The shelves down to the frame of the workbench Metal Corner Brackets all right with the shelves in place the next thing we need to do is attach the top rail all right so we're going to go ahead and put the pegboard on the back now and remember no cutting was involved they really put a lot of thought into this so you can take everything and put it together as quickly as possible with as little effort as possible all right that's it you've made a very useful and an extremely sturdy workbench you got to be proud of yourself for more ideas like this be sure to check out DIY done right comm for Simpson Strong Tie I'm Jamie Schmidt thanks for watching you you know it's rather again you know when you're doing metal work there's a less specs of metal work.
You know you pick up tricks as you go along and some things that you work on going to be really annoying and there's some simple tricks that you can use to make life a lot simpler and I've got a lot of simple tricks but I don't really often put a map because shop with YouTube is you don't know whether the people that are viewing your videos are experienced in experience to what and judging by the comments I get a lot of people are very experienced and they probably get a bit of enjoyment just watching stuff they already know be done and that may be a different way anyway I'm going to do a video today and if people know this trick will.
They can switch off now about it's one of the things that always puts a a grin on my face might do it because it's such a simple thing to do and it's what I feel good things you do when you when you're doing that work because it's so easy yet it becomes a really annoying problem and what's the annoying problem well what really pisses me off is when you've got to put a 90 degree bend in a piece of steel like that but I didn't do this this is disabled scrap bin but you're put a 90 degree bend in a piece of steel like that but you want a allo radius corner and over it's virtually 90 degrees in there is virtually no role no bend at all and a cutlass if you try and bend still like just been too cold or bent it hot.
You've been a cold there's a good chance you're going to crack
Metal Corner Brackets it weakened it you're almost certainly weaken it particularly it's got any amount of carbon in it and even if you heat it up and and bend it you're still in the vise you're never ever going to get a really sharp low radius corner easy to heat it up and beat it with it you know mallet the hammer and everything you can get it saw the shot but you can finish up with all beat marks all over jobs anyway it all comes down to I suppose how many you want it all to look and how important it is that pulls in sharp I mean the trouble is you've got as you can see that's you know that is never going to pull in anywhere near square you know.