Just wanted to put down some lines about globalization today. What is it even? Well, I would say that globalization is the concept about how the world is turning more into one, and not into different entities. Of course, we still have countries and the countries have their own capitals. But, in a globalized world, we see that the borders turn less important, and the fact is, the people, no matter where they are located, are getting closer to one another.
The internet is incredibly important in the concept of globalization, making it extremely easy to connect and speak to people all around the world. Trading unions also make it easier to buy and sell throughout countries, and one should even mention cryptocurrencies that make people able to buy and sell at any time, no matter where they are located in the world.
In other words, the borders are bearing torn down by globalization, as companies buy and sell products both within their countries and elsewhere. They turn into multinational companies by opening factories in other countries, they create opportunities for 3rd world countries to get richer and get work by taking advantage of the opportunities there.
Then you have companies like McDonald's, which operate in all the countries of the world. They use local goods, but it is still the international concept, making them a very clear example of globalization by understanding how they operate and work.
You can also see the same on companies like Amazon, operating from a headquarter in the USA, but if you ever contact their customer support, you will end up speaking to someone in India (or somewhere else). The borders turn less important, and the world is turning more and more into one. And with COVID, I believe we could see this even clearer than before, understanding that the digital world turned into the real world for many, and we spent more time in virtual worlds and on Zoom, than we did chatting with our employees in the office.
And with the metaverse coming up, who knows, maybe that will turn into an essential part of the globalization as well.