
in meta4ustake •  3 years ago 


SportZchain Introduction

While the world of cryptocurrency is immeasurably vast (and still growing!), Sports Tokens or Fan Tokens are an easy and simplified way of increasing fan interaction with sports teams. This concept builds on converting a passive fan-based into an invested fan-base by giving them the power to influence binding and non-binding club decisions. Currently, SportZchain is focussed on bringing the platform to Indian audiences and soon expects to expand globally — with plans to bring aboard three sports teams in the next year.

SportZchain was founded as a part of an endeavour by its founder, Siddharth Jaiswal to make the world of sports more engaging and provide sports fans the opportunity to take part in the decision making process for their favourite sports teams and clubs. From having a right to vote on simple decisions such as jersey colours to crucial decisions such as player division and transfers — fans with sports tokens will now be able to engage with their favourite teams like never before.

SportZchain future in Metaverse.

In order to truly understand the role of sports in the Metaverse, one must know what the Metaverse is all about in the first place. Simply put, it’s a network of interconnected virtual realities. Imagine VR games such as Second Life and Minecraft. Metaverse is just a logical extension of these game worlds. On Web2.0, the developers have all the control and users don’t really have much of a say in game universes. However, the Metaverse connects all these game worlds together. Thus, it becomes a sort of second reality that we always have access to. Another implication of this connection is the interchangeability of assets. Assets from one game can be transferred to another in the Metaverse. Moreover, quite a few games have adopted a P2E model as well (Play to Earn). Games based on this model allow players to monetize the time they invest. The payout is usually in native tokens or a cryptocurrency that can be cashed out.

WHAT are we doing in SPORTZCHAIN?

At SPORTZCHAIN, we are looking at improving the engagement of fans across the globe by focusing on invested fans, which will benefit both the fanbase and the teams. Being lifelong fans of sports, the SPORTZCHAIN team understands the limitations of fans and the need to improve quality of engagement and at the same time be more vested in the team that we support. Simultaneously, we are also cognizant of the fact that sporting teams also are looking for an optimal way of monetizing the fans outside of merchandise and matchday revenues.

We are here to solve both the problems and marry together a solution that will address these problems from both teams’ and fans’ perspectives. And thus creating a digital world for fans.

Sportzchain Platform Benefits

SPORTS TEAM BENEFITS — what’s in it for the teams in our digital world?

A new revenue stream to monetize their fan-base by issuing branded Sports Tokens

An engagement platform (through binding and non-binding polls and contests) for the team to connect with an ‘invested fan-base’ and increase their global fandom

Access to a global marketplace for selling exclusive merchandise and NFTs to a global fan-base

Platform to offer various privileges and discounts to the invested fan-base

Gain the ability to onboard more fans from traditional non-rewarding social media platforms such as Twitter to the rewarding SPORTZCHAIN platform

Offer exclusive content, games and transfer news to fans to keep them engaged and empowered

Utilize data analytics to gain a better understanding of your ‘invested fan base’

FAN BENEFITS — what’s in it for the fans in our digital world?

Move from being a detached fan to an INVESTED FAN by influencing team’s decision through binding and non-binding polls

You can buy Sports Tokens for multiple sports and multiple teams and be an invested fan with no expiration date (If you hold a Sports Token, you will reap all the VIP benefits)

First access to exclusive content as provided by the teams or SPORTZCHAIN on the platform

Access to VIP privileges (such as meet and greet, stadium tour, etc.), fan experience zones, and various discounts on merchandise and tickets

Participate in contests and trivia to win exclusive rewards from your team and SPORTZCHAIN

Participate in various Games (Play-to-Earn and Move-to-Earn Metaverse) to win free $SPN tokens or branded Sports Tokens

You can trade your team Sports Tokens on our platform and reap financial gains (traditional membership is non-tradeable and does not provide any financial upside)

What are Sports Tokens?

A utility cryptographic branded token bearing the marks/name of the partnering sports team or organization to which they relate, also known as a fan token. Sports Tokens are created by a separate entity within the Sportzchain universe and are designed for direct utility within the Sportzchain platform. Sports Tokens are without a doubt one of the most interesting inventions to emerge from the intersection of crypto and sports. Consider having the capacity to influence certain decisions made by your favorite team. A Sports Token, for the uninitiated, is a fungible utility token that grants its owner particular rights inside an organization or club. Sports Tokens grant holders voting rights to particularly participate in the decision-making processes, such as training grounds, kit designs, charity initiatives, feedback polls and surveys in regard to the sports teams or organizations to which they relate.


Contract : TBA

Symbol : TBA (Mostly SPN)

Total Supply: 10 Billion

DEX Liquidity: TBA

Burn Reserve: TBA

Locked Tokens: ~50% for future expansion and has a vesting period of max 3 years

Airdrop & Bounty: 5% to all Loyal Hodlers

Fair Launch (IEO) : 20% (pre-sale and public sale)



If you follow the above tips diligently, you’ll never get scammed online. Another helpful tip, that works not only for crypto but the internet in general, is to never open unidentified links from unknown sources. Once you dabble in crypto, you’ll be able to figure out how to conduct your business and where to invest your money. There are various start-ups like Sportzchain, that are showing promise in the crypto world. It is a great time to dive right into the world of NFTs and cryptocurrency to make the right investments.

To know more visit website and stay tuned on social interaction platforms:

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