Smoothing The Way Heading 2018 (How To Be Betrayed By Your Government)

in mexico •  7 years ago 

Last week the politicians from Mexico give a new demonstration of contempt to the civil society to vote as good two new law proposals, one the #LeyMordaza (Gag Law) and the other * much more worrying * the #LeyDeSeguridadInterior (Homeland Security Law).


I don´t usually talk about politics here on the blog, but given the last events, I believe it´s really appropriate use this space to let people know what´s happening here on Mexico and the consequences that are going to bring in the near future.

The Gag Law (#LeyMordaza)

The last December 14 the Deputies Chamber (Cámara de Diputados) make an inappropriate use of power and approve changes to the Federal Civil Code (Código Civil Federal).

The new law have the intention to criminalize -and textually quote- **”the communication, by any means, of a fact true or false that could cause shame, disrepute, prejudice or expose to contempt to anybody”, or in simple words, the indiscriminate censorship by any means of content if it could harm on any way the public image of a person or institution.


Now, our dear diputades are worried for the harm that could came for a meme, a mediatic news, a media report or a public investigation.

Is not that they are worried to been exposed for their murky businesses or the political decisions - and not so political- that could affect to their future careers?


Because it looks like we the citizens have no right to knew the truth about what their really doing with the power we gave them.

But lets give an example:

Lets say that the senator Juan choose to participate as a candidate for President of the Nation in the next elections in 2018, but he was involved on several investigations and scandals for money laundering and corruption.

With the new Gag Law, the senator Juan could ask punishment and the repair of the possible damage of his “person and honor”, maybe even prevent that the information could be published and don't let the citizens know about their dark past, without caring if the information is truth or false.

That same example could be applied to a rubber, a rapist, a stalker, a murder, etc., but being honest, that kind of persons will never had the chance to “require” this new law, unlike the public figures for the ones the law is made for.

How ridiculous is that?

And that's not the worst, o no…

The Homeland Security Law (#LeyDeSeguridadInterior)


If the INDISCRIMINATE CENSORSHIP is not enough to lit the red lights of the society, our senators have decided to enact the Homeland Security Law, on a few words, gave faculties and power to the Executive Power (the National President) of the use of the National Army and Naval Forces to preserve the ”Homeland Security”, whatever that could means.

And is the ambiguity of the term ”Homeland Security” what makes nervous to the public and international experts.

Of course the affiliates of the PRI, PAN and PVEM parties said over and over again that the army will be used to fight on the drugs war, to resolve the insecurity and reestablish the order, just like they´ve already done for 10 years. The little problem is that on those 10 years the problem hasn´t been resolve and the general situation is far more worst, thousands of deads, forced disappeareds and continuous assaults to civil rights had make that the own society start take the justice for own hand.

But lets return to our example of the Juan candidate.

Lets say that the “honorable candidate” Juan had receive a little bit of help to won the next elections from the 2018, just like in the past, for an incredible disputed and close result, but this time the society noticed something strange and go out to the streets to protest and ask for a recount of the votes, just like six years ago.

Well, if six years ago we live a very tense moment, imagine what could happen if now the President had complete power over the army to protect the so call “Homeland Security”.

Frightening, dont you think?

The “Chavismo” has arrived

Beyond the colors or policy you currently defend or like, the parties in power had discredit the past repeatedly to one of the left candidates that caused more controversy, support and distrust on the mexican politic world, I´m talking about López Obrador, and precisely with the argument of being a national representation of the so call Chavismo movement on Mexico.

Well, with these two new laws being approved for our diputades and senators we could say that we din't had to wait to see López Obrador sit on the presidential chair to say that Chavismo has arrived to Mexico.

They already have become the so beaten "Mexican Democracy" into a "Dictatorial Democracy" at the very style of, for example, Venezuela.

That personally makes me notice that the country is approaching to a big hole with no return. I hope that the mexicans that might be reading this could reflect a little bit more about the consequences of the chooses they made in the next electoral year, even if they choose vote or not vote at all.


For me, I'm not gonna forget what parties had voted these new laws and I like to start a Social Disobedience Project, maybe I could do some stencils —like I use to do whe children— or do some shirts and try to sell them, not sure. But defynetly I'll be more involved on the next electoral year.

Greetings and till next time.

Mi nombre es Roberto. Mexicano adicto a la tecnología, a los libros, la cerveza y últimamente al deporte.

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My name is Roberto. Mexican adict to tech, books, beer and lately to sport and photography.

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