Mindfulness is not only a way of thinking about others and their state of mind, it can also be used as a form of meditation. Using mindfulness meditation allows you to focus on the moment, become aware of your senses and what it feels like when you are able to focus only on that particular moment, it is not necessary trying to interpret things or make judgments about how you feel.
You are simply present.
If you have ever studied Eckhart Tolle or other spiritual masters, you realize that the present moment is all that really exists. The past no longer exists and the future has not yet arrived. So focusing, being aware of the moment, can help you relax and release stress.
Think about all the time we spend planning or worrying about the future, having negative thoughts about the past, worrying about everything we have to do to pick up the kids from school, cook dinner tonight, pay the bills, etc. .These studies are so different that they should be included in a separate article. But suffice it to say that the overall evidence from these studies shows that meditation is effective in reducing stress, anxiety, pain, depression, and even a range of "medical conditions and illnesses." Meditation isn't too much, especially if you're struggling with any of the issues mentioned above. Studies have shown that there are certain times of the day when meditation can be more effective than others. These times are when the brain emits some of the waves that allow it to be more receptive to suggestion and meditation. Books have only been written on this subject, but for our purposes, for most people, this time is before bedtime, or just when you wake up in the morning.During these times, your brain emits the appropriate waves and produces the appropriate chemical to allow the fog to benefit from meditation. But as Dr. Joe Dispenza says, "There is no such thing as bad meditation."