To form a liquid that floats on top of the molten iron this is known as slag the molten iron is tapped from the furnace and the slag is skimmed off and taken away for use in other industries such as road building or cement manufacture the molten iron we get from a blast furnace or hot metal as it's known in the industry isn't pure iron and contains the elements carbon-sulfur phosphorus manganese and Metal Corner Brackets silicon to make Metal these elements must be removed or reduced and other elements added Metal corner brackets depending on the type of Metal being made the carbon content at about four per cent makes iron very brittle and unsuitable for rolling or forging and although iron can be used for castings most of the iron produced is for processing into Metal basic oxygen Metalmaking or BOS is the main bulk production process for refining iron into Metal BOS vessels can take up to 350 tons of molten iron at a time and convert it into Metal in less than 30 minutes first scrap Metal is put into the vessel. Large metal corner brackets, Metal corner brackets for wood, Heavy-duty metal corner brackets, Long metal corner brackets, Metal corner brackets Screwfix, Decorative metal corner brackets, Corner brace brackets, L brackets.
Outdoor screws Screwfix, Railway sleeper brackets, Screwfix railway sleeper brackets, Railway sleeper brackets b&q. And then the hot metal is added which may have been pre-treated to remove elements such as sulfur a lance then blows high purity oxygen onto the hot metal at about twice the speed of sound the oxygen combines with impurities and this oxidation produces heat the temperature is controlled by the quantity of scrap Metal and also by the addition of iron ore as a coolant the oxidized carbon creates carbon monoxide gas which can be collected cleaned and used as a fuel the other oxidized impurities combined with lime that has been added during the blow to form a slag the quantities of scrap hot metal or lime and other substances are calculated to ensure correct temperature and Outdoor Screws composition of the Metal refining can be assisted by injecting argon nitrogen or oxygen gases through the base of the vessel.
And a sub lance is used to measure carbon and temperature during the blow to allow final adjustments to be made during tapping alloy additions are also made to adjust Metal composition by this stage the carbon has been reduced from around four percent to about naught Outdoor Screws point naught 5 percent finally the vessel is tipped to remove the slag for recycling the other main method of making Metal is by means of the electric arc furnace or leaf as it's known the leaf process predominantly uses cold Metal scrap making it one of the world's largest recycling processes ei FS make up to 150 tons of Metal in a single melt in less than an hour the furnace is filled with recycled Metal scrap the roof is then swung into place and three graphite electrodes are lowered into the furnace a powerful electric current is passed through the furnace an arc is created and the heat generated melts the Metal scrap lime and fluorspar are added and usually carbon and oxygen are blown into the melt as a result impurities in the metal combine to form a slag.