13 psychological and behavioral health conditions

in mentalhealth •  3 years ago 

If you’re experiencing a mental illness condition, you might feel isolated, making it harder to seek treatment and support. But in fact, more than 1 in 5 Americans have had a behavioral or psychological health condition in the last 12 months.

Seeking help is nothing to be ashamed of — it takes courage and strength to realize that your mental health is suffering and that you need support. Seeking help is also not something that can be put off — when left untreated, many mental health conditions can worsen and cause physical changes in the brain over time.

There are many different forms of mental health illnesses to choose from. In reality, there are about 300 distinct situations. These are among the most frequent mental disorders afflict individuals in the U.s: depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.

  1. Neurodevelopmental Disorders
    Neurodevelopmental disorders are a group of impairments primarily connected with the functioning of the nervous system and the brain. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, learning difficulties, intellectually disabled (also known as mental retardation), conduct problems, cerebral palsy, and impairments in vision and hearing are only a few examples of neurodevelopmental diseases in children.

  2. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
    ADHD manifests itself in various circumstances more often and intensely than is typical for other persons in the same developmental stage. Attention problems and hyperactivity/impulsivity behaviors are present in many children with ADHD. In contrast, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, some children have predominantly hyperactive behavior characteristics, and others have primarily inattentive behavior traits.

  3. Anxiety Disorders
    Anxiety disorders are mental health issue that affects the nervous system. Anxiety makes it harder to function normally during the day. Nervousness, panic, terror, sweat, and a fast pulse, are all common symptoms of panic disorder. Medication and cognitive-behavioral therapy are two options for treatment.

  4. Stress-Related Disorders
    The stress-related disorder is described as a higher stress load or a decreased ability to adapt that saps an individual’s reserve capacity, making them more vulnerable to health issues in the future. For example, excessive stress may express itself in cardiovascular disorders, such as hypertension, and digestive troubles, such as heartburn, ulcers, and irritable bowel syndromes.

  5. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental disease that occurs when a traumatic incident is experienced or seen. Extreme experiences such as war and natural catastrophes and verbal and physical abuse may result in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Flashbacks and being easily startled are two symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is estimated that 3.5 percent of individuals in the United States have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

  6. Dissociative Disorders
    Dissociative diseases are mental illnesses characterized by a sense of disconnection and lack of continuity between thoughts, memories, surroundings, activities, and one’s identity. People suffering from dissociative disorders attempt to escape reality in both involuntary and harmful ways, which results in difficulties with daily functioning.

Dissociative disorders are often triggered by traumatic events and are used to help people cope with painful memories. The symptoms of dissociative disorder, which may range from amnesia to other identities, are determined partly by the kind of illness you have. For example, stress may temporarily increase symptoms, making them more visible for a short period.

  1. Somatic Symptom Disorders
    An intense preoccupation with physical symptoms — such as pain or exhaustion — that causes significant emotional discomfort and interferes with daily functioning is defined by somatic symptom disorder. Your symptoms may or may not be related to another documented medical condition, but your attitude to the symptoms is out of the ordinary. The following are examples of somatic symptom disorder symptoms: It might cause specific feelings such as pain or shortness of breath or cause more general symptoms such as exhaustion or weakness.

  2. Insomnia
    It is normal to suffer from insomnia, which may make it difficult to fall asleep and remain asleep and lead people to wake up too early and be unable to go back asleep. You may still be sleepy when they wake up. It is possible to have insomnia and lose your energy and mood and your health, job performance, and overall quality of life.

The amount of sleep required varies from person to person, but most individuals need seven to eight hours of sleep every night.

Many individuals may suffer from short-term (acute) insomnia at some time in their lives, which might endure for many days or even weeks. It’s most often caused by stress or a terrible occurrence in one’s life. Some individuals, however, suffer from long-term (chronic) insomnia, which may linger for a month or more. There are many different causes of insomnia, which various medical problems or drugs may cause.

  1. Disruptive Disorders
    Disruptive behavior disorders (DBD) may negatively influence a child’s ability to function in everyday situations. Children who suffer from disruptive behavior disorders exhibit a pattern of uncooperative and rebellious conduct that persists over time.

In their interactions with authoritative persons, they exhibit a spectrum of emotions from apathy to aggression. In addition, their actions often influence individuals in their immediate vicinity, including instructors, students, and family members.

Disorders of disruptive behavior include:

Another or unidentified disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorder (formerly known as disruptive behavior disorder)
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
Conduct disorder (previously known as conduct disorder)
Children with these types of behavioral issues might be challenging, disobedient, and irritable, among other things.

Children with conduct disorder exhibit the same behaviors toward authority people as those described above. Still, they also have a propensity to be physically violent and to deliberately and willfully violate the rights of others, as indicated before.

The degree, intensity, and intentionality of the conduct shown by the kid are the most significant variations between these diseases.

  1. Persistent depressive disorder
    Persistent depressive disorder, also known as dysthymia, is a kind of depression that lasts for an extended period (chronic). A person may lose interest in typical everyday tasks, feel despondent, be unproductive, have poor self-esteem, and have a general sense of inadequacy due to depression. These sentiments may linger for years and can substantially impact your relationships, schoolwork, and other everyday activities, among other things.

In the case of someone suffering from a chronic depressive disease, it may be difficult for them to remain cheerful even on pleasant occasions; they may be regarded as having a depressed disposition, continuously whining, or incapable of having fun. However, even though persistent depressive illness is less severe than major depression, you may be experiencing mild, moderate, or severe depressive symptoms at the moment.

  1. Substance-Related Disorders
    Drug-related diseases were previously divided into two categories: substance use disorders (SUDs) and substance-induced disorders (SIDs) (SID). SIDs are often seen in the setting of SUDs.

Substance-induced diseases are medical illnesses that may be traced back to using a drug or other substance in their development. For example, intoxication, withdrawal, drug-induced delirium, substance-induced psychosis, and substance-induced mood disorders are all symptoms that may occur as a result of substance abuse.

Drug use disorders comprise both substance abuse and substance dependence. Although the symptoms are technically classified as either one or the other, it has been recommended that they be combined into a single diagnosis known as “Substance-use disorder.”

More recent classifications have integrated drug abuse and dependence into a single continuum known as substance use disorder, which requires the presence of more presenting symptoms to make a diagnosis. It also treats each chemical as its specific problem, based on the same fundamental criteria. Finally, it differentiates dependency and addiction as two particular conditions that should not be confused.

  1. Neurocognitive Disorders
    When it comes to mental function, neurocognitive dysfunction is a broad term that refers to impairment caused by a medical condition other than a psychiatric illness. It is often used in the same sentence as dementia, which is wrong.

  2. Personality disorders
    Character disorders are mental disorders in which you have a strict and harmful habit of thinking, functioning, and acting that you cannot break. A person who has a personality disorder has difficulty seeing and connecting to surroundings and other individuals. It results in severe problems and constraints in interpersonal interactions, social activities, employment, and education.

In other situations, a person may be unaware that they have a personality disorder since their way of thinking and acting seems to them to be completely normal and natural. Furthermore, you may blame others for the difficulties you are experiencing.

Personality problems often manifest themselves throughout adolescence or early adulthood. Personality problems may manifest themselves in a variety of ways. Some types may become less noticeable as they approach middle age.


For healthcare practitioners, mental health is a critical area of concern. The majority of individuals are familiar with the signs and symptoms of physical ailments such as a heart attack or a stroke. However, they may be unable to distinguish between the physical manifestations of anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and panic.

Campaigns to raise awareness are intended to assist individuals in better understanding these prevalent indications and symptoms.

Every year, more than 40 million people in the United States have a mental disease. Knowing that they are not alone may encourage individuals to seek help from a qualified healthcare provider. Treatment is essential for symptom alleviation and maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle.

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