Luke Cage - Season 2

in marvel •  7 years ago 


I'm a bit late to the party but I finally finished season two of Luke Cage tonight. Out of all the Marvel series on Netflix, Luke Cage would be second least favorite series, only getting beat out by the abysmal Iron Fist. I really felt the first season of Luke Cage tried too hard and just didn't land home for me. I just wanted a show about a badass super hero, not a show highlighting the social injustices of the world. Superhero shows are an escape from reality for me and I just don't feel Luke Cage ever delivered what I was looking for.

The second season didn't outperform the first by any stretch of the imagination and my wife and I really struggled to make it through the whole season. We finished tonight and I'm glad we did. While the season wasn't very good, they ending everything in a very intriguing position. A few of the weaker characters were removed and the overall narrative seems to be making a shift in a direction I never saw the show going. I left the season actually looking forward to season three whenever it comes out.

My biggest gripe about the season would be the story arc between Luke and Claire. I thought it was a terrible bit of writing with Claire basically taking a arbitrary stance that Luke Cage must reconcile with his father. The whole arc is pointless and took one of the best female characters across all of the Netflix Marvel series and ruined her for me. The irrational behavior was completely unnecessary and really took away from the series as a whole.

Moral of the story? Wasn't a big fan of season two but I'm optimistic season three will be better.

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Good expression that you told us