SARS-CoV-2 / Other Pathogens / Cancer Eradication & Elimination

in medical •  10 months ago 

"Eradication of an infectious disease is an extraordinary goal."

"Disease eradication is the holy grail for health officials, as eradication of disease and better health ultimately benefits ecosystems on a global level."

"global eradication has been achieved for smallpox, regional eradication for malaria and perhaps in some places for measles."

Micronutrients(Prevention / Makes Vaccine Work Better)

"Micronutrients, often referred to as vitamins and minerals, are vital to healthy development, disease prevention, and wellbeing."

"Micronutrient deficiencies can have devastating consequences."

"Intravenous vitamin injections are popular with celebrities and have even been described by Dr. Oz as “cutting edge”."

Optimising COVID-19 vaccine efficacy by ensuring nutritional adequacy


"Most existing vaccines are prepared from an attenuated version of the pathogen or from inactivated disease-causing organisms or a suitable part of it e.g. a toxin. However, often the antigen to which the immune system responds is a relatively small number of amino acids or peptide."

Royal Rife(Destroy Microbe Air, Water & Human Body)

"Scientists may one day be able to destroy viruses in the same way that opera singers presumably shatter wine glasses. New research mathematically determined the frequencies at which simple viruses could be shaken to death."

"Rife’s machine built on the work of Dr. Albert Abrams. Abrams believed every disease has its own electromagnetic frequency. He suggested doctors could kill diseased or cancerous cells by sending an electrical impulse identical to the cell’s unique electromagnetic frequency. This theory is sometimes called radionics."

"Simulations show ultrasound waves at medical imaging frequencies can cause the virus’ shell and spikes to collapse and rupture."

"They found that vibrations between 25 and 100 megahertz triggered the virus’ shell and spikes to collapse and start to rupture within a fraction of a millisecond. This effect was seen in simulations of the virus in air and in water."

"This is currently "proof of concept" research which has already had some level of success, but the number of variables involved is so great that it takes a considerable amount of time and effort in order to find the right balance of variables which leads to a predictable and repeatable high rate of success. One eventual goal of this research would be the elimination of pathogenic organisms inside the human body without dangerous drugs. Malaria, just to cite one example, might be permanently cured without the use of any drugs if such research is successful. Malaria still threatens a very serious portion of the human population in numerous countries"

"The conclusion points to the complexity of the field of vibrational medicine and calls for specific comparative research on type of vibration delivery, amount of body or surface being stimulated, effect of specific frequencies and intensities to specific mechanisms, and to greater interdisciplinary cooperation and focus."

Supplement Treatments, Mitigate And / Or Cure

Could a mixture of colloidal metals and enzymes destroy non-enveloped viruses?

Zinc + Copper + Silver + Zinc Ionophore + Monolaurin + Antioxidants = SARS-CoV-2 Erased Safely & Naturally?

Artesunate, Curcumin, Cannabidiol, Glycyrrhizin: Potentially beneficial to help SARS-CoV-2 ventilator patients fight off the virus infection?

EGCG, Quercetin, NAC: Potentially beneficial to help SARS-CoV-2 ventilator patients fight off the viral infection?

Endogenous Deficiency of Glutathione as the Most Likely Cause of Serious Manifestations and Death in COVID-19 Patients

"President Donald Trump's proposal to eradicate the spread of HIV/AIDS in the United States by 2030 will take the form of a multi-agency, "laser-focused" program that will target geographic and demographic hot spots in seven states, 48 counties, Washington D.C., and San Juan, Puerto Rico, over the next decade, federal health experts said Wednesday.

The plan, the proposed funding for which is forthcoming in the fiscal 2020 budget, aims to reduce the number of new HIV infections domestically by 75 percent in the next five years and by at least 90 percent in the next 10 years."

Joe Biden claims to have “ended cancer” in latest gaffe

"In a healthy person, somatids are limited to 3 stages in their life cycle – somatid, spore, double spore. However, in a highly acidic (low pH) lactic acid environment caused by prolonged chronic stress breaking the cell's Krebs' Citric Acid Cycle, somatids pleomorphise into a further 13 stages. These stages include viral-bacterial-yeast-like-fungus forms which then migrate to the cell nucleus to reproduce, releasing acidic waste products called “mycotoxins”, inhibiting cell DNA repair and inhibiting the all-important tumor suppressor genes. Without the tumor suppressor genes [namely p53] to regulate cell death (apoptosis) when the cell has mutated beyond repair, the cell lives on and ‘cell-growth regulating’ proto-oncogenes turn into oncogenes, causing normal cells to mutate into cancer cells."

The Principles of Disease Elimination and Eradication

"The case for standardization has a lot to do with controlling cost and controlling variables. The idea is that by doing so, you can control patient outcomes and push for the best possible result"

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