HEALTH AND WELL BEING: What is LASIK? - Miracle Eye Surgery gave me 20/20 Vision!

in medicine •  6 years ago 

I got an email from Laser Surgery of Silicon Valley today

I remembered the reason I can see the screen without glasses tonight, is because I got my eyes fixed about 15 years ago with LASIK.


Nearsightedness, or myopia, as it is medically termed, is a vision condition in which people can see close objects clearly, but objects farther away appear blurred. People with myopia can have difficulty clearly seeing a movie or TV screen or the whiteboard in school.

Myopia occurs if the eyeball is too long or the cornea (the clear front cover of the eye) is too curved. As a result, the light entering the eye isn't focused correctly, and distant objects look blurred.

Myopia affects nearly 30 percent of the U.S. population.

While the exact cause of myopia is unknown, there is significant evidence that many people inherit myopia, or at least the tendency to develop myopia. If one or both parents are nearsighted, there is an increased chance their children will be nearsighted.

Even though the tendency to develop myopia may be inherited, its actual development may be affected by how a person uses his or her eyes. Individuals who spend considerable time reading, working at a computer, or doing other intense close visual work may be more likely to develop myopia.

There was a relatively new laser surgeon in town and he performed LASIK with a very expensive and new laser machine available to burn off a small amount of the eye and make it perfectly round as it needs to be for correct focus and vision.

Previous surgery of the eye was prone to side effects and bad night vision and I was very afraid to try them.

Being an active man and liking to swim, surf and scuba dive, I really wanted to "loose the glasses" or contacts I usually wore, even when 80 feet down under water! Losing my mask at that depth and not being able to see, could be fatal if I lost my contacts underwater.

lasik procedure single eye.jpeg

lasik how it works.jpg

THUS, I was motivated to research this, and the history of eye surgery and I finally decided to try it, after my mother had the procedure performed, and was very happy with the results. I decided, since my mother had proven it to me, I should "man up" and go for it myself!

I was nearly blind without my glasses (thanks mom!) and having inherited that gene, I was ready to correct it, and it was really hard to put a price on it... To see again as I had as a young child without glasses was such a prize!

I usually wore soft contact lenses and they dried out my eyes so badly; I was sick and tired of wearing them. I wrote a fairly hefty check to the Dr. and proceeded to submit to the chair, he leaned me back flat, and used some type of thing to hold my eye open so I could not close it.



I wanted to point out that most people are very happy with the results, with 3% saying they wish they had not had the procedure.

And my results?! ;-)

I was very happy with my right eye, and it was just perfect. 20/20 vision, maybe 20/15, it was very sharp. My Left eye however was only 20/40, so I went back for a second time (it was free as part of the guarentee) and had the left eye sculpted a second time. I was very happy with the results!

It was actually very hard to keep completely still as they point this machine at you, and I did flinch a little, right at the wrong time, the Dr. actually yelled at me not to blink!

But I was still from that moment and it was completely successful.
15 years later, I still drive without glasses but probably need glasses at night. Working on computers and reading my entire life has taken it's toll...

The good NEWS!?

After 15 years, there are many new features of eye surgery available today, and it should come down in price for the equipment as it becomes more mainstream and commonly used.

I have much more to say about vision and for those that need glasses, contacts or would like to know more about LASIK, please feel free to ask questions in the comments.

In your service,

  • Surfyogi

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This is something I need to get done one day. Those results are looking rather impressive. So many people seem to be just in and out and on their day without much of an issue. I’m holding off mostly due to family history and it not going to well as well as some other eye stuff I need to have done.

I’m hoping by time I get around to it those issues people are having and its success rate will be even better on the first try.

I was reading 3% of people in the UK have had LASIK!
Amazing stat!

Is that all? I would have guess much higher. Maybe they just like glasses :)

I am curious @surfyogi what is the price of the procedure today VS. what you paid for the procedure when you had it done ??

Sure, that's a good question, and all I can tell you it was very new and very expensive when I had it done. I selected the best Dr. I could find, and he was one of the first few doing this procedure any where in the world. I lived in San Jose, CA at the time, and he had offices in 3 different cities in that area and worked at different offices every day. So he was very expensive, as I recall about $2000 USD per eye? 15 years ago.

BUT TODAY? I really don't know, and it will depend on where you live too. I know that some people go to India to have this procedure performed and they save some money and get a vacation too.. perhaps others are going to Mexico City and other large cities everywhere. I'm sure in MX it is much cheaper than in USA.

Since 3% of people in UK have had LASIK, then I would guess the governement helps pay the costs.

I've been seriously considering LASIK as I'm tired of wearing glasses etc. Thanks for the info and sharing your experience, this might be that extra boost to get me going with it :)

Go for it, especially if you can talk to the Dr. first and find out how long he has been performing the procedure!

Nice information,,, this is very important for me,,, very interst,,, i wanna try it, but still many obstacles ,,, a place far and high cost ,,, I still can not afford. I actively exercise like futsal, football, tabletennis and tennis. hopefully one day I can try as you do.

Keep in touch, we need to talk more.

I would like to contact you. What can be given to your facebook link or any site link

I'm very happy for you. I read that today the most progressive direction of modern ophthalmology. I think this is the solution to all problems for those who need to improve their vision. Thank you for sharing.

thanks a lot for your valuable article,,,Myopia occurs if the eyeball is too long or the cornea is too curved..i appreciate with you,,like it,,sir @surfyogi


I'm just starting to need reading glasses but I look at family and see what is coming... I assume Lasik would only be considered after vision is a lot worse. Since your vision gets worse over time, is Lasik only good for a period of time? Do you start needing glasses again?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

They usually say you should wait until late 20s, your eyes should level out (mostly) and then it should be good for 20 years or so.. maybe?

Also, keep in mind "vision habits" affect myopia and can be relearned. It's really like KIDS should be taught HEALTHY VISION HABITS and there is really not much knowledge about this currently, although in previous decades there was a book by "Bates" and it was famous for teaching good, relaxed vision habits. I actually took a class, and it taught to keep eyes relaxed, take breaks, use wetting drops, and focus in a relaxed way, look way from the book or screen, and focus far away often.

And I FAILED to mention, Presbyopia, where as a person ages, in their 40s-50s the eyes will harden, and we start to need reading glasses at that time, and I'm just starting to get where I can't read close up without reading glasses, but can still use the laptop or phone wihtout reading glasses.

So nothing lasts forever, but it was a great couple decades I've enjoyed now..

Thanks for you...

indeeed... the best age so far before 30... it lasts for around 40 yrs then u gotta wear ur glasses again.... people having problems of STY also need to avoid wearing lenses and wear normal eyeglasses until u go for LASIK ...

Thanks for the great info!

Thanks for sharing this with us and your experience with the eye surgery.
My grandma had one too, many years ago and she also never had any side effects and was really happy with the surgery and it looks like you had no regrets either.
Thanks again for sharing

@surfyogi thanks for the educative information. Am happy you recovered your sight,Using glasses is really hectic and the more u use them the more blind you get

IN FACT interesting you would say that.
I actually belive most glasses are OVER PRESCRIBED and Optomitrists DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING!
My glasses I use now for driving at night, I got them recently. THEY MAKE ME BLIND! They are entirely TOO STRONG and force my eyes to focus far away, and they give me headaches.
I wish I knew all the answers but my first idea is they are simply too strong and optomistrists don't understand that overly strong glasses make eyes lazy, or somehow unable to relax and refocus once they glasses are taken off.

Thanks sir for dishing out this great post for us to know more about our eyes. I've never had any complaints about my eyes though my two parents use glasses likewise my sister.
I hope to be like this, without glasses and without any eye problem

I would never know what it feels like to have challenges with one's sight, but I've felt and shared a bit of this pain through my mum's sight challenge and I hope it will go away soon.
I'm happy your sight has been successful and I'm equally impressed about such remarkable surgery. Thank you for sharing this with us @surfyogi

Wow, this is cool. Didn't know such technology was available 15 Years ago

Oh interesting. So you once had myopia. I'm also battling with this condition and I so wish right now that LASIK is affordable and available in Nigeria. This is a great invention. I inherited my eye problem, as my both parents have eye defects. Sometimes it is tiring having to wear the eyeglass always. Thanks for sharing @surfyogi

great to hear about this it is revolutionary thing and changing the vision for the future :)

i use glasses... i had a minus power approx 3.50. i wanted to do eye surgery but i am worried that is that will be safe for my eye?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

AFter my mother was "guenie pig" for me, I decided to try it. It was 15 years ago, and I'm still very happy I did it!
The Laser Surgery Center I went to went to sends out reminders to have it done again to previous patients as they age ;-) (79 reasons you should have LASIK!)

And there really are that many reason. Contact lenses are a pain, glasses get bent and broken and Iwant to jump in the swim pool without worry I will lose a contact lense. So many active things are difficult with glasses, including making love to women ;-)

Thanks for your beautiful reply sir. ☺ & you are absolutely right about your last line.😉 I will do after some days. 😁

Hello @surfyogi
This indeed is great news for someone like me who has been wearing glasses for the past 35 years. I am myopic and have been ever since I was a child and this technology is super though I don't know if it is available in my country yet. But as soon as it is, and I can afford it, why not? I would also love a 20/20 vision..... Hahaha

Ive needed corrective for a really long time. It gets worse every year. I've considered lasik many times but can't afford it

If you have priced it, let us know what you were quoted and when?
Also, have you considered going to MX City, etc?

It is great @surfyogi ,guess looking through tge window of your glasses has come to an end...welcome to the world without glasses...
I guess removing of the glasses would have made you look even more handsome...

need glasses....and need to know about it clearly concept...
this is amazing...

thank you sir

Myopia is a very comon medical problem. Most oeople tend to ignore it since it is not painful anyway. It is advisable to go for LASIK; that's ofcourse is if the person can afford it. If not, the person could still use glasses. It is recommended that it be used consistently and correctly. It reduces the stress on the eye and with time tge oroblem might even slightly improve. LASIK is strongly recommended whenever the person can afford it. It is more permanent and relatively convenient.

God bless you dear @surfyogi for sharing this

Wellbeing is the best blessing, satisfaction the best riches, unwaveringness the best relationship.

Miracle Eye Surgery gave me 20/20 Vision!
it's truly outstanding information.
thank you sir to make us in a good position.

a very good post @surfyogi, this is very useful for everyone, especially for those who have problems with the eyes. Because the eye is very important in this life, if the eyes troubled our whole body come into trouble. I see, now there are so many people who have problems with eye health, because now the world is getting more advanced, and many people use laptops, telephones and televisions, it can all damage our eyes. I also feel my eyes have started to trouble, because every day I always use the laptop.

With LASIK, it helps a lot of people in this world, I hope LASIK will soon develop in other countries and where I live. Because with the LASIK, many people who can enjoy the beauty of this world again, especially for the elderly. Thanks for sharing, hope you have a wonderful day... :)

They are probably some underlying factors that are causing myopia which is more common than hypermetropia in adults. If not genetic maybe food choice.

oh laskinits dint of a great sugery,
of which nearsightedness, farsightedness .
and also astigmatism
i predict that its great for them who feel a great problem for eye,
i appreciate your post
really great that you keep a great medical protecting disease like
cancer ,its so helpfull post for health,,
@surfyogi sir'

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Health indeed is wealth,
It is important to take care of our health especially when it has to do with delicate organs of our bodies.
I'm glad you were able to have your eye surgery.

I myself have a pending surgery to do; it's dental related.
Surgery is quite expensive (about 300 USD to be precise) so I had to postpone it till I have been able to gather enough fund for it.

I know some day I will get it done.
Its not fun living each day in constant pain

I also need an operation on my left eye. I can see only 20%. The right eye is perfect

I was born with a eye that went lazy sometimes and they told me I would need surgery but as I grew up it fixed itself mostly. I have a weird fear if losing my eyes, so I don't like letting people near them lol..

Lately I've been thinking about sight and how it's the most gradually declining thing we might experience as humans. Certainly my eyesight is worse than it was when I was a kid, but it's happened so gradually. Over my whole life.. that it's hard to admit that it's not good or pinpoint when they got to the point where I get frustrated when I can't see something g I used to could. It would be impactful and much more not able if we could all blink and have our eyes back when they were good. Not all of us are born seeing well though, so I guess this experience varies.

Oh man!!! This is some happy moment for me. I'm really glad to hear you came out good. I'm not sure the surgery is available over here. I lot of people suffers the same condition here, I'll make a few click on the search engine to see if we have something like that operating here. Thanks for sharing your experience with us, this will take away the fear our of some people and will cause them to man up and try it.

i have a little problem with my eyes. If I see bright lighting, I can not,
such as car lights, motor lights, and also bright sunlight. it will make my eyes uncomfortable. whether this is bad for my eyes.

Good to hear..
I myself am having problems with my eyes and have considered this.
But I don't trust the surgeons of my state so maybe when I move to someplace else

When ever issue of surgery and medical treatment is involved, trust is important. Your own doubt can push things to go south. You can find out from survey of previous patient the rate of successes to determine if you have a high probability of getting a smile at the end.

I agree..

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

My grandmother had some issues with eyes and doctor told her to go through lasik, we went to Amritsar and we did a lasik surgery and now her vision is improved.
Get well soon

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.
To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear...
go for the surgery man the power of vision is far better than anything else, heath is wealth, get well soon @surfyogi

Thank God that medicine does not stand still. I'm very happy for you. Now you can live a full life and do your favorite things without any inconvenience. Thank you for the interesting message, this is very useful information for us.

This is the new world technology, this is amazing. I’ve always feared the thought of having to rely on my glasses to see and that movie, the mummy contributed to my fear when that man fell and lost his glasses, the glasses was stepped on and broken and that limited the chances of escape for the man and right there immotek the living dead got him . But this is a great news. Thanks for sharing

I foresee that its extraordinary for them who feel an awesome issue for eye. I value your post. Extremely incredible that you keep an awesome restorative ensuring illness like. disease ,its so helpfull post for wellbeing @surfyogi

a hope for those eyes who have lost his power of seeing

Didn't know it's been so long eye surgery has been performing

There is nothing like that here in Nigeria, what they give is different glasses every time at the eyes clinic plz were else can the surgery can be done apart from United States

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Lagos has at least 3 clinics that do this.
You can look up reviews of patients that talk about their experience on

If you ask them about a price, please post your info here.

Okay Sir,i Will check are posting a valuable concept on health curing,,i like it so much,,My Left eye was creating some problem,,near thing is not seen,,,Is it miopia??

It may be the opposite, far-sightedness, where the eye is not round, and actually too flat, rather than too long (like near-sighted).
I would say the best thing to do, is try to relax. Massage the sides of your head near your eyes, around your face, and take time for breaks, deep breaths, focus far away, then close again, and see if it helps.

thank you a lot @surfyogi
I will try my best to follow your instruction,,

Thank you sir. Your post is educating.

I am actually learning of Presbyopia for the first time.

Presbyopia is where as a person ages, in their 40s-50s the eyes will harden, and we start to need reading glasses at that time, and I'm just starting to get where I can't read close up without reading glasses.

I had previously always call the defect myopia too. Thank you for educating me.

It is also good to know that you have a good eyesight.

i use glasses . my glass power (-25). your post is very important post. thanks for @surfyogi

This is the best article in the entire steemit,need to appriciate what you have done here,its not an easy job but you have made this so simple,keep going as there is no tomorow.

There are times putting on eye lens could really be frustrating.
Kudus to your surgeon he did a perfect job.

Wow! So excited sir that you got your sight restored. Like seriously some people aren't lucky to get a myopic eye defect restored even after an operation.

Kudos the the medical team. I must say, they are the one of the best the world have got.

sir it's amazing to share your updated news to help us in a good condition
thank you sir.....

resteem done

thank you sir for sharing....the great information about eye,...........

A Lasik eye Surgery is a procedure that improves vision through altering the shape of the cornea. A thin layer of tissue normally a clear covering on the front of the eye is removed to help a patient see better.

Much as many try to secure their eyes from unpredicted circumstances may, eyes are at times silently damaged within without changing the shape or the color.

A LASIK surgery is specifically a laser surgery conducted using an excimer laser in an advanced eye care unit. The procedure takes a few minutes and it is an outpatient procedure performed under local anesthesia or sedation.

i agree with you brother its really true word.

Wonderful post, Thanks for sharing useful information.

wellbeing is riches deal with yourself dependably. whatever you persistence. resteem done.

Thank You for share heath benefit related update post here.

I'm just starting to need reading glasses but I look at family and see what is coming... I assume Lasik would only be considered after vision is a lot worse. Since your vision gets worse over time, is Lasik only good for a period of time? Do you start needing glasses again?

I thought I read this up above. Are you guys thinking at same frequency? Did you copy him or he copies you? You may consider looking at such behavior again as the community do not smile at spam/copied comments.

I agree not cool...

thanks for share such type of informative post dear.
@upvote & @resteem done

Wellbeing to be sure is riches. It is vital to deal with our wellbeing particularly when it needs to do with fragile organs of our bodies.

hey @Surfyogi
in future many thing will be easier..

thank you

eye segment....
be careful about eye.

Wow great medicine post... I appreciate your life... I like this health.. good job... Thanks for sharing this valuable post... Upvote and resteemit... best of luck..

That's great post.
I like this your all post @surfyogi
Thanks for sharing this post.

good information..
thanks @surfyogi for sharing..
@upvote done

Good back my dear friend @surfyogi
This beautiful health. thanks for sharing your life.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

The doctor should be careful when taking treatment. Your realize is good about Ophthalmology.

Great health
I like it your every post
Thanks for sharing life.

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health is wealth take care of yourself always..
whatever you patience
resteem done

I assume Lasik would only be considered after vision is a lot worse.Since your vision gets worse over time.


Had two friends who has gone far as India to correct their eye, they were scared they won't get good intensive treatment here.

Having Lasik here will be nice, my mom can easily gets her done

I have used glasses all my life. I'm also myopic. But I'm scared of any invasive procedure in the eye. Though i wouldn't mind a 20/20 vision.

Is there procedure for correcting long sightedness or is it only those with shortsightedness that have this goodnews available to them

This is amazing sir lot to learn from this blog post very much informative hope you will always comes with these type of amazing blog posts.

Excellent and interesting information friend a big contribution thank you always providing for all of us greetings if you can support me with a vote friend

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Treatment of eye diseases is very sensitive.Eyesight problems are increasing day by day.If the treatment does not lead to major damage

Informative post about eye @surfyogi

This is truely a vision to watch out for,as this can be very helpful to lot of people hope we can see more and more from you sir.

Truly health is wealth; its good to know your okay now.

The eyes 👀 is the most delicate parts of the body. because of it functions, taking good care of it will determine how far you health condition will be. Because good health is indeed wealth @surfyogi

good analysis sir

Hello my dear friend @ surfyogi this Post very amazing. I love your every Post. thanks for sharing this health...

Glad to hear about the way everything is going well for you buddy.

It's ironic that you wrote about this today because I was actually going to look into it. I've always had perfect vision but as I'm aging I cannot see well close up. It is the standard old people's vision thing and I was wondering if Lasik might help that. Im kind of refusing reading glasses right now but it is getting worse and worse. I need to earn a lot of steem before I can afford it though lol. My Warranty on my body seems to being wearing out.

Great wonderful informative and helpful post
thanks for sharing

@surfyogi, you have a discord account? i want to talk more.

nice informative post

Very educational post @surfyogi, keep up the good work sir !!

my eyesight is really bad when seeing distant objects, however, I have not paid attention to the subject ... I feel that the lenses with the formula do not help me and sometimes my vision is also blurred, it is an interesting article dear <3

My wife will be needing a corrective eye surgery pretty soon. Maybe this is an option I will seriously consider. Thank you very much.

Nice information.... This is very important for me .... Thanks for share this Post ....