A learned sage once said that "only a real thief has the temerity to take from others without giving back and thus he breaks the cycle of the universal energy of giving and receiving.”
Unfortunately, this holds particularly true for an outfit that masquerades as an event promotion company. They are known as “MasterMind Promotion.” A suitably apt title since they are not much different from criminal masterminds. We can say this from bitter personal experience since we have already lost USD$15,000 to these duplicitous people.
oBait-and-Switch Tactics
The owner of the outfit, Michael Eastwood, is the undisputed king of the art of double-dealing. His greatest weapon is his use of the bait-and-switch tactic.
Basically, bait-and-switch is generally considered to be a form of fraud that is often used by unscrupulous people like Michael Eastwood. First, innocent clients are willfully "baited" by deceitful agents who offer them an excellent deal. However, this is a con game and once the helpless client is trapped, they switch over to charging extremely high rates for nonexistent services.
In Eastwood’s case, this despicable individual has actually managed to get away with pretty much stealing all of the funds entrusted to him by unsuspecting musicians and other clients. Once they get the advance, they simply refuse to deliver the services for which they have already charged!
For example, he took a lot of funds from the US artist, ‘The Von,' on his last year’s European tour. In fact, Michael Eastwood and his equally fraudulent MasterMind Productions promised to deliver a full package of services that included the following:
oA live video from the June 8, 2018 performance at the 02 in London
oA music video for a new single release
oMany other services to be rendered by July of 2018
All payments and balances were paid in full by the hard-working artist to this company more than a year ago. But not a single service was delivered. Consequently, the artist had to return home empty-handed.
This message is actually a shout out for all those genuine artists who are really interested in building their future and budgeting their limited funds to create a truly magical PR campaign.
Unfortunately, if you are unlucky enough to allow MasterMind Media to handle your campaign and other public relations work, particularly if you are from another country, then you can just forget about ever recovering your funds. You will only receive a barrage of excuses since the outfit is great at playing the blame game. They don’t hesitate to blame their clients in order to cover their own mistakes.
You should also beware of the fact that the owner of this wretched outfit loves to invite people to a really expensive fine dining experience. However, this ultimately means that you have just paid for the experience yourself.
oBottom Line
“If you ever decide to shake Michal Eastwood’s hand, you better count your fingers afterward.”