Never Let Anyone Call You Crazy For Doubting Establishment War Narratives

in media •  6 years ago 

There has still been no retraction or correction of The Guardian's demonstrably false and completely indefensible claim that two normal antiwar Twitter accounts were controlled not by real people but by bot programs based in Russia.

This is the sort of environment that has been created by the ongoing Russia panic that is plaguing the western world: one wherein mainstream news outlets can openly lie about dissenting voices and antiwar activists, refuse to retract or apologize for those lies, and suffer no consequences.

And yet they still have the gall to paint anyone who expresses doubt about the narratives they advance about Russia and Syria as crazy, kooky conspiracy theorists. Google the words "conspiracy" and "Syria" right now and you'll come up with countless editorials with headlines like "Syria war: The online activists pushing conspiracy theories", "Disinformation and Conspiracy Trolling in the Wake of the Syrian Chemical Attack", and "SYRIA GAS ATTACK CONSPIRACY THEORIES FUELED BY TUCKER CARLSON AND FAR-RIGHT FRINGE".

They're using the highly stigmatized label "conspiracy theories" to paint healthy, normal skepticism of a notoriously untrustworthy power establishment as mentally unsound paranoia.

The other day I wrote an article about the shocking number of blatant attack editorials the mass media machine has been churning out on anyone who questions the establishment Syria narrative, and that output has not slowed down since. Warmongering empire loyalists like senior Huffington Post editor Chris York have been hard at work making sure the output of McCarthyite smear pieces remains on rapid fire, accusing anyone advocating skepticism of the same establishment which lied us into Iraq and Libya of being a tinfoil hat-wearing nut job.

This fits an established pattern which we have discussed previously, wherein proponents of US-led military intervention accuse those who question their narratives of being mentally unsound. There is a word for the tactic of convincing someone that they are crazy in order to manipulate and control them, and that word is gaslighting. It is a textbook abuse tactic, and it isn't okay.

It isn't okay for these war whore pundits to bully and deceive us so that we will feel unsure of the basis for our skepticism and consent to the longstanding western agenda of regime change in Syria. It isn't okay for them to try to make people unsure of their mental health in order to pave the way toward public consent for broader bombing campaigns and no-fly zones in a sovereign nation under assault by western-backed jihadists. Never let anyone bully you into thinking that you are the strange, weird outlier for suspecting that a western empire who has sponsored actual, literal terrorist factions in Syria might lie about Iraq's next-door neighbor like they lied about Iraq.

Doubting the official narrative being advanced by mainstream media is the sanest thing in the world. The US-centralized power establishment has an extensive and well-documented history of using lies, propaganda and false flags to manufacture public support for preexisting war agendas, so it is perfectly sane to express concern about the legitimacy of the stories we're being told about Douma, the Skripal case, Russian hacking allegations etc. We've already got The Guardian lying unapologetically straight to our face right now about Russian bots while not one single mainstream editorial opposed the British, French and American bombing of Syria earlier this month, so it's obviously very sane to think the mainstream media may be advancing the interests of this war like they do every other.

Intense, rigorous skepticism is the only sane response to these narratives we're being pummeled with day in and day out, and they're trying to make us believe that the exact opposite is true.

Ian Shilling, one of the two Twitter account owners falsely labeled a Russian bot by The Guardian, appeared on Sky News a few days ago to defend himself and debunk the claims made about him. It was a truly brilliant appearance, and despite the open hostility showed him by the two Murdoch muppets hosting the show he was able not just to defend himself but to use the space to attack the warmongering neoconservative agendas being advanced by the UK government. As a representative of the many many regular flesh-and-blood humans on Twitter who are routinely dismissed as "Russian bots" simply for questioning establishment narratives, Ian knocked it out of the park and then some. He not only proved his humanity, he proved his sanity.

With the benefit of hindsight and not having been the one in the crosshairs, however, there was one part I thought could be handled a little differently. At one point in the interview, Shilling was articulating exactly why it would make no sense for Assad to have used chemical weapons in Douma as he is accused of having done, and one of the Sky News hosts demanded to know "Well if not, who then?"

Shilling provided the entirely reasonable speculation that it would have been the terrorists occupying the area who had every incentive to stage such an attack, but in my opinion it isn't necessary to even go that far. The burden of proof is on the party making the claim; it isn't up to us to flesh out a positive narrative about what happened using the limited information and resources afforded to bloggers and tweeters, it's up to the massive western power establishment to provide the kind of proof of their accusations that is required in a post-Iraq invasion world. This plainly has not happened.

You see this sneaky attempt to shift the burden of proof among empire loyalists all the time when debating such topics. A couple of months ago I wrote about how in a debate with Real News' Aaron Maté, John Feffer of Lobelog used the tactic of arguing that his belief in the still-unproven Russian hacking accusations arises from the absence of a better "counter-narrative" about what happened, the implication being that we should take the US intelligence community at their word unless presented with a more compelling case for what happened from somewhere else. We also saw it in the BBC's recent interview of Lord West, whose skepticism of the establishment Douma narrative was met with protestations that he didn't have any solid proof of anything else having happened than what we've been told by the western war machine.

Don't let them shift the burden of proof like that. We can point out, in the case of Douma for example, that the area was crawling with known terrorists who had every incentive to stage such an attack and gain the benefit of the western empire's air force bombing their sworn enemy over a crossed "red line", but we should also point out that it isn't our job to come up with a positive counter-narrative about what happened. The burden of proof is on the accuser, so it's their job to present us with a very solid collection of evidence that the alleged chemical attack could only have been perpetrated by the Assad government. Until then, our position that these people lied to us about Libya and Iraq and have a longstanding agenda of regime change in Syria is sufficient to declare decisive victory in any debate.

Don't let them shift the burden of proof, and don't let them gaslight you. You have truth on your side, and their side has a whole, whole lot of work to do before they have enough substantial evidence to even debate you rationally. They use these deceitful tactics because they are losing the debate, and because war is very profitable and advantageous for a few very powerful individuals. That's all that's happening here.

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Hi @caitlin

Really brilliant article, I really enjoyed reading this one. On top of that, the part your mention about how the interview could have been handled differently, for an even more crushing debate victory, by simply backing off and saying "This is not my job. You have a credibility problem right now, many people feel this way, you've been caught openly fabricating claims which you can't back up; that's why I'm here debating you, and to be frank, you don't have a leg to stand on and people are cottoning on to you..."

Bam. End discussion, because as you so rightly pointed out, the burden of proof falls on those advancing the claims. This is exactly how to beat a bully, sociopath and narcissist kind of energy at its own game. By holding firm to the rules of reality, being forewarned of their tactics, and handling the flow of energy in a way that is open and receptive, yet bold and firm... A flexible, yet unwavering "intense and rigorous skepticism" in the presence of fishy smells and things that just don't feel right and we need to talk about.

Love it.

You're a true exemplar of an activist and I really, really enjoy reading your write-ups. Very organic and authentic content :)

Being attacked by these ethically and morally devoid, bought and paid for sycophantic mainstream media shills should be accepted as a badge of honour, just like making it on to the PropOrNot list.

I like how Ian Shilling got out how Theresa May has a conflict of interest when her husband runs a hedge fund that includes BAE Systems who benefit from war. Along with Australia's Malcolm Turnball who has similar investments with Raytheon, Northrop, etc etc. As does Trump but USA Presidents can get away with it since Glass Steagall legislation. People should be made aware of these profits from war for these puppet leaders. These three aren't the only ones invested.

These three aren't the only ones invested.

Agreed. Not like we can't ignore the possibility either that Russia wasn behind the attack. All their rattling on about severe consequences if the US struck again was met with promises to sell Syria more upgraded military apparatus. In the end we may never know who was really behind it, all the players had a vested interest.


the irony of comedians making real news

It's strange. But we are told that money is speech,so I guess it makes perfect sense;(

and speech is + 2 cents if you are lucky
or +$200 if you have whales and vote socks

Never let anyone bully you into thinking that you are the strange, weird outlier for suspecting that a western empire who has sponsored actual, literal terrorist factions in Syria

Do anyone know anyone that believes the official narrative?

I don't.

I know a lot of people who know absolutely nothing about what's going on in Syria. I think that's the real problem more so than active participants in the conspiracy to gaslight.

The mass media machine is a real and dangerous jugeernaught. The average citizen is uniformed or misinformed and takes news at face value. This is a huge plague facing our society as this sort of mind control makes the public less able to make critical decisions. We need to do whatever we can to uncover the truth and give average people a different perspective from what the MSM presents

The Democratic Party has been more focused on stirring up war with Russian than coming to terms with its own pathetic inadequacy to be anything but a shill group for neoliberalism. Syria has already brought the US closer to war with Russia, the missiles being the latest, and the Democratic Party is directly responsible for that. It seems that their scapegoat out of taking responsibility for Trump's election has mutated now into the catch all phrase for McCarthyism 2018.

Hi Caitlin, wanted to share this with you and your audience. I cached most of the most important statements, videos and links revealing this latest incident in Syria was indeed a false flag. Just wanted to help people can find it all in one location for reference.

Massive Compilation of Media Material Proving April 7, 2018 Chemical Attack in Dhouma Syria Was a False Flag Conducted By The White Helmet Terrorists

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Start engaging the average uninformed citizen about the storytelling networks and how they manipulate and mind control people. What we need is a conscious and alert citizenry in all western countries, not just the UK and US.
And it's time to turn the tables on those who want to label everyone a conspiracy theorist, we need our own "dismissive"

Propaganda Believist or Non-thinking Conformist