I tend to be restless when birthing (developing) novel logic and technologies, music helps...
I think I can carve or set, an entire hard-drive of information in stone/ faux stone ..bronze maybe?
People are going to lose the limitations in their mind's eye, when they understand what is being developed ..if this does not make them say WOW, nothing will.
Onto the probing...
While listening to music, I noticed that 1, 2 and 6 can make any number from 1 to 9, with addition, subtraction or no change.
The factorial.py software, functions correctly at the lower limit, the "factorial of 1" yields no logical response.
Chicken scratch, from the probings to success.
Part of the solution required, a step in development: Segment / multiplier / remainder
Segment / exponent / multiplier / remainder
Segment / seg exponent + seg multiplier / remainder
F(seg) = S^E + S*M + R
Now I am writing and solving math problems like Dean, while squinting to confirm what lay beyond the perception of my mentors (precision, from mathematical exploration, using that which is known).
I needed special training because I was solving math problems in my mind's eye, without writing each detailed step of the operation. After tutoring, to go over the detailed presentation of each mathematical solution, I had excellent grades (I had correct answers without using a pencil ..but teachers wanted the initial chicken-scratch for proof).
My father had me solving multiplication, while wrestling, bretzeled and out of breath.
Imagine every word humanity has written, all the data stored, reconstituted from what may be less than twenty characters.
Shorter yet?
..a quick demo ..10^(10^6)
..only nine, including brackets, one character less.
Only nine characters, store enough logic to reconstitute one million, a long text for example.
In trinary/ ternary encoding, the text stored would begin with the letter i ..100 = (1 * 9)+(0 * 3)+(0 * 1), ending with 333,000 empty-spaces (000).
Last call for bigotry in North America, before people like myself wipe your asses out entirely, off the continent Nazi-harbouring shithead majority, that ate Muslims and vulnerable North American victims for two decades ..ROT FASTER!
Those Dulles types in American history, are part of America's unfortunate tradition of bigotry and white supremacy.
During the two decade-long infiltration of the Commonwealth (lawlessness and cruelties implemented), Her Majesty decorated guilty members of the bigot brigade next door ..their Majesties can ASK, if the people who defended the Canadian land would like to deal with them.
I see Jocko and others making necessary efforts, while standing in a mess that DOES belong to all those who ran away from it, two decades of neglected victims.
Croak Nazi-helpers, with your upward-pointing blades from the cover of Hitler's "Mein Kampf" stapling your dummy mouth shut, permanently.
War is very different for those FORCED to defend themselves, from infiltration and invasion each day. We speak NONE of the same tactics nor logic yet. Underdog in Canada surviving for twenty years, alone against thirty million turncoats ..Americans have approximately 300 million.
Totenkopf-toting turncoats and pirates, prefer to live without laws ..extending the mess to international law, during nearly eight Nazi-harbouring decades ..the Green Berets because bigots do not mind sending bigots and Nazi war criminals, to implement global Nazism and SEGREGATION during eight lost decades (ahem ..USA, Germany and Israel were first, to indulge the implementation of Axis FORCES).
I had not trained my strikes, since having grown taller at the age of thirty-six, from 5'2" to 5'6". The more I know, about what those constables and detectives did while they wore Nazi symbols under their armour driving FORD patrol cars ..it is difficult to explain, I am the little guy that is usually picked-on for too long ..then everyone is surprised, the day the bullying ends ..with broken faces and pools of blood.
The problem I foresee, they were armed, masked and many ..I am now three to four inches taller, I have a tattoo of a dragon, agreement with myself to hit no one, to find non-physical solutions to conflicts. They try so hard, to make me infringe upon my agreement. My immediate family and children are all gone ..I mean business, the enemy cannot afford honour.
Sorting Nazi-helpers of EVERY cultural heritage, that did ANYTHING for a dollar during the war, to feed their children because they went to sit first at a game of musical chairs (Muslim-eaters).
The French Canadians manipulated and killed our families, sounds a lot like British history ..infanticides and stolen children ..a sicko white supremacy-harbouring majority exists at the moment.
Oh YeaH! ..only two more days muzzled by Zuckerbaby the Nazi-helper, till I go STRAIGHT BACK into Facebook jail another thirty-days, for fighting against Nazism each day and breath. He should have a hole in the back of his head, not me. He is a proven Nazi-harbouring white supremacy indulging shame to the Jewish community.
It cannot be said enough times ..Croak Nazi-helpers, with your upward-pointing blades from the cover of Hitler's "Mein Kampf" stapling your dummy mouth shut, permanently.