in martesfilosofal •  7 years ago 


I wish you a good life, healthy, defined, rational, free, happy, intellectual, successful, blessed and full of love.

In the first place, I must emphasize that Philosophy is based on the ideas put forth by the great thinkers, according to their theories and intrinsic reflections on the essence and its properties, causes and natural consequences; both in human and in the universe and in their phenomenological and adaptive interrelations.

In this sense, it is noteworthy that etymologically the Philosophy comes from the Greek "philo = fileín = love" and "sophy = sofía = wisdom"; which as a discipline was born in the West in response and with rationally logical ideas, against the old approaches based on magic and the supernatural.

In this context, the Popular Philosophy was born, conceived and cultivated by German Illuminist Philosophers (Illuminatis?), Almost 300 years ago.

Among the basic principles of Popular Philosophy is the rational fact of bringing to the people plain, humble and non-specialist, the philosophical, systematic and sophisticated concepts, exposed in the academies; but, oriented in a simple way, such that it is understandable by all people.

Fundamentals of Popular Philosophy

.- Its main foundation, is that all people can be able to understand Philosophy, only if it is explained clearly and precisely, without technicalities.

.- It is based on "Eclecticism", which is guided by common sense and by the "healthy understanding of human".

.- It focuses on the "Enlightenment" and the philosophical components of Wolffianism (Von Wolff), combined with "Empiricism", "Sensism" and "Deism"; all focused on human wisdom.

.- Its development is linked to the rediscovery of the thought of Spinoza (Romantic Philosophy), and the doctrines of the great philosophers of the Enlightenment, such as Voltaire, Diderot, D'Alembert and Rousseau.

.- The duty to stay away from established political, economic and social power is recommended; but, very close to the town and its citizen, because its Philosophical structure is more social than political or economic.

Popular Philosophy for Good Life

Starting from the previously reviewed, an important current of the "Popular Philosophy" is inserted, which is managed by some important Philosophers who almost secretly, have been careful to link it with the "Philosophy of Life"; whose conjunction of rational and utilitarian logic, particularly I like very much.

In short, the fusion of both currents generates my approach, which opts for a "Popular Philosophy for Good Life", whose humanistic structure is oriented in love, in the spiritual and in the community of cooperation; but, without the heavy burden that means all kinds of selfishness and mediocrity; although the intrinsic and the material are considered: idealism and pragmatism in quasi-perfect humanist marriage (not populist); in accordance with the values, beliefs, customs, traditions and principles of the united people.

That is, the "Popular Philosophy for Good Life" is a proposal that is structured in a self-critical and perfect way to serve as a structural guide for the progress of the people, with its theoretical character consistent with the practical scheme of continuous improvement, tangible in the way of being, feeling, thinking, speaking, acting, omitting and existing of all the people united.

On the other hand, it is pertinent to emphasize that the "Popular Philosophy for Good Life", as its genesis recommends, it has as its fundamental principle to stay away from the established political, economic and social power; but, that does not prevent its from staying very close to the town and its citizen. In this context, it is noteworthy that their Philosophical approaches even serve to elaborate the "Constitution" of a country and to channel the dogma and curricular educational reform of a nation.

However, it is clarified that the "Popular Philosophy for Good Life" can not be imposed or designed by one or several Philosophers to insert their ideas in the people; on the contrary, it is the people who dictate the guidelines and the Philosopher or group of these, only serve as a conceptual guide for such purposes, establishing the relations between the idiosyncrasy of the people with love, happiness, cooperation, knowledge, progress, duties and rights, and the natural fact of fully enjoying life itself, without excesses and with the highest ethical and moral values and principles.

Source of All Images: https://giphy.com

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