Expert Insights: Innovative Medical Devices in Cardiology - Shaping the Future of Medicine

in medicaldevices •  3 months ago 

Author: Thomas Bartel, MD, PhD, Interventional Cardiologist, flexdoc GmbH

A lot of new medical devices to be deployed via percutaneous and other minimal invasive approaches have been introduced during the last two decades. Most important reasons for this ongoing development are complex cardiac conditions as well as increasing age and comorbidities of patients we are confronted with in cardiology.

Classic Cardiac Devices
Implantable cardiac devices have been part of routine therapy in cardiology for decades. Classic devices have formed a basis for the development of innovative ones. Cardiac pacemakers (PMs) and implantable cardiac defibrillators (ICDs), which are electronic devices usually placed into the chest wall just below the collarbone, and heart valves to be deployed by open chest surgery and later by minimally invasive cardiac surgery (MICS) are such classics.

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