Meme challenge #89

in memechallenge •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hello Memearmy!!

Winners of last Memechallenge

(Judge: @gymbuddy)

First place: @anikys3reasure

Second place: @artofwisdom

Third place: @jassennessaj




Congratulations to all the winners!!

NEW Meme challenge

Judge will be @olegw

For this challenge you have to make a meme of this photo:

full size



Winner - 8 $

Second place - 5 $

Third place - 3 $

Mentions - 1 $

No new donations:


  • Title of every entry must contain "Meme challenge # - Entry #"
  • First tag of post must be #memechallenge
  • Your meme must contain text
  • You can add/remove something from the original photo but again photo without text isn't a meme
  • End of challenge will be on Friday at 12:00 (UTC +1)
  • Each user can have up to 2 entries that will be considered in challenge

How to support challenge:

  • Vote on this post
  • Resteem this post
  • Create at least one entry
  • If you have an picture for next meme challenge contact me at or send me on email: [email protected]
  • If you have some extra money donate it to make new challenge possible

Big thanks to people who donated for #memechallenge :

@blocktrades, @dumar022 , @papa-pepper , @onceuponatime, @moon32walker, @tmntzara, @the-future , @ned , @ebryans, @fulltimegeek, @karenmckersie, @kus-knee, @inphiknit, @gonzo, @thecryptofiend, @good-karma, @donkeypong, @giftedgaia, @hanshotfirst, @felixxx, @taskmanager, @son-of-satire, @runridefly, @karenb54, @sykochica, @buzzbeergeek, @tincho, @chuckypita, @reseller, @blueorgy, @thedonfreeman, @tamaralovelace, @cosminblaga, @nicolaepavelean, @kingscrown, @antminer, @gymbuddy

#memechallenge has it's room at so feel free to join the room to promote your entries and communicate with other participants. You are all welcome!!


Good luck everyone!

Support #memechallenge with your upvote!

Payout of meme posts are filling memechallenge reward pool!

full size

Greetings from @fibra59

full size

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you guys are best

Hi, this is my participation:

Entry 1


Entry 2


This is the funniest one so far LOL

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hi hi, greeting to all!!! i like this contest and i would have loved to participate in Meme Challenge #88 but with the problems of Steemit I could not. Well ... without more to add.

This is my entry # 1:
Imagen 1.jpg

And this is my entry # 2:
Imagen 2.jpg

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

The thing is nobody joked about the trunk of the car in front being opened and how that could relate that strange smile :P

First place.... Thanks to the judge and Kudos to @fibra59. More support coming for Memechallenge.

Congrats to other winners.

Congrats! Wish you same luck this week :D

Congrats to the winners @fibra59 , upped and resteemed will be entering soon!😜😝💕✌👍

Hey! Checkout blog post on eSteem! esteem://memechallenge/@luigion/meme-challenge-89-entry-1-17ebc296a5768

Here is my entry for this weeks meme challenge -


Wow. Really happy to be among the mentions. It's a hope. Thanks @fibra59

Here is my entry for this week




This is amazing, meme challenges and those memes in the started for sure putted a smile on my face, keep up with good content, and i will try to participate too.

Here aremy 2 entries to Meme Challenge #89 @fibra59 , good luck everyone!
#1: Ribinhood Crypto

#2: New Steemmonster , Robinhoodwolf!

hahaha Wish you good luck Karen :))

Thanks 😊 Your

Posted using Partiko Android

I added you @fibra59 to my updated Auto voter @momskitchen . I get 20 people for free at , my other account @karenmckersie has you on it as well , both needed to be adjusted to 15 min. after the hardfork , or so I was told. . 👍✌💕

Thank you a lot Karen :)
Memechallenge and photobombchallenge loves you:D

Your welcome 😊👍✊😉

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks! :)
