New World End

in mcmaster •  7 years ago 

Screenshot at 2017-08-09 08-21-08.png

The New World Order (NWO) has been taking over humans, historically, geographically, culturally, religiously, morally, chemically, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, socially, and more.

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I always find it amusing that people say "NWO is a conspiracy theory" neglecting the fact that there are many, MANY examples of World "Leaders" talking about exactly that, forging a new world order.

Agreed. A new world order (NWO) means globalism, globalization, a one world government, technocracy, corporatism, plutocracy, monopolies, and other things and Bush Senior talked about it and, like you said, Gary, other leaders talked about it and wrote books about it as far back as the 1800's AD or maybe even before that.
Open borders is an example of globalism which is both good and bad. People like to talk about how the EU and the NWO and TPP and NAFTA and certain things help us trade and exchange. They told me that globalism helps the world trade better. But I say that we have already been able to buy and sell between different countries for centuries without alleged help or globalism ro whatever people may call it.
