RE: A Call For Help

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A Call For Help

in medical •  5 years ago 

Sad to hear, I hope you guys manage to find out what's causing it and how to fix it. Not sure if I'm able to help. I do suffer from psoriasis which kind of looks similar and manage to keep that in check with a plant based diet along with making sure I sweat heavily at least a couple times each week which does wonders for my skin.

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I jog just about daily but the sweating actually exacerbates it so I’m taking yet another short break until this gets sorted. Instead we walk several miles a day which is easy to do in Europe, always something to look at. I mostly eat plant based, stay away from gluten and sugar, and only eat fish about once or twice a week. I’m thinking this is yet another symptom of something else that’s manifested into hives outbreaks. Hopefully doctors in England can give us some vital answers so we can finally close this chapter of our lives. Thanks for showing up @byebyehamburgers! We appreciate all of your support and knowledge.

@byebyehamburgers, this is a help. Each and everyone one of you has been helpful beyond my imagination—thank you kindly for keeping an eye on us.