Full Metal Ox Day 1040
Thursday 04, January 2024
Apocalypse Year Episode 1105
Magnificent Melaka
Struggling through the first week of the year, we flash back to Magnificent Melaka, my favorite Malaysian city. Today we stop in to Bamboo Hut for a bite, then walk along the boardwalk mentioned in an earlier episode.
We got rained out of the gym today so we dug up the Singapore workout, and it reminded your humble vagabond of different ways to train outdoors.
There are parks around the area that are various distances away, from five minutes to literally an hour. We'll explore these in the coming year.
Can we walk an hour, train for an hour and walk an hour back? That will be pretty badass!
The vibe of this week seems a bit off, relative to "normality" here. We'll fill you in on Saturday.
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Million dollar Crypto fund raiser.
YouTube: The Fitness Journey: We're currently preparing for the winter bulking season. It's our intention to bulk muscle, slowly & continue to shred fat. I doesn't get crazy cold down here so we expect our outdoor activity to continue. Follow for tips, strategies, results, evals, and adjustments.
Leg Bomb Sabado
Episode 003
More Core in 24:
Season 3 Session 01
Über Exotic Hanging
Episode 002
Off to a Good Start
Episode 001
Merry Fitness Christmas
Park Session 01
Friday Bars Special Edition
Hitting the Wall
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Stronger All Over
Episode 155
Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!
Contact: noxsoma@protonmail.com
Telegram t.me/noxsoma
Living is the best part of life.