
in memeplex •  last year 


So, another belief in the memeplex I am calling “woke” that I think is awful and poisonous is how anti-free speech it is.

The idea of “de-platforming” views you disagree with is directly opposed to the liberal values the U.S. was founded on and has prospered from.

Concretely, interrupting campus speakers they disagree with such that they cannot speak and getting their speaking invitations revoked. In the worst cases, conservative speakers have been surrounded by screaming mobs of students and had to be protected by security and escorted out of the situation.

Meanwhile, the same students demonstrate in favour of Palestine with a minority being openly anti-Semitic. So this is an ideology that protects actual racism…while constantly calling others racist for the tiniest things. (I see many other examples of this btw, my evaluation doesn’t hinge on this one type of example coming up here).

And when a university allows both of these things to happen, to me that’s blatant political bias, and a betrayal of the ideals of free speech and free inquiry. That’s one of the aspects of this memeplex I think is deeply evil.

It’s ironically much closer to totalitarian ideologies like fascism and communism than any other prominent political pole in the U.S. After all, it wants to control how people speak, how people think, and which ideas are safe to listen to. It labels many of the people and movements and ideas in my spheres as being evil, racist, fascist and so awful that we should be denied the right to speak whenever possible.

You can call me and my friends and my distant loose allies wrong all day long. That’s awesome, bring it baby, I was born for the idea arena battles. Sometimes my idea Pokémon win, sometimes they lose, we always have a good time and advance human knowledge.

But say we are so evil and wrong that we should be “deplatformed”? That we are loathsome racists and fascists? That is direct declared enmity supported by direct action. And so this ideology is my direct and hated enemy.

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I'm not saying "deplatform them." I just say "let them speak and let the rest sort itself out"