in menorah •  2 years ago  (edited)


The men of Rah.

The Menorah is more like a reference to the middle part of the Cosmic Egg, the so called Atlantis, the fabled city likely was styled after a bigger picture, similar to one below, however I would describe it differently.

Our second ring with Sun and Moon as the Luminaries is populated by Atlantans, Carbon lifeforms, the centre North Pole is where Polarians are who are energy beings, with androgynous Mercury as its Luminary there, Polaris being a North Star above, the third ring pass the Antarctic ice wall is where the so called Lemurians are, much bigger and stronger, with Mars and Venus as their Luminaries, pass their oce ring is the Hyperboreans, the Silicon giants that are mountain size compared to Carbon life.

One Ring that rules them all. Anyway, the idea is that the rings have first originated, thus the most outer ring is the oldest, with our Atlantis rings being of sorts a teenager, as the water ripples around a raindrop, similarly the new rings were consequently added in time. Thus it is reasonable to anticipate another drop to occur at some time in the future which would cause worldwide flooding, mudslides, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and the end of the world as we know it. A fail safe of sorts, preventing any prolonged visits, or maybe there are so many and that's it, or else infinite, aa the outer lings die and fall away into the void. 8/


Copied and pasted;

“Why is flat earth so important???

Because, the ball earth is the foundation for the big bang/evolution, which both put God/Source/Creator/ Universe (whatever you wanna call it) out of the picture completely. If the world was ran by the Satanic elite (P3dos) , (which it is), then their primary goal would be to discredit and hide God/ Creator making us believe he doesn't exist, in order for evolution to work it needs the big bang and the big bang needs outer space and the vast nothingness and the planets and galaxies and the giant sun and hurtling through space. The globe earth is the foundation for atheism, the big bang, evolution, the new world order, the alien deception, many false religions, and satanic control. Furthermore, if satan hides God through his deceptions then he can convince people there is no God, without the globe earth lie, satans deceptions are blown out of the water.The next reasons are those of the elite, their goals are control, power, money, & the new world order, this is much easier accomplished if the people believe they are in a chaotic universe with no God and our world is in the hands of the TADA GOVERNMENT!!!!
We are in a spiritual war. I am NOT DEAD AND LOST AT SEA. I am found on the land… my head is above water. All bodies of water lies flat. Water doesn’t lie. Water is life. We are 71% water. Again, I know my LAW. Land is Stationary. Air must be contained. Water will always seek its lowest leVel.
This is why people need to wake up to Flat Earth. I don’t know about you …. But, I’m going after my minor estates.
AKA Cestui Que Vie Funds.

Flat earth is NOT a psyop nor a cult. The earth is flat & stationary.

We are ALL in this together.

Peace & blessings.”


Amen. Am also not lost at sea but very much alive on the flat earth, where am the High Priest of the Creator, also god of the Underworld, hells et al. 3:)

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