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Humpty Dumpty had a problem with walls! :)

hahha! yes sir @skiponline walls didn't work out too well for Humpty Dumpty did they? ha! very good.

how to get this type profit vote. please tell me

anon9 you just have to keep at it. keep posting everyday and if you have the time start commenting on posts that you like and following the posters that you like. When they see that you are consistent they will start talking to you and taking you serious and going to your blog to see what you've been doing and many will then start voting for you.
It takes alot of time, work and patience. It may help to find similar minded and rep members that you can support each other as you grow.

oh yes. i understand. thank you for free advice. i like you. you gave me lots of your busy time. i wish your good life

and I wish good life for you as well anon9 but don't be a stranger, come to my posts and comment and we can stay in touch ok?

yes sir thank you, I will go visit your site directly.

You are most welcome