Chapter 2 – Types of Meditation (Part 1)

in meditation •  7 years ago  (edited)

Meditation has become a universal practice giving people a way to cultivate an inner sense of peace and happiness. There are numerous religions that practice meditation, although they practice it in different ways and for various reasons.

While some practice it as a way to connect to God and for being able to listen to God more clearly, others use meditation as a way to enhance their levels of awareness.

Whether you are practicing meditation to overcome depression and stress, find a way to heal from chronic disease, or for self-awareness, it is vital to know the type of meditation that best suits your needs.

Anyone can practice meditation, anywhere they are comfortable. The practice leads you to experience enhanced levels of consciousness and self-awareness, leading to a host of benefits discussed in the previous chapter.

Learning how to practice meditation effectively can help you avoid stress, depression, and anxiety, and the possible death from stress-related diseases.

Regularly practicing meditation allows you to get into a state of mind where you are capable of thinking with clarity, without the negative perceptions that often influence your thinking.

There are no specific ways to meditate, and some of the practices can be done while moving, engaging in various yoga poses, or simply sitting quietly. It is vital that you find a meditation practice that best suits your needs.

You will also want to consider the kind of meditation that complements your personality to provide you with enhanced comfort. Hereare the different types of meditation that you can practice.

  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Spiritual meditation
  • Focused meditation
  • Transcendental meditation
  • Mantra meditation
  • Movement meditation

Each of these meditation types requires some skill and knowledge to practice. If you are not well-versed with the practice of meditation, it isn’t advisable to try all of them.

Some, like the transcendental meditation, may marshal you into levels of consciousness that, as a beginner, you may not be prepared to process. As a beginner, it is recommended that you start off with mindfulness meditation, which is simple to try out.

Chapter 2 – Types of Meditation (Part 2)
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