Let Wife Cheat for Christmas

in marriage •  6 years ago 

Still no MGTOW? Really? After this INFERNO?

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When i learned (through the grapevine) that a technician in a hospital said that 1/4 of all children were not the fathers based on blood types, my brain just froze up.


And that is the lower, minimum, floor value. What would happen if every father gets a DNA test?

Another interesting statistic is that women were asked, "if you got pregnant by another man, would you pass it off as your husbands?"

1/3 said they would never do it.
1/3 said they would.
1/3 said they did.

Fortunately (or unfortunately) children in the future will be seen to belong to the tribe/community. A man will not be strapped with provisioning, all men will be given an equal share of the burden.

It is sad that the responsibility can not rest on the man who did it,
not because the men aren't stepping up,
but because Horizontal Orientated Entertainers LIE.

yeah i've heard that too