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Screen Shot 2018-05-12 at 7.05.00 AM.png

Obama wasn't the first nor the last...... ExplainThis one

I call it, Making Your Own Nightmare And Then Backstabbing It

They probably have short memories... Oh wait, they just choose to forget the Clinton saga.

I'm sure the porn star thought she'll get more money off DeMs, wait till they rip her off

I chose to believe Trump in this case.
Why would a person like him stoop to trash like her when women of much higher quality were literally throwing themselves at his feet?

Well Men do make irrational decisions, I don't have an opinion on whether it's true or not. What ticks me off is that lefties are treating an unproven infidelity case like he just dropped a bomb on his own Towers

Journalism 2018

A career carried out by passionate individuals looking for truth, and balance in comment to create a picture for others to see.

Cucckoo journalist have been know to inhabit environments such as the CNN, and MSNBC black hole.
These cuckoo's are not very good at imitation of 'the journalisst' however, and are soon exposed when listening to their call.
'Russian collusion, stormy Daniels, trump impeachment, and double decaff latte', are commonly heard, and this differentiates easily the cuckoo from the real journalist..

I may disagree with Trump but definitely he is outspoken and straight forward.

Now whose the bigger criminal ...most times who are just too blinded To see the bigger picture.

the bigger criminal is the one who caused the most damage.

Yeah of course ...but most times we keep pointing fingers to the wrong ones ..

This is really funny D