Men Skip Dating Event

in men •  6 years ago 

Where are the real Older Men? They ghosted a dating event! What? Man up now!

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I wish Gezeble and Huffpo would write accurately about such events all the time.

Because women think they can just use and discard men without any consequence. They believe that 30 is the new 20.

It is very bad for women that they are not exposed to these truths every single day.

professionals category (30 and up), 44 women purchased tickets compared to six men.
in the 19-30 age group where eight men signed up but no females did.

And here we see the wall in stunning action.

Personally I think of the wall is easiest to see on dating sites or dating events. It's the point where interest changes from more men then women looking to more women then men are looking. Every dating site which keeps track of the age of those signed up have that point.

That the wall is already down to 30.

Also: Link to article missing:

Cant help but experience some Schadenfreude at these kind of things. Then again, im german and we came up with that term. Feel free to appropriate it though, culturaly and otherwise.