Hey there!
I would like to share some important information about eclipse corridor, that started on 13 of july with partial solar eclipse and will finish after 4 weeks with another one partial solar eclipse on 11 of august with total lunar eclipse in between on 27 of july. This is unic time for transformation of ones destiny. With our own efforts we can improve our life significantly.
What is the point of the eclipse corridor? During this month we will have the parade of planets, they all will form the line, and it is going to influence the gravity on our planet. So people would become not stable emotionally, agressive, irritative. With lack of awareness they can act too inadequately. So, we need to be careful.
As well it is very important time to bring positive changes in life. It is some type of reviewing of karma and reloading of the life force.
The effect of all our efforts or effortlessness will be multiplied a lot.
Our future isn't prederminated, it depends on our present, and with spiritual practises we can correct our destiny.
So, here are some tips for the period from 13 of july till 11 of august:
- Look after your intentions, thoughts and actions. They are going to have a greatest impact on your future life. Observe your inner rhythm, emotions, sensetions, reactions. It is the best time analize and clearly look at what you need to work out.
- Keep light vegeterian diet. Don't overload your stomach and intestine as it will cause dullness and inability to handle an emotional turbulance.
- Minimise social activity. It is better to spend quality time with yourself, maintain privacy and silence as much as it is possible.
- Do meditation, yoga and breathing technics. These instruments will help to calm down the mind and keep serenity no mater what.
Next time we can talk a little about meditation.
Feel free to comment and ask.
Enjoy yourself!