Efficacy of Galangal Herbs

in medicinalherb •  7 years ago 


Lengkuas, Laos (Languas Galanga) is a group of empon-empon, the rhizome contains the essential oil. The flowers are red at the tip of the stem. This plant grows wild in the forest or bushes. The galangal grows at a height of 1,200 m above sea level. loose soil, and contains a lot of humus. Generally not resistant to soil that contains a lot of water or inundated.The plants require a place that is open a lot of sunlight, as well as a sheltered place. Climate is a hot climate with a fairly high rainfall, which is between 1,500 -4,000 mm a year.

This plant is propagated by pieces of rhizomes that have been sprouted or with rimpang. The plants is generally widely used for kitchen purposes, in addition it turns out this plant has medicinal properties such as:


Various skin diseases, such as scabies, ulcers, and ulcers
Rhizome rhizome plus garlic as much as 4 times rhizome finely ground and made into porridge (pasta). Paste the paste in the sick place. For chronic ringworm, add a little vinegar to the paste. In addition, fresh rhizomes that are chopped until fibers arise and given a little vinegar can be used to rub the skin on the skin.

Young rhizomes are pounded and squeezed. The water can be dropped as an ear remedy

-Blue, urinary, and bile-boosting drugs
Rhizome rhizome sliced ​​and soaked in alcohol, then rubbed on the stomach


Rhizome rhizome is boiled. The warm water is used for bathing.

-Increase appetite

The bitter lempuyang rhizome as much as 150 g was washed thoroughly. Then grate until smooth. Rebuslah this grated with 2500 cc of water until the water is half. To remove the bitter taste can be added 50 g of brown sugar. Filter before drinking. This water is drunk 3 times a day is enough 1 tablespoon

  • Whooping cough or kinghus

The bitter lempuyang rhizome is mixed with chinese cinnamon and roasted onion. The mixture is pounded and squeezed, and then drunk the juice

-Arigger of shrimp or fish so that the fish itchy

thinly sliced ​​a bitter lempuyang rhizome, brewed like tea, and taken daily until allergy symptoms disappear

-Grained feet

Rimpang lempuyang bitter pounded, mixed with coconut oil and kitchen ash to shaped poultice. This herb is also useful for megobati swelling in the body. The way dab a poultice on the swollen part

-Lematic on foot or rubbing medicine

Rimpang lempuyang fragrant peeled, then mixed chili Java, crushed, and added dry rice. The potion is attached to the affected part of the body.

-Blood booster

Rimpang lempuyang fragrant grated, then mixed with sugar and boiled with enough water. Water is drunk 3 times a day as much as 1 tablespoon.

-Distinction of the stomach / bloating / sebah.

Red ginger 1 finger thinly sliced, boiled with three cups water to 2 cups. Drinking morning and evening before meals, each 1 cup.

  • Skin spots and moles (sproeten).

Two rhizome fingers are ground smooth, add vinegar as much as one tablespoon until it becomes like mush. Apply on the body that there are skin disorders. Do it until the spots and moles deflate or disappear altogether.

  • Fever accompanied by enlargement of the spleen.

Two rhizome galangal wash and then shredded. Squeeze the water. Take as much as one teaspoon. After adding a little salt to the kitchen, drink until the fever subsided.

  • Out of childbirth (childbirth).

Young rhizome rhizome of three fingers, washed and cut into pieces. Boil with enough water, drink.


Rhizome rhizome of one finger wash, grate. Add 1/2 cup cooking water and two tablespoons of honey, squeeze until blended. Squeeze and strain, drink three times a day every day.


Two fingers of grated rhizomes, mixed with three tablespoons of honey and one spoonful of wine, squeeze. Drink the size of 2 tablespoons.


Take 3/4 rhizome finger, grate. Add half a cup of cooking water and one tablespoon of honey. Squeeze, strain, drink. Twice a day.






Hopefully there are benefits of us all, always keep the health by always putting a healthy lifestyle.

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