Human life is like the state of a traveler who rests for a while under the shade of a tree and continues on his way. We came from the place where there is no time, we are going towards the place where time stops. Sooner or later we will reach the destination. However, we want to leave the shadows as late as possible. Our hearts never get big. Beauty is always attractive.
Youth passed away with the trouble of making a living. If I hadn't gone bankrupt, I would be in the trouble of multiplying property right now. It's a hit. I don't have any money left, I don't want to increase it... ;He also touched on some special and beautiful issues:
I've had no property in my life. I am always in debt to someone. But I have known many people. Women, men, young people, adults... People of all ages and professions... I've been dealing with young people most of all. Almost all of them poured out their troubles to me. How many events have I heard! What a love story… “I never had any money!” I wouldn't lie if I say. The two sides did not come together. I couldn't save money, but I saved memories. My memories are priceless! They became my wealth.
Especially my loves… No matter how much pain they caused me, they were my strongest support in my loneliness. Those darlings… They were never mine, but they were mine more than anyone else. More than themselves… Maybe they didn't know my worth. Let it be! With their presence, they warmed my heart and illuminated my world. It was the meaning of my life. For years, I spent a lot of fun in the palace of my heart.