Very Happy Today! Actual Friends on Steemit!

in me •  5 months ago 

There was huge hurricane floating across the Caribbean towards I wrote the play by play that we Heavenly Hosties did. If I told you what we did, you would not believe it. So even though it was ten pages with my local time written down as things were done to mitigate total second strike disaster, you still would not believe it.

That's why we are friends and I have them and I am glad. Although from doing the above, I hurt bad today.

This only is the only important part of the whole day:

"I want it known," Jesus, the Great Soul, who comes again and again said, "I am the one who hands out THE POINTS AS REWARDS!" Here, I have obeyed. I am thankful and I received 2 sextillion points.

The other thing that is important is my friend, commander, and guardian angel Pat said, "We have a lot of points between us and what do you think about after you are full-time we buy property some place other than Earth?"

Well during what I/We did above, I was finally able to work on that DirectX 12 Marble Maze game a little and I finally got the mouse coordinates correct. Because people who are serious about defending the Constitution of their Country can walk and chew gum at the same time.

Then I had to do something whatever it was, it became dark outside and up went another evil light towers of drought by our lovely, beneficent, caring, and concerning neighbors who have left a lot of ruins from abandoned properties over the years of their tyrannical reign over the valley.

@soulsdetour wrote to me about why I should not just grab new people and resteem their posts because... And I appreciate it that she cares.

@sultan-aceh he is busy working away at making furniture and growing chilis which if I could get water, we could have a contest because...

@builderofcastles realized that tornadoes are "electrical phenomenon" and grounding works to lessen the damage.

@wakeupkitty demands that posts should follow the rules and she is the queen of Steemit! I do read it but I am a man, old, that reads and writes on a phone for now. And I have to wear x10 magnifying glasses to do it. So you know, you will as you age understand what I am talking about.

Soon my replacement TV will arrive from TCL, and I will get monitor back

It's old, a lot does not work, like the built in DVD Player but it lasted more than a decade, is not really a monitor but I will be able to read all the rules! Hopefully I can remember to follow all the rules after fighting in battles against aliens, which is...ever try turning a category 5 hurricane?
Obey the rules to do it!

I was thinking of making an international product as a gag. Now that women can drive in Islam, everywhere?

Peel and stick animal outlines for their cars like ace fighter pilots for every animal they hit and kill while they drive. Note for posterity, I almost got an antelope a month or so back. So, I guess that men and women would buy them.

@lifetrail wonders why, I wrote about how I could buy five dollars of ripple and on my phone at least would drop from a twelve thousand percent increase to near zero in a matter of days, while so many are crypto multimillionaires or billionaires.

And so on it goes. Now I erased my documentation of yesterday's activities and this morning my head rings, I went to a compromised outpost, it has rained, and I think I should most likely not have erased that?

Or, even though Elon Musk is an expert and says there are no such things as aliens, I would remind him of scripture in five, six, or seven major religions, what the Puritan settler from Virginia wrote...and won't apply to work for him.

Yes, @soulfuldreamer we might argue but your posts are revealing.

Now of course, as the Host and I attempted the taming of the shrew yesterday. Shrews must eat their weight every 24 hours or they starve to death. And pro-global warming via man made out to realize that just before each deadly hurricane the were huge solar flares. Which brings me to

@stef1 who suggested the solution was to use crowd funding and only friends do that and some of them want an independent Scotland but I don't.

@wiesser-rabe is a good friend on Steemit. She writes wonderful stories and I must be a pest to her but that's what friends are for.

@kiwiscanfly is a very interesting fellow and some sort manager or something and seems to be cool.

Yes, the Holy Trinity stopped in during the hurricane and that is when the eye first disappeared. And oh, I am not afraid of Florida and the crazy weather because one need not call forth the rain! And, the above mentioned massive storms and how one can intercede in their wrath or build a house of...

I included the above because I hope aftward, I won't end up in another compromised or High Demon made outpost.

They are so much fun, a cask of pain.

@remlaps so cool.

@oleh1 "They do not need to know whether I am joking," General George S. Patton responded to his aide during a battle of World War II, "Only I need to know whether or not I am serious about the orders I give." And he smiled at his aide. Which he also repeated during the battle against the darkness waged by "The Cult." Yes he was our general during that training battle. To think that I thought that was the real battle and I was done!

I hadn't even met Pat yet.

I am certain I have missed people who are friends here in this post. Sorry about that as this Wizard, Prophet, Angel of the Heavenly Host has placed to go and things to do where I get my ass severely kicked, the enemy sticks a hand crank egg beater in my head...

Well, I have switched to writing in Edge for now. Who knows what the future holds -

I can't believe it took me so long to fix the mouse in the DirectX 12 version of Marble Maze. I am sure my hacker squad hacks me hates the delay.

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It is difficult to comment here. :) I'm glad you mention me in such a post. Sometimes I try to protect people, and usually there's no need for that.
The stuff you're talking about looks like some kind of galactic video game (actually I have no idea because I don't have much experience with electronic or computer games). It's not easy for you. But it's probably more interesting than an average everyday life that 90% of people have.

It's kinda like being a monk. Guess what?

I figured out how to Dragon Naturally Speaking on my computer that is as powerful as a mainframe year's ago.

I don't have a speech impediment after all. The microphone was broken! All these years and I could have been writing by speech!