem Witness. I Hail From The Philippines.

in marlians •  5 years ago 

My main account called @surpassinggoogle became a steem witness today. I hail from the Philippines and i really care about steem. Steem has giant significance in my journey. I found steem organically via the search engines and on, i shaped, evolved and developed the 'vision within my dream', resulting in 3 DAPPS and one digital currency called Teardrops.

My most learning happened on Steem. 

Most importantly, i care about humans and where humans rendezvous, i rendezvous too. 'Human' is bigger than 'blockchain' to me. According to me, blockchain is simply a tool; a testimonial tool when used to 'return value to humans'.

I have been on steem for more almost 4 years. I found it organically via the search engines. I loved it from the first day. I have been active as part of its growth too. 

I have had a delegation in the past from Steemit and among other things, i focused it on 'growth'. I did alot with the delegation then. I did alot prior to the delegation. I did alot after the delegation. I intend to do a lot still. This time to be more effectively. (To be discussed at the later part of this post)

Here are some screenshots from the past (created by paulag), giving you graphic insight into my lowly efforts then and my focus on 'returning value to humans':

This was followed with some 17K comments made manually from the '@surpassinggoogle' account alone. We also gathered together on a discord server with more than 5000 steem users.

Here are pictures showing lowly things i have been part of:

  • I have tried to impact as many people as i can reach.

See these images: 


Finally, we say, "true celebrity-hood for everyone, once and for all". See how: 1, 2, 3, 4

Here are videos too

In my times on steem, i have done several initiatives including a contest on #untalented, that received 1,000 post-entries. 

I also start #ulog which emanated some 50k posts and 179k comments after 6 months of its inception, from more than 5K unique steem accounts. This resulted in the creation of and a form of content called 'Ulogs' that enables every(any)one to participate in the art of content-creation, content-curation and content-promotion.

A much older and popular tag on Steem that i started was #steemgigs, that allows steem users to exchange gigs for STEEM. This happened more than 3 years ago and resulted in the creation of '' and a witness called 'steemgigs'. I have experienced being a witness on Steem for close to two years. I am not a tech-guru though.

I have the tribe called ''. See image

I have been part of many communities. I focus on 'the human'. I reach out to as many nations as possible. According to me, nations are merely locations.

Physically, i am in the Philippines. I have been part of many steem events in the Philippines. I have been part of the growth of Steem in the Philippines. The Philippines has thousands of Steem users. The Philippines supports digital currency to optimal levels. The Philippines society is familiar with digital currency and interested in it.

Related videos:

I spoke at the last Steemfest. See this video:

I have offered a full 256GB public RPC node in the past. I am now a witness on STEEM and HIVE. 

In the near term, my major focus is to setup a physical hub in the Philippines to gather in it programmers and enterpreneurs. (You can read more about this at the later part of this publication)

With a physical hub, i can be more effective when it comes to my efforts than i have been in the past. I have learned so far, that there is need for physical locations and physical gatherings to efficiently propagate grand endeavors or movement. There is need for this, to compliment online efforts.

I will now go on to discuss more about myself below....

Surpassinggoogle - Preface 

"I have done time!" @surpassinggoogle

The result? "The models are set now; there are dates now, lights can go right inside tunnels now!"

Based on unadulterated feedback from each human in my journey and 'most-utmost and especial insight from the Creator Jehovah', the 'Teardrops ecosystem' was established, including all its tenets and paradigms.

It is established, 'humans simply need their shine; humans simply need to shine'

It was the 'human shine' that was missing along; lost or never tapped! @surpassinggoogle

Read the histories and stories constituting Surpassinggoogle.

Read more:

Surpassinggoogle - The Path

Premise: Return 'value' to humans, in a world where humans are beginning to depreciate in value. Play out a curriculum that incites humans to 'mine their human'. Allow every(any)one to participate in this curriculum. Celebrate each participant.

Enterprise Model: A 'proof of tears' model (where 'tears' is considered the 'by-product of mining the human'.)


  • Create an ecosystem that dynamically emanates down-to-earth innovations.
  • By means of these down-to-earth innovations, remove all barriers to entry from every human activity. Then, incite humans to apply regular human activities towards 'mining their human', giving more testimonial essence to these once regular human activities.
  • Reward each 'mining the human' activity, using a variety of rewards; returning value to human.
  • Keep returning value to humans till each 'full-blown human' is directed/redirected to the Creator Jehovah; each human attaining/reattaining His image.


Legit Illiteracy is an entire curriculum aimed at revealing the 'rare intel' contained in the 'no-books'. This is particular intel is essential for 'breakthrough in human'. This particular knowledge is needed to surpass google.

A revelation of this knowledge will make knowledge 'whole', putting it in the hands of 'every(any)one'

Innate to each one is 'rare intel' relevant to the evolution of the world at large but this particular breed of knowledge needs to be mined and revealed. Hence, at the base of each down-to-earth enterprise that we innovate is 'content'; a form of content called Ulogs. (See definition of Ulog here)

A revelation of legitimate illiteracy is ongoing here.

Surpassinggoogle - The Building.

Applying down-to-earth paradigms, we created an entire ecosystem in relation to 'surpassinggoogle'. It is called the 'Teardrops ecosystem'. This ecosystem will cater to every(any)one. This ecosystem will dynamically emanate down-to-earth enterprises.


Till today, there has been no innovation or enterprise that has been capable of 'taking cognizance of every(any)one' in the evolution of their model. (It is no coincidence that with advancement in innovation, humans continue to lose value.)

Why so? The world is still very novice to the 'truest state of the world'. To the 'complexest tenets of real life', the world is still very novice.

The knowledge in use by the world isn't yet whole; isn't balanced. This being a reality, the world continues to become filled with half-humans

While the 'books' have been written, there needs to be a revelation of the 'no-books'

In relation to 'human evolution', many of 'the answers' sought after in 'outer-space' are located in 'the down-to-earth', in the no-books.

Legitimate illiteracy is knowledge related to 'real life'. It is unpainted. It is derived from the 'down-to-earth'. There is a rarity of this knowledge in every industry today. 

The Teardrops Ecosystem

The Teardrops ecosystem will dynamically emanate down-to-earth innovations, geared towards 'returning value to humans'. It will be powered by a digital currency called TEARDROPS.

Important Things To Note Regarding The Teardrops Ecosystem.

  • We will not have a black or whitepaper. It will be a ColorlessPaper. 
  • Where we decide to apply the use of 'an oracle', it will be an un(dis)talented oracle.
  • Where we decide to make use of 'lists', we will have a grey/gray-list; not a black/white-list.
  • We will not create disruption. We will create 'beautiful disruption'.
  • The grand mission? 'Direct or re-direct each human to our Creator Jehovah'.

The Teardrops ecosystem will be composed primarily of three blockchain-based social network platforms (and one digital currency called TEARDROPS.) 

Here is a list:

  • - to propagate a form of content called Ulogs into the world and emanate uloggers globally. 
  • - to create an ecosystem of freelancers & dream-builders, whereupon "everyone has something to offer".
  • Macrohard - to make everyone capable of participating in the world of programming, by creating a programming protocol in which everyone can suddenly code (with swag).

Each of the aforementioned enterprises has a 'proof of tears' model; a model that incites humans to 'mine their human', emanating more 'human shine' into the world. 

By rewarding the 'human activities' incited by these enterprises, we can celebrate the resulting 'breakthrough in human' with a 'breakthrough digital currency' called, TEARDROPS.

The TEARDROPS digital currency is an important part of our ecosystem. It is the currency that powers our economy. However, TEARDROPS isn't just a digital currency. It seeks to reward activities that 'mine the human'. It will also reward past deeds. It is an 'emblem of human'

TEARDROPS will appeal to the soft-spot of every human, attaining global acceptance. 


'Mining the human' is synonymous to 'evolving the human'.

A blockchain-based social network platform created to propagate a form of content called 'Ulogs' into the world and emanate/rendezvous Uloggers globally. (See definition of Ulog here)

Development Status: is reaching its 'alpha-stage of development'. It has been functional/in-use for close to a year. 

See related image:


A Ulog is a form of content spanning across any topic or niche, that is created 'fresh' at every instance (i.e without resourcing from that internet), composed entirely of ‘excerpts of U’.

A ulog possesses tenets that allows content creators/curators to consciously 'evolve their human'.

The letter 'u' seen in the word 'ulog', is synonymous to 'you'.

The concept of Ulogging was born to remove all barriers to entry from human activities such as content-creation, content-curation, content-promotion. 

With every(any)one capable of participating in these tangible human activities, we can incite each one to apply these activities also towards 'consciously mining their human'. makes use of a 'proof of tears' reward-distribution model, rewarding ulogging activities with a digital currency called TEARDROPS.

'Ulogs' will form the content-base of all our enterprises. 

Read a draft containing the evolution of the concept of Ulog


A blockchain-based social network platform that provides a dream-building services marketplace, whereupon 'everyone has something to offer'. It will allow and incentivize experts & non-experts alike to offer gigs/services. 

STEEMGIGS will look to celebrate dreamers and dream-builders with a digital currency called 'TEARDROPS'.

Development Status: has been functional/in-use for more than one year. It is still in its alpha-stage of development.

See image:


Allowing non-experts to participate in the 'dream-building ecosystem' removes barriers to entry from this testimonial human activity. 

Talent is generic. There is a rarity in the 'brother talent' industry. will focus on abating this rarity.

To further take cognizance of every(any)one, will also offer these unique features:

  • Allow users to exchange gig for gig.
  • Collect and maintain a library of Ulogs, covering expert knowledge.
  • Provide an open-access database of 'brother talents'.
  • Collect and maintain a resume-database made up of professionals/non-professionals.
  • Innovate a search engine that is modeled to 'mine humans'.
Further relegating the value of money in the art of dream-building, we can continue returning value to 'human'.
Eliminating concepts like 'average, bum, smart' and suddenly 'everyone has something to offer'.

Read more about STEEMGIGS



MACROHARD is an enterprise focused on enabling 'every(any)one' to participate in the world of programming. It intends to create a 'programming protocol' that every(any)one can code in.

It will eventually provide a blockchain-based social network platform modeled to emanate 'brother programmers' & a consultancy network focused on enabling 'non-programmer project owners' better build projects.

Being a product of the Teardrops ecosystem, MACROHARD will make use of the 'proof of tears' reward distribution model, powered by the TEARDROPS digital currency.

Development Status: hasn't started building yet but its enterprise-model is complete. The intention is to start MACROHARD from a physical hub, located in the Philippines.


While there are many programmers, there is a rarity in the 'brother programmers' industry. MACROHARD will focus on abating this rarity.

Read more about the MACROHARD enterprise.

The TEARDROPS Digital Currency

The TEARDROPS digital currency will power each innovation stemming from the Teardrops ecosystem. As a digital currency it should succeed whether bulls or bears because 'humans are involved'.


"Fix the tears with the tears". @surpassinggoogle

"En-route mining the human towards its awesomest version, there is bound to be many tears, whether happy, sad or un-fell." @surpassinggoogle

"Dissociate tears from sadness, affiliate it with breakthrough, then we can reward each tear; where tears now constitutes a by-product of mining the human". @surpassinggoogle

 Here are some other down-to-earth innovations that will form part of the Teardrops ecosystem:

  • This is a side-project under the umbrella of the 'Teardrops ecosystem', that was recently developed. It takes the form of 'a mainstream social network platform'. However, it maintains 'down-to-earth paradigms'. It is already functional/in-use and it currently hosts more than 2,000 user-profiles. Availing 'the mainstream-user' of a mainstream social network platform i.e, we can begin to introduce these users organically to down-to-earth concepts like ulogging etc. (Read more about here.) makes use of the digital currency called 'MARLIANS', which is also distributed via a 'proof of tears' model.
  • An entire school called 'Legit Illiteracy', that every(any)one can school in. Its curricula have been developed and this particular school already has some students. It will eventually turn into a physical school that rewards its students. (Read more.)
  • A playable game-app that targets 'billions of users'. It will be developed in the near future, deriving its model from a 'base-content' that is already garnering on UloggersTV, a YouTube channel that features ulogging activities from Uloggers across the globe.
  • A new internet, whereupon 'content is queen'. This new internet will by dynamic; filled with Ulogs instead of blogs or vlogs.
  • A Blockchain that took cognizance of every(any)one in the evolution of its model, making use of down-to-earth paradigms. (See this video.)
  • The Un(dis)talented Reality TV SHOWS - Un(dis)talented will emanate series of world-renown contests that allows participation from 'every(any)one'. Coverage of these shows will come 'without gimmicks, without rehearsals, filled with humans, with realism, with flaws etc'. (The very first-edition of Un(dis)talented titled 'Who are you' was participated in by more than 1,000 people.)
  • Four TV(s) - UloggersTV, TeardropsTV, UntalentedTV, MarliansTV. (This constitutes a very important part of the 'Teardrops ecosystem'. In our bid to reach every human, we will fill each TV, with humans.)
  • A Search-Engine modeled to return value to humans. (An internet filled with Ulogs, will need its own unique search engine, one that takes cognizance also of down-to-earth paradigms e.g type the word 'money' in our search engine and it should be capable of directing you to the nearest ATM).  
  • One giant integrate-able public API mechanism modeled to curates 'humans'.
  • One digital giant book of verses containing the curriculum of Legitimate Illiteracy.
  • One dictionary filled with words/definitions that are derived from the 'no-books'.
  • etc.

The base/driver for each innovation emanating from the Teardrops ecosystem will be 'content'. However, we will now propel a form of content called Ulogs. 

Words still rule the world.

Where the concept 'Ulogs' becomes mainstream (e.g it is inserted into every dictionary and onto every website), each of our projects can attain organic mainstreamity too.

See image: 

Where Are You At In Scheme Of Things?

It is building that is left!

While the building has commenced, i have deteriorated drastically in my health. For many reasons however, i can't stop building. I will have to build and recover good health, in parallel. Thus, the near-term sole goal is to setup a physical hub called 'MACROHARD', in the Philippines.


In the histories and stories leading up to surpassinggoogle, i spent ages 'doing time'

In stages, 'insight' began to arrive. Each algorithm was formed, each paradigm was established, each curriculum was tested. 'Doing time', i broke down 'in the physical'. There were many battles and many un-physical battles!

I lost many things too; 'each thing related to a normal life' and my mum. My dad is ill! I am with him.

This established, 'i won't sway away from the path'. This is established!

That these projects attain its grand mission; that of directing/re-directing each human to the Creator Jehovah, it is essential that 'the base' of these projects are built 'solid'

That our 'vision within the dream' in relation to world adjustment may hold sway, i will have to build these projects to a certain stable state. 

However, i am weak in my health. I haven't slept in years. 

As a result, my sole near-term goal, is to setup a physical hub called MACROHARD, in the Philippines.

What I Need In Terms Of Your Support?

I would love your support to raise '2000 USD' to rent a hub for 6-months and set it up.

The development of these projects till date, has required a capital, which i have funded. Nevertheless, the drastic deterioration of my health has hampered my productivity, limiting my abilities in terms of funding.  

I need some support to kick-start the 'setup of a physical hub called MACROHARD in the Philippines'. 

Recently, i started the motion to raise funds to accomplish the above and below is a list of what i have purchased so far, in preparation for the setup of our hub:

  • DJI Osmo pocket (500 USD)
  • Canon camera (400 USD)
  • A Logitech C922 PRO Webcam (100 USD)
  • 5 Desktop Computers (100 USD)
  • A table and chair set (100 USD)
  • 2 Laptops (150 USD)

Here are some related images:

Donation Details

To support this endeavor, kind donate. Here are some options:

Value Proposition For Direct Donors

Where we have a accrued a solid base of '100-500 Hub members' consisting of 'brother-programmers, brother-enterpreneurs, brother-experts', we will look to help build and promote noble projects/initiative etc on behalf of our contributors at a minimal cost or for free. 

How The Amount Raised Will Be Spent?

Here is a breakdown of how funds will be used:

  • 1700 SBD: 6-months of rent & utilities for a small-size hub.
  • 1300 SBD: Office-setup costs & marketing (to include furniture, fast internet, banners, microphones, a projector, props, a few desktop-PCs, Aircon, invitational events, enterprise-cards, customized-accessories, workshops/events in near-by schools, AD-budget, UI-development etc.) 


I have started the hub remotely, proceeding with 'live-streams, video-interviews etc', with keen focus on producing a wide-array of media that is presentable and marketable. Besides using these media eventually for 'brand-awareness, project-growth, world-adjusting impact etc', these media will eventually help as a revenue stream.

See samples:

What Activities Will Happen In The Hub In Relation To STEEM Growth And How Will The Hub Sustain Itself?

While it is not an easy feat to accomplish, i have looked into 'the sustainability of the hub' and it is very possible to achieve. 

My primary focus will be on 'rendezvousing people'. This means that the hub will be located in a vibrant location, one filled with potential visitors. That established, i would also put effort towards creating awareness to the hub starting with nearby colleges, marketing it as a hangout-spot for college-students, especially IT-students. 

Where we can begin to gather people in the hub, i will engage them with 'a curriculum of simple fun-activities' that inculcates in them 'real life' tenets. I may introduce them to the simple art of ulogging (on STEEM) for instance, with a focus on media-creation (e.g interviews, recorded-activities, live-streams etc.)

With each gathering, we will evolve 'a network of brothers/sisters' according to interests e.g graphic designers, animators, artists, videographers, programmers etc. 

Since our main focus is with 'programmers', as we begin to identify 'a base of programmers/programming-enthusiasts', we will introduce them to the 'Macrohard enterprise-model' and allow them to hone their expertise, using our projects (which are on STEEM) as case-study. This will keep the development of our projects in motion. 

At month '3', where we have established 'a network of brother-programmers', we can start teaching programming to participants in the hub, for a fee, introducing them to the STEEM blockchain. Each lesson and activity, will generate its own media, giving us extra potential income-stream via content-sharing etc.

Altogether, MACROHARD is its own enterprise. With a solid network of 'brother programmers', we can go on to develop '', a blockchain-based social network platform for programmers. At this stage, we can begin building projects for others at a minimal cost or free. We can also offer consultancy to non-coder programmers for a fee. (Read a detailed publication about the Macrohard enterprise model here!)

Overall, while we focus on generating a revenue-stream from the physical hub itself, we are hoping that the hub helps us build our projects and those of many others. 

In truth, we intend to get a MACROHARD hub located all across the Philippines and across the world. This is very possible.

NOTE: I will seek to grow a large network with a base of 500 people. Each one of these 500 people will have 'a brother mentality'. With this base, we can bring tangible long-lasting awareness to any project. Among our goals will be to build and promote as many STEEM projects as possible.

A major part of the success of this endeavor is 'my health-recovery' and the existence of a physical hub will help me in this regard. As i become able to allocate some of my tasks to others, i can begin my 'health-recovery' and regain fitness and a 'fit me' is 'your boy Terry' and 'your boy Terry' can do a lot. 

Over the course of time, we can begin to adjust the world, till humans start to shine again; 'in the image of the Creator Jehovah'.

Surpassing google.

Read full version of my proposal...

You Can Also Support Me I Other Ways.

Your Boy Terry, whether bulls or bears


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Contact Me:

Email: [email protected]

Telegram: @surpassinggoogle

Discord: surpassinggoogle#1660

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Just voted your "surpassinggoogle" witness. Thanks for showing enthusiasm for Steem, kudos!

Thank you for the vote.

great work!

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Thank you

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Congratulations @surpassinggoogle! You deserve it.

Thank you

I am a great fan of TERRY from the day1.
He is such a great guy. and terry it is gonna be a real fun working with you.

Thank you bro

I've been watching your project. You got my vote kababayan.

Been too hard. Been the slowest of all to bring anything to full fruition but I have learned a lot. Thank you a lot bro. Been long time and you have been here. Still hoping to find a developer located in Manila that can help me.

Just voted. Good luck!

HIVE Could Face a Massive Class Action Lawsuit for Intellectual Property Theft


A group of rogue members of the Steem blockchain community have unilaterally copied the intellectual property of millions of content creators without even the slightest decency to even attempt to seek their consent...

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