********* IN THE BEGINNING ********
"Boyo! Boyo!!", Mr Kapintajar's voice could be heard from afar.
"Yes Popo", he immediately ran from the green field towards the courtyard.
"What have you been doing on the outback?", he querried angrily. Boyo shivered
"I- I- was playing sticks with Safri and Lond." he stuttered.
"Oh I see. Clap for yourself." he gave a half-baked smile. Boyo knew it wasn't a time for jokes so he kept his pleading face and mouth mumb.
"How many times have I warned you not to play sticks in the morning? You should be milking the cows, chopping firewood or helping your mama pick pepper from the farm.", he roared. Whenever he was angry with Boyo for not doing his duties he roared. Boyo has been a very playful boy from the start. He loves to make friends, play sticks and not do chores.
"You are banned from sticks till I decide what to do with you". Mrs Dumosa Kapintajar walked in. She sensed the tension in the atmosphere because she had heard her husband's aggression from the kitchen.
"Who wants some Samosa Pie?", she touched Kapitajar's long chin beard and tased him. He became absolutely calm. The rage in his eyes were gone in a second. He walked out from the living room towards the dinning room.
"Let's go eat". He said.
After he left, Dumosa quickly approached Boyo crouching in a corner of the room out of fear. "Get up Boyo. You know better than to annoy your father. You are no longer a kid. You should allow the Spirit of Amadina, our goddess of peace to lead you to eternal peace."
Boyo responded without a word. He could feel hot tears welling in his eyes and he knew that any moment of emotive expression will lead to a downpour. So he kept shut. Mum rubbed his head with her palm. It smelled of sweet samosa pie and honey chippings. His tummy churned as they walked into the dinning room for breakfast.
"Wake up Boyo", his dad tapped him.
He was still stretching and turning on the bed. "Boyo!" This time around, it seemed his Popo's roar pierced his consciousness and he jumped up.
"Wear your hunting cloak. We are leaving".
"To where Popo?", Boyo queried with a quizzical look. Before Kapintaja could answer Mrs Dumosa came in.
"Popo..." she placed an arm over his shoulder in order to get his attention. "Where are we going to this time?"
"Not you. I'm taking Boyo for hunting. He needs to understand what it means to live out here in the Calahr Jungle.
"Isn't he a little too young to play with the fire animal?"
"I was younger than him when I killed my first Draconius. You know the danger out here we let these things fly about and burn us alive".
"Boyo let's go." Mr. karpintaja held the little boy by the arm and took him outside.
"At least the boy should have a proper meal. I made him his favourite Samosa pie and walnut fries with hot milk". Dumosa pleaded.
"Not this time milove. He's gonna be okay with roasted grasshopper and wild fruit juice". He waved her goodbye with his right hand and used the left hand to lift Boyo unto the his horse Mil.
"You are gonna learn the reality today Boyo", he said as he climbed Mil's saddle. "We have protected you enough".
They rode off into the thick bush stopping only at the end of the night to drink water from the tributaries of River Asma. 2 days later they got to Dargon Bay - the home of Draconius.
The night was dark and the moon was sleeping.
The sky was lighted up by the tiny lights of stars. The camp fire made by Kapintajar was blazing throughout the forest. From a distance you could hear the loud wails of draconuis and the screeching sound they made. A normal mortal will be scared by these sounds but not Karpintajar. He had no fear of death for he has seen it firsthand. He was fierce, bold and strong. He has experience as a warrior and is one of the tallest men in the Vikingland.
Today, he was going to usher his son into the Vikingdom of Draconarius tribe. They were the protectors of the Vikingdom and the king was very proud of them. He is said to have killed the "mother of dragons" with his bare hands by snapping the life cord located beneath its neck. He also killed the hottest dragon with a spear right into its heart. So it was a thing of sadness to the dragons that he was around. They know his scent. No wonder they wailed.
Soon enough a herd of other Draconarians started flooding in. When they saw Karpintajar, they hailed and bowed. He was their leadheader and he always leads by example by coming first. He went about making small talk and introducing his son to other members of the tribe.
"You brought your son for the 'fire dance' hunting?" A pot-bellied one-eyed man asked while gulping from his cup of aile wine.
"Yes. Its about time he learnt how to be a Draconarius". Kapintajar replied.
"You will learn boy! Stay awake for the creatures of the night are coming for us all...and only the brave shall ..." He was interrupted by a loud howl. "They are close people. Lets drink aile and fight" he raised his cup of aile and some other men cheered.
"Quick! Quick!! Stay in formation. Forward attack, backward defend. Draw your spears and wait. We shall defend unto death."
"SHALL DEFEND UNTO DEATH". The men chorused. About 300 voices could be heard all at once. It echoed into the hills of Dragon Bay. And a draconius wailed louder this time.
While the men were organizing themselves Karpintaja knelt on one knee and drew his son closer. "You hear that sound Boyo..." he awaited a reply.
"Yes Popo", he was shivering from fear.
"When a dragon howls like that it means its angry and its coming to attack."
"Why is it angry Popo?"
"We are in their territory. They know we brought war to them. SO they sent Splitti to do the job."
"Why did we bring war to them Popo? Can't we make peace?" there was fear and curiousity in his voice.
"You will soon learn that the draconius are never your friend. They are dangerous animals and they must be annihiliated". He paused, used his palm to brush Boyo's brown hair. There was a closer and louder howl again. "I must go now. Draw your tiny sword and watch".
Suddenly, a large flying beast appeared in the sky. Boyo has always heard about the epic tales of dragons but he has never seen it. That's wow! He thought! What must it be like to fly so high. His thoughts were interrupted when he saw fire burning some of his kinsmen. It almost got his father but he dived to safety. The men were crying in pains while some died instantly. Within few minutes, everywhere was already in flames.
Next the dragon used its tail to slice one of the men into 2 incompatible parts from his head to his buttocks. Boyo couldn't watch anymore. He knelt down and bowed his head. Just then Kapintajar noticed Splitti making a way for his son. With its deadly claws it grabbed Boyo by the cloak and within minutes he was in the air. Boyo was screaming for help. The men were startled. With a stroke of genius his Popo threw a spear with all the force he could muster towards Splitti's leg. It made a hit. Draconius immediately left the boy to fall and made its way back to their cave.
Boyo landed with so much force after bouncing off branches of trees. By the time he reached the floor, blood was all over his body. His grey hunting robe was soaked. The men gathered round. A man in a flowing robe rushed to Boyo with the father kneeling beside him.
"He's not breathing" he shaked his head after listening with one ear over his nose. " We have to take him to the spirit woman"
"No! the spirit woman is not having my son. If he can't survive it then he goes. Valutopi is a better place after all." Karpintaja quipped trying to sound smart and brave. But everyone was horrified. They wondered why he brought the little boy here to Dragon Valley and they couldn't find an answer.
"This is your son and he needs help. The time for bravery is over. And he's too young to join the spirits at Valutopi", the Sonali their seer said. "Use your horse and run him to the Elvarikansee", he seemed to say the minds of all the men. They nodded in approval.
"Who's stepping into the huts of an old woman. Remove your heart for its only needed in war. Drop your lock of hair for its the food for the spirits. A drop of blood to make the gods smile".
Elvarikansee screamed into the air with her high-pitched voice. She was behind a transparent curtain with light flashing on her image and casting a shadow of an old woman standing with a walking stick.
"There it is mi-lady" Karpintaja tried to sound polite.
"I am not your lady. I am Elvarikansee the only mortal daughter of Amadina. I speak peace. I see life. I take death." Her voice was young and vibrant. "Now leave my hut for the spirits are about to visit. Keep the boy on the floor".
Popo did as he was instructed and left.
Elvas' servants took the boy and laid him on an altar. They removed his clothes and cleaned him up. Boyo was as still as the night itself. His face was white and his body was cold. After that the 3 women sat down, held hands and chanted some ancient songs in their native Vikinish language.
They continued for minutes to hours... Soon everywhere begins to shake. There was a heavy wind. The trees waved their branches. The curtains danced and the spirits came.
Everywhere became dreamy.
Elvarikansee was holding Boyo's hand. They were under a big tree that bore white apples. It had fresh green leaves and sweet smelling flowers. Pretty and colourful birds flirted in the air around it. it was like their source of life. Elva plucked one of the white flowers, smelled it and gave Boyo. "The spirits welcome you".
"Thank you milady," he too smelled it. He immediately felt satisfied of hunger. He felt strong from weakness. His pains disappeared.
"See!" she pointed into the distance. There was a dragon hovering in the sky above them. Boyo flinched. He was scared.
"Fear not Boyo", something inside him calmed immediately. He could easily imagine she was his mum giving him his favourite Samosa pie with honey shavings. She is a beautiful woman just like his mother.
"It killed me".
"Oh no! Far from it my boy you are not dead. You are even more alive now. She saw something attractive in you. That's why she wanted to keep you to herself but the humans interrupted."
"I don't understand milady"
" You see Boyo...all creatures are the handiwork of Amadina. They want peace, love and happiness. So they are drawn to anyone that can give them that."
"I saw it burn many of my kinsmen. Thats no peace"
"Dont call Splitti 'it'. She's a woman dragon. She's only defending her territory from attack. Watch me".
She let go of his hand knelt down on one knee, crossed her heart, closed her eyes and said:
"Draconius. Draconius. I call you to come forth
I yearn to see you closer. Show me your worth"
Immediately there was a whistling sound like a bat coming from the direction of Splitti. Soon the heavy-weight creature perched on the hill where they were standing. The wind from its wings almost blew Boyo away. The draconius took some steps forward. It looked at Boyo eyeball to eyeball and roared. He immediately clutched Elvarikansee's hands tighter.
"Fear not Boyo. He won't hurt you. When he roars do the same too. Its his way of greeting you".
The spirit woman rubbed the draconius on the forehead. She almost made the sound that Rabdo- Boyo's dead dog- makes when you pet it on the head. Splitti crouched and lay down.
"Go ahead. Touch her".
Boyo hesitated at first but gained more confidence as he saw that Splitti didn't harm him. He even touched the sharp canine teeth. "wow! I like Splitti".
He had been so engrossed with the adventures of draconius that he didn't notice that the spirit woman was now standing behind at the base of the tree. "Its time to go Boyo. We need to go and wake your body up before you run out of time."
Voom! They were gone!
Boyo woke up in his mother's arms.
He opened his eyes to see her smiling face. "Welcome back honey. We were scared for you. Milord he's awake!" she shouted in the direction of the living room.
The whole family came in this time. Uncle Flotus, Aunt Birinda and Aunt Catelina were all there. His friends Safri and Lond were present too. He smiled at them. Aunt Catelina was carrying a big Custard cake and apple juice.
"Lets celebrate and make merry! My son is alive!" Mr Karpintajar said immediately he walked in. His friends cheered him too.
They cut the cake and gave Boyo a big share. He devoured it and asked for more. Its been 5 days since he left home and since then he hasn't had a proper meal. Kapri and Lond surrounded him as he told them wonderful tales of the draconius Splitti and other battle field stories. They were scared but they loved it anyway.
That night they were all happy and slept peacefully.
Early the next morning before the chirping bird could sing its morning song, there was a loud whistling outside.
It sounded like thousands of bats were in the air. Boyo woke up startled. He knew that sound. Splitti was here.
Next he heard the alarm bell ringing "gong! gong!! gong!!!"
Within seconds, the whole city was wide awake. They all ran helter-skelter. Confused. Its been over 30 years since that draconius visited their land. The last time they came, many people died and their city was in ruins. Now, it seems the Draconarians have annoyed them again.
Mr. Karpintajar was already putting on his battle amoulet. He was commanding his men and putting them in formation. Boyo could hear his thunderous voice outside their courthouse.
"Today, We fight the enemy and destroy it. Today, we take back the destiny of our people from the fire of draconius. We are the draconarians. We are the last hope of our generation and we shall defend unto death."
"SHALL DEFEND UNTO DEATH"...his men chorused.
Boyo looked from the window. He could see that the draconius were too many. They out-numbered the men and they were more powerful. One draconius could destroy the whole town alone.
"Why do you think they all came?" the pot-bellied man queried while holding his cup of aile wine.
"They came to annihiliate us because we annoyed them." their leadheader replied him.
"I dont think so. Splitti alone can do the job. I have experience with animals I can sense when there is something more. I think they came for a party."
"What do you mean? They came to fight. And we shall defend unto death"
"We may not have to die for nothing. Not today. I can't feel death".
"Ready your girdle. forward attack. backward defend. Spear out!" Karpintajar commanded his men. They held formation.
All the draconius had perched. They weren't attacking. It was the first time they were seeing them all on the floor.
"We have to attack. Now!" Karpintajar's voice penetrated his men's ears. They can't disobey orders even though something in them is telling them that this is a mistake. They charged forward. Still none of the draconius showed any signs of despair.
"I think they want to make peace with us", the pot-bellied man counselled their headleader.
Suddenly, Splitti roared. Boyo roared too from behind the battle-ready men. They paused to understand what just happened. Boyo walked through their middle to the big beast. They were too surprised to say a word. He rubbed her cheeks and she mellowed. He then knelt on one knee, crossed his heart, closed his eyes and said:
"Draconius! Draconius!! I call you to fly me
Take me so high in the sky. If you wish let it be"
He then climbed unto her beastly back holding unto her hairs. "Hello friends and family. Meet Splitti and other draconius. They are here to make peace with us. They want to be our friends and apologize for throwing me down". Silence reigned on them all. More people had gathered outside in the field.
"Come take a ride Popo. Everyone pick your dragon".
"What are you doing Boyo? What's going on? Thats the beast that tried to kill you!" Karpintajar was perplexed.
"I will explain it all later. You see all creatures are drawn towards peace, love and happiness. Let's give them that and we shall have it too." Boyo was so confident. No one has ever seen him this way before. They could tell that something must have happened to him in the after-life.
"Safri and Lond! Come pick your dragon". The boys stepped forward. If Boyo could do it, they could too. They mounted 2 dragons.
The men all looked at themselves secretly communicating with their eyes. There were murmurings from other villagers at the back.
Karpintajar approached a dragon. This one had a golden face and purple eyes. It showed no signs of rage so he rubbed its cheek. It mellowed for him. He climbed the back. "All hail the Amadina, god of peace for bringing us this gift. Men, friends and brethren...if you want to take a ride, this is the best time to fly".
With this new confidence, they all cheered as they ran forward. There was more than enough draconius for everyone so they all picked what they liked. And for the first time in the history of Vikingdom, the Draconarians learnt how to fly a dragon.
By midday, word had gotten to Octus Septaginus III - the king of Vikingdom.
So he invited Boyo and his clan to come for a royal dinner in the palace. There they were awarded the "knights of peace" and Boyo became the youngest knight to ever walk the face of the earth at 8 years old.
The king later officially named all the dragons. The most special one was reserved for the boy. She is to be called Boyorius Splitti.
******** THE END *********
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A very beautiful and touching story, @nairadaddy!
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You are welcome bro. I'm glad you like it. Cheers!!!
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Bro, as I saw your post.... I quickly rushed to come have a look.... But what I'm see right now is an interesting story that I will have to come back come read at a more free time.....
I wanna go put a post up for my friend ( @olanrewaju ) birthday.....
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Oh wow. That's okay bro. Its a long story and needs time to be digested. Happy birthday to @olanrewaju!
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As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!
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Hello, @nairadaddy. Lol. That was a really long and interesting one. Seems you enjoy anime toons. I do too...
fly your Dragon Sir.
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Oh. That's cool bro. I do enjoy those animations. Their stories are wow! Let's go fly Splitti! lolx.
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