"MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL” is the title of an extremely illuminating and cogent video summary of the techniques of inducing mass psychosis. Just as an individual can be driven temporarily or even permanently insane by the application of torture techniques, hypnotism and mind altering drugs, a group of people can be so deranged. These techniques can be and have been scaled up from individuals in cells and mental hospitals and prisons in the 1950s, to an entire sub-society of young people lured and groomed in the Haight Ashbury district of San Francisco in the 1960s and finally, through the concentration and globalization of all media, print and broadcast, news and “entertainment”, conventional and digital, whole societies have been induced into a state of delusion. Our Canadian society, and American and British and Australian society, are most firmly in the grip of an induced mass neurosis.
This video rightly charges “the ruling class” with being the organizer of this mass torture. But typically the executive group, the private army the global ruling class employs, remains in shadow. This army is international covert Intelligence.
Shortly after the Korean War the mechanics of psychological torture were studied scientifically and the results would have been picked up by covert Intelligence world-wide. Today the world public is being subjected to the stress, isolation, fear mongering, threats and coercion that characterize psychological torture.
The executive end of the Covid/Pandemic Psychological Operation is international covert Intelligence, the central office of which is the CIA. This agency and its brothers, principally MI6, have spent 75 years in the service of international corporate dynastic wealth and in that service they have gained preponderating influence in every public medium (and over the last 20 years in every digital medium even as founders) and they have become experts in hypnotizing the global masses. They have induced neurosis in millions of people, this is the core of our problem.
This is what has resulted from a year and a half of conditioning done to a plan schooled by a human lifetime of acquisition of skills in perverting, torturing, drugging and hypnotizing individuals in experimental settings from Haight Ashbury in the 1960s to Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay. These methods of mind destruction and mind control are scalable and applicable to the masses. This is the terrible success of the terrible experiment of the last year. Canada is an intense laboratory for research in this diabolical skill. Few of us here have any knowledge of the CIA's MKUltra program in the '60s and the CIA funded research carried on by Dr Ewan Cameron using LSD overdoses on unsuspecting mental patients. This is one piece of evidence I know which goes into my picture of what has been done and what is now being done by the CIA here in Canada.
Consider if you will, how pervasive an artificial atmosphere most people who live the active modern life are bathed in. Most people have a TV which marinates them in advertising and “mainstream news” even when they don’t pay attention to it. Most people these days spend much of their working and leisure hours attentively peering at computer screens large or small. They carry little TVs around in their pockets and they chat with friends and shop online and play games and get all their knowledge through the cell phone. They are already half in an artificial world every waking moment. They have no idea how organized are the thoughts they call their own. The global media industries are owned by a group of people so small they couldn’t fill up he average high school classroom.
The means of hypnotizing and dementing a global society of middle class people, most crucially young people, the movers of modern global society, have been perfected and the targets of this hypnosis have been deeply implanted with denial. Nonsense shouted at the victim night and day, a closed atmosphere shutting out the light of reality, drugs to deepen the trance, induced fear and disorientating schedules of reward and punishment: all these features once confined to nameless prisons have now been “marketed” to the masses.
Mass delusion is maintained by mass hypnosis and it has led to a mass psychosis. Whole societies can go crazy. It happened to Germany in the 20 years between the First and Second World wars. Now it’s happening to a global polity. Just as mass madness was induced then it is being induced now. And the victims of it have been induced to be blind to what is right in front of their faces. But just as it was back then, inducing mass psychosis is easy for those rich enough and connected enough to pay for mass psychological torture, but stopping the madness and directing it? Not so easy, not so predictable.
Those who so arrogantly plant whisperings in the unconscious depths of the ancient, convoluted human heart forget one thing. They are just as subject to madness as any other human. The mass madness of global pandemic hysteria started with the insanity of the global elite.
People like Bill Gates and the Rockefellers who mentored him, people like the founders of the Club of Rome and the Global Alliance for Vaccinations and Immunization are isolated from reality by their very wealth and power. Our delusion began with their delusion. They are the natural vectors of the most ancient and diabolical madness of all. They believe that they can and they should control all of humanity to the depths of every human mind. There is no more persuasive madness.
They, the global ruling class of multibillionaires, old money and new, are on a crusade to destroy all of civilized society for the good of humanity so that they can clear the field of obstruction and build a new world of happy robots. The psychotic delusion which they attempt to induce in us all, they have been the first victims of it. They believe themselves to be gods. Their forebears created hell on earth during the twentieth century. It was called World War One and World War Two. This is what World War Three looks like. This war is being waged in the spiritual realm, in our minds and our hearts.
But I think the global torturers have made a big mistake. If you go too far too fast with the application of pain the victim can have another response, he can rally his anger against you. When the subject of torture becomes the mass of humanity the experiment escapes control. Madness is uncontrollable. Let slip the dogs or war and they will turn and rend you.
We are not lab rats. We can and we do wake up when the very means of life are threatened as they are being threatened today by the global lockdowns. There are masses who have been imprisoned in mass delusion so that they call for more imprisonment, longer lockdowns, suffocation of children in masks. But there are masses of people who have been awakened by their own anger. Masses of protesters against forced “vaccinations” and “Vaccination Passports” have gathered in hundreds and in thousands and even in tens and hundreds of thousands in Paris, Berlin, London, Sydney, Melbourne and even Toronto and Vancouver. Interesting times are just ahead.