There are 4 products which going to introducing in MENA by MenaPay that is MenaPay Wallet, Merchant Dashboard, Reseller App and MenaChain. Let's talk about them one by one.
MenaPay Wallet:

MenaPay application is intended to be the advanced wallet for the application clients. Each client can make their very own extraordinary wallet by simply downloading the application, making a record, completing the profile check process and begin making payment. By utilizing the wallets, the clients can; purchase MenaCash from Resellers or the
MenaPay Foundation, send/get MenaCash to/from another client whenever, see the Reseller arrange on the guide to pick where to purchase MenaCash from, shop utilizing the QR code, telephone number, standardized identification or the wallet ID the trader has given.
MenaPay Wallet application is planned as both a portable wallet and a work area wallet which is produced as local IOS, Android, and work area application. The Mobile Wallet will be accessible through the App Store and Google Play store and the work area wallet will be accessible at
MenaPay .io. The Mobile applications are created with Swift for IOS adaptation 10 or more, and with Java for Android API level 19 or more covering 96% of gadgets in the market. The Desktop Wallet is created with Electron and the Electron Menapay Wallet can keep running on any framework, Windows, IOS and Linux.
Reseller App

So as to give a simple MenaCash buying background to its clients,
MenaPay Foundation approves a few ventures other than itself, which can move MenaCash. These endeavors are classified "Affiliates" in the framework. The Reseller Application is planned particularly for the MenaCash deals. Ventures who are qualified for be Resellers and who are recorded on the Reseller App can without much of a stretch direct MenaCash deals. The Reseller Application is additionally accessible for IOS, Android and as a Desktop application. They are created with similar advancements with
MenaPay wallet. A web application will likewise be accessible for affiliates like Merchant Dashboard.
Merchant Dashboard

MenaPay Merchant dashboard is created for Merchants will's identity tolerating MenaCash as a payments technique in their business exchanges. Dealers utilizing
MenaPay Dashboard will have the capacity to produce provides details regarding their exchanges and payments, set commission rates, achieve payments exchange and payments history, discount their clients and so forth. The stage is created as a web application and is available to all dealers who incline toward
MenaPay as a payments stage. The Web application is created with React and Java Spring Boot. Rest API will be given to the shippers who will incorporate MenaCash to their destinations. The API and related reports will be accessible to shippers through the Merchant Dashboard.

MenaCash will be produced on the MenaChain blockchain to guarantee secure and quick exchanges between the clients. MenaChain is produced on the Stellar stage as an authorization blockchain. Since one of our objective client bases is vendors, brokers and online business stages and they don't need their exchanges to be open by everybody, we want to use as a consent blockchain. The hubs will be available to the corporate elements assigned by MenaPay establishment. Outstanding is favored since it offers simple advancement condition and created as a payment framework utilizing Stellar's own JavaSDK, Android SDK and IOS SDKs. Additionally, the settlement time is quick, 2– 5 seconds.
MenaPay Website:
MenaPay onepager Link:
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