My entry to Goldendawne's Messy Pantry Contest

in messypantry •  7 years ago  (edited)

I almost didn't enter this contest. I am ashamed of how messy mine is. I have Goldendawne beat hands down. I can't even get through my pantry without stepping over things, lol.

I will stick to the rules and only show 3 photos. But it will not show the entire pantry which is a 10 x 12 foot bonus room Larry & I converted to a pantry. (we never put a floor down, its just plywood covered with plastic) One wall is main my son and DIL's food along with some food I canned but didn't have enough boxes to store it in.

Please don't pass out when you see it. If messes make you squeamish, turn back now!

This is just the upstairs pantry

There is a 10 x 10 foot room downstairs, 1 deep freeze that is packed to the gills and to fridges that are stuffed. I think I can survive for a while, lol.

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congratulations @fernowl13 your post is becoming a trending topic.

wow! Thanks for letting me know!

The photos were slow to load and I was thinking, "that's not too bad." Then the bottom bit started to load! Lol!

LOL, yeah the worst is in the floor and has to be stepped over to get to the shelves.

You are well prepared for everything. If you rearranged it, then how would you know where things are? Good shots of the pantry. 🐓🐓

This is true. I only occasionally can't find what I am looking for. Most of the time I can go right to it. Might have to dig down a little, but... lol

You for sure have a great supply of things a person might need. =)

No need to organize, think of it like a treasure hunt everytime you go into there. That's what I do anyways LOL.

That is not a bad idea. I tend to have some fairly good fantasy scenarios quiet often. Maybe if I see each individual package as being a jewel or chunk of gold... lol

The bigger the shelves the easier it is for them to be messy. You do what you can!

This is true. Since I started on Steemit, it has been a lot like seeing a REALLY good therapist. I am starting to really care about getting things organized. I've come a long way, just in the past 2 months, but I haven't been brave enough to start on the pantry just yet, lol