I rarely look at traditional social media but when I do pop into FB for the odd reasons such as a relative having a baby I notice that my feed, as restricted as it is because I purged almost everyone years ago, that people are still putting trite motivational quotes up there and I cringe whenever I see this. The really pathetic thing is that it is almost never my successful friends and family members that are the ones posting this garbage.
I do find some pretty interesting statements over on 9gag though because there isn't really any sense of trying to lecture or inspire anyone over there... for the most part the stuff that makes it to the top of of leaderboards are statements that are funny or statements that make you nostalgic.
Here are a few of those now.

I have mentioned many times that I have reached a point in my life where I don't actually feel like being drunk all the time and when I do get drunk the hangovers are just too much for me to bear anymore these days. I have a drinking problem in the fact that I consume way too quickly and I can't really moderate this. But anyway, I thought the above was a funny statement.

This one is kind of tragic and of course is true for everyone. There were other ones on there about "one day you and your friends got together to play and nobody realized it was going to be the last time you got together to play." There are tons of things in your life that you do for the last time and perhaps it is better to not think about it so much because it just becomes depressing if you think about your own mortality and the passage of time like that.

This is almost certainly staged but made me laugh anyway. I recently rediscovered my love for Taco Bell when visiting Thailand where they actually have Taco Bell including some of the more popular western items that I have missed so much. Someone took a huge gamble on opening a fast food chain into a market that is almost completely unfamiliar with Tex Mex and I don't know if it is going to work out. Of the Taco Bells I went to while I was there only the one in the Bangkok airport was busy and fast food margins are very low. I don't know if it will be there much longer. I'll just enjoy it while I can.

I may have actually spoke about this before and if I am repeating myself I apologize for that. A friend of mine recently traveled from one place inside the country to another place inside the country. If you are doing that you do not need to bring your passport even if you are a foreigner. Well just out of dumb bad luck while he was visiting the other city his driving license expired and when he went to the airport to fly back home they REFUSED to allow him on the plane because his ID was expired. I understand why they wouldn't want you driving a car on an expired license but we need to look at what the purpose of ID really is. It is proof of identity isn't it? he is still the guy on the ID and still the name on the ticket matches his. What friggin difference does it make that the ID expired a few days ago? Seriously, some people are just dicks. They could have let him through they just chose not to.

This was rigged to get the desired result but it is still pretty funny that spreadsheets will do things like this on a regular basis. I don't remember exactly what triggers it but I used to have a huge problem getting spreadsheets to recognize dates, even if I specifically stated that the cell in question was not mathematical. I don't often have to deal with spreadsheets anymore and well, I consider that a real win in life.

This last one is mildly political but honestly folks, is ANYONE's government doing a good job right now? I can't point to any country on the planet where the people are super-happy with their leadership. I don't care for governance and am just kind of happy that here in Vietnam, despite being a communist country, the government basically just leaves everyone alone. This is a big part of the reason why I continue to live here. It's not a super fantastic place but at least the government lets you simply get on with life without being involved in every little aspect of your life.
That's my takeaways from 9gag in the past week or so. If you are still bumming around regular social media during your downtime I highly suggest that you start wasting your time on it instead of FB, IG, or Twitter. At least with 9gag you are going to get some laughs out of it.