RE: (RedPill) is coming - get to your safe space

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(RedPill) is coming - get to your safe space

in mfmp •  8 years ago 

So to summarize, there are many tactics the TPTB use to keep us from learning the truth: disinfo, misdirection, limited hangouts, fake suppression, controlling the opposition, fear mongering, and telling us lies to make us afraid of them. There are others but those ones are key to know about. Carry them with you as you continue your search for the truth.

Well, there is one more I'll mention: it's called blackwashing or 'discredit by association.' That's when they have someone tell some truth, but then act crazy or evil or espouse ludicrous ideas in order to discredit the truth. "You believe in LENR -- what are you a Flat Earther?" To be completely honest, I have considered the possibility that you are doing just that with LENR and (Redpill). But I am giving you the benefit of the doubt based on your history. I believe in you.

You've peeled back one layer of lies. It is probably the toughest layer to pierce through and keeps the vast majority of people in line. But there are many, many more layers of lies beyond that. There is a full on blizzard of lies to try to keep anyone who gets through the first layer in a booming, buzzing confusion, far away from the truth.

I encourage you not to believe something just because you feel in your gut that it's the truth. Intuition is important, but going by your gut leads to confirmation bias, and they use that to lead us astray. Try to stay grounded. I don't yet know what "The Truth" is, and I may never really get to the bottom of it. But what I believe learned so far has in many ways been more unsettling than the notion that TPTB are evil spirits who want to absorb my spiritual life force.

Now, I want to say something else. I have on a few occasions recommended to you to look into the physics work of Miles Mathis. He also has a done a considerable amount of research on conspiracies, and I can point you to that work as well if you'd like (highly recommended). I can tell you that, just as with his physics, his conspiracy work is on a different level altogether. And in fact they sort of dovetail, because his work in physics points to the conclusion that most of leading theories of 20th century physics have been a form of "don't look there, look here" misdirection. (Or, "don't bother to try to think mechanically about atomic processes, just shut up and calculate!")

Whether or not that misdirection is intentionally meant to direct people away from the truth is something of an open question. I am inclined to believe it is intentional, if only because the truth, once you see it, seems so obvious that it's hard to believe the brightest scientific minds for over a hundred years could have failed to see it. But just as with the evidence about 9/11, it's hard to get people to look at it. But I can assure you, Bob, once you grasp Miles's physics work, you will see it. You will know what I'm talking about. And it's not esoteric in the slightest.

People in the LENR field can easily see why there would be a conspiracy against LENR. And of course Mallove pretty much proved that there was a conspiracy against it. But what I'm telling you is that the conspiracy and the scientific "look over here, not over there" misdirection does not start and end at LENR. It goes much, much deeper than that.

I told you on ECW that Miles's theories can explain Ken Shoulders' EVO's, and I linked you to a short paper of his on that, which unfortunately falls short of a full explanation. But I think I can explain what an EVO is based on his theories. Here is an important question to be asked about EVOs, which I found on Ludwik Kowalski's website:

"Shoulders claims that under certain conditions roughly 10 to the 11th electrons can cluster in a region whose size is very small (one micron or so) and move as a single particle-like unit.... But electrons separated by very small distances repel each others. How can a [charge cluster] remain stable?"

This is a very good question, and one that I believe we still don't have an answer to it. But I think I do. But in order for the answer to make sense, you have to have a basic grasp of Miles's theories. I will again recommend my paper on trying to apply his work to Cold Fusion. I just updated it and added some recent insights, including my proposed explanation for EVOs. Here is the link.

The paper offers an overview of the theory as relevant to LENR and also links to his papers. I strongly encourage you to read the links to his papers I include. Or at least the ones that seem most relevant. They explain things far better than I can, and also include equations. If you think there are too many links but are willing to read some of his work, I could suggest a short reading list of about 5-6 papers that would get you up to speed on critical topics.

On ECW you said that "there is no real need for confusing the issue with tangential descriptions of the same phenomenon." But what I'm trying to tell you is that his theories are not tangential. They aren't just a different way to describe what's going on. They can actually explain it! And if his theories can explain what's going on with EVOs, that can exactly give you the ability to establish "what are optimal conditions for generation and maintenance of the EVOs." So if you really want to try to come to a real understanding of EVOs and of LENR, you have to come to a different understanding of physics. Once you do, it all makes sense. Axil is full of hot air and layers everything with a thick fog of abstraction leading into never-never land. He's very good at misdirection. But Miles cuts through the fog with surgical precision and perspicacious logic. And you don't need pull the energy our of the vacuum or the cosmic lattice or a magician's hat, either. Everything that explains these phenomena are quite real and tangible and mechanical. It's refreshingly down-to-Earth.

Bob, please consider this a signpost that I'm planting here to help you along your path down the rabbit hole. You just need to know how to recognize it for what it is. But just as you cannot force Srinivasan to open his eyes to 9/11 truth or Judy Woods or any of that, I cannot force you to open your eyes to this. You have to see and judge it for yourself. The choice is yours.

I will close here by quoting some excerpts from the first few paragraphs of my paper:

"What will the advent of cold fusion mean for establishment physicists? Will they be able to bend over backwards with ad hoc band-aids to patch up the same theories that keep telling us cold fusion is “impossible?” Or will it require a massive overhaul of our understanding of the physical universe? In that case, we will need a new paradigm and new theories to rebuild it from the ground up. As it happens, someone already has rebuilt physics from the ground up. His name is Miles Mathis, an independent, self-taught polymath. I believe his revolutionary theories hold the key to a comprehensive explanation of all LENR processes, and I am writing this to explain why."

"Miles is unique in that he started from scratch and questioned everything from first principles, going back to Euclid. He has dug into the equations and original writings of Newton, Farraday, Maxwell, Einstein, Bohr, Schrodinger, Feynman, etc., emerging with improvements and deep new insights. Before standing on the shoulders of giants to try to see farther than them, he first peered over their shoulders and checked their work. As astonishing as it sounds, he has found fundamental errors and leaps of logic in all of their work and corrected it, delivering a truly mechanical theory of physics (without abandoning relativity). It might be said that he has created a new physics by fixing the old one. His writing style is lucid, straightforward and accessible (and almost always polemical)."

"I should note here that the preface for Miles’s first book was written by Tahir Yaqoob, PhD, an astrophysicist at Johns Hopkins University and NASA, who also was the one who encouraged Miles to publish his work in book format. He wrote: 'as far as I know, Miles is the first person to propose and begin to investigate the idea that Newton's fundamental gravitational equation already has electromagnetism embedded within it, and that what is needed is decomposition, not unification. Such a possibility has profound implications.' On the back cover he writes: 'I am absolutely flabbergasted – my gut reaction is that the idea that G is a scaling constant between two fields in Newton’s equation is an absolutely brilliant insight.'"

"Miles insists on a mechanical theory of physics involving material objects in the real world and believes that math should be used as a tool to help us explain the actual physical movement and interaction of those things. In other words, he has set out to construct a truly mechanical theory wherein interactions are based on the movement and contact of particles that have mass and physical extension (size). He shows that the history of physics is littered with examples where, because physicists couldn’t explain why things worked the way they did, they simply used math to describe it, then mistook their mathematical descriptions for actual physical theories. Think of magnetic charge and the magnetic field. What are they? How do they work? We don’t really know. We have Maxwell’s field equations that can describe them, but we don’t understand how they work, and we’ve made up more and more abstract, non-mechanical notions to explain it (like so-called messenger photons).

"Instead of using math as a tool to describe how the physical world works, we’ve mistaken the math for the physics, and the problem has just snowballed into an avalanche that tends to blind and suffocate anyone trying to climb the mountain of truth. Establishment physics has managed to muddle through by inventing ever-fancier math to describe and accomodate, without really explaining, experimental results that would seem to contradict their theories."

"Miles has applied his theory to a wide range of phenomena, including offering elegant and compelling solutions to the mysteries of dark matter, superconductivity, wave-particle duality, quantum entanglement, the double-slit experiment, the Proton Radius Puzzle, the Vacuum Catastrophe, the Pioneer anomaly and the Casimir effect, as well as explaining beta decay, neutrinos, nuclear magnetic resonance, Brownian motion, ice ages, the tides, the Meissner effect, major solar anomalies, celestial mechanics, etc. His theory explains why G (the gravitational constant) has the value it does (along with Planck's constant, the fine structure constant and a bunch of others), what causes gravity, why photons travel at c, why light is quantized, why E=mc2, why the mass of the electron is about 1820 times less than the mass of a proton, what is the origin of permittivity, where magnetism comes from and how it works mechanically, where mass comes from, and on and on. Miles argues that the Copenhagen interpretation was wrong and that the theories that emerged from it (Quantum mechanics, QED, QCD) are on the wrong track. In so doing, he has also done away with the theories underlying quantum mechanics, electrodynamics & chromodynamics (and hence the bulk of 20th century theoretical physics) in one fell swoop, without dismissing most of their experimental results. I have christened his theoretical perspective, ‘Mathisian physics,’ because I believe it is every bit as revolutionary and comprehensive as Newtonian or Einsteinian physics. For anyone steeped in years or decades of mainstream physics, giving this document a fair reading will require a deep breath and a truly open mind."

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joshg, very interesting comment thank you

Thanks, George. Re-reading it I see it was a bit repetitive and I didn't make some points as well as I could.

One other thing that did not come through very clearly was the implication that Judy Wood and John Hutchison may be disinfo or misdirection. Their claims should be assessed with skepticism. Especially since there is a lot of evidence that John Hutchison is a fraud. You find lots of info and youtube videos on this. This one is the most damning in my opinion:

So be careful who you trust! Just because the information seems legitimate, doesn't mean it is. OR, it could be partly true and partly false. For example, with Hutchison, maybe he is playing the fraud to discredit all similar claims about the electromagnetic effects he allegedly discovered. Judy Wood could be the same.

Also, Bob, you should take any footage from 9/11 with a HUGE grain of salt. Especially footage of the airplanes, which appears to be fake. But don't take my word for it. There is lots of evidence out there. Some of the most compelling of which IMHO can be found in the September Clues documentary:

The sheer amount of fake imagery we are fed about what is going on in this world is astounding.

Hi Joshg

Thankyou for your very thorough and detailed response.

All the theories in the world are trumped by observation of nature in action. This journey for me was about establishing LENR truth and by extension, clearing the names of Pons and Fleischmann. I never expected to end up explaining the anomalies in 911 and by extension having to re-consider my world view.

My understanding comes from sitting down with respected and brilliant scientists who have spent some of the best years of their life in this field. Each one, that had empirical success, had a piece of the puzzle (though I suspect one knew more than he let on). Ultimately this led me to Kenneth Shoulders and John Hutchinson. The rest came from physical experiments I had done in my play and work as a child, teenager and young man. The 'jelly cars' which I know to not be true, followed by seeing Egly's pictures of ball-lightening effects led me to type "windows, round holes, 911" or something to that effect and I got a picture showing just that which was watermarked Dr. Judy Wood - enough was enough.

I had come from observed science by scientists and ended up at Shoulders and Hutchinson, Dr. Judy Wood had come from the anomalies at 911, treating it as nature in action and ended up at Shoulders and Hutchinson.

All of the rest is an extension of the implications of that, the multi-decade planing and all of the extreme actions you would have to do to keep it secret.

I will try to get myself into a position where over the next 2 years - we deliver LENR together (we have several apparently working technologies to test) and I go through, stepwise, each anomaly and show how and why it is only explainable with the extended effects as observed by 100s of experiments over decades. I would also like to repeat these experiments - those that are possible.

For me it is about science.

My first video was for shock - it was my 911 - delivering it and observing the reaction to it revealed a lot which will be key in this final stretch to delivering LENR for peaceful and positive applications. I needed to know who could be trusted.

Bob, thanks for answering. I must admit, and I say this with all due respect, your reply reads like a boiler-plate response. It is essentially a restatement of what you've already said with no sign that you took any time to digest anything I wrote or relate the actual content of my comments in any way. For example, you didn't say anything about the video I posted that appears to show Hutchison engaged in fraud. Yet you keep referring to him as if all his claims are sacrosanct. Does that mean you are piggy-backing on his fraud? Think about how that reflects on you and your claims. Do you have any doubts at all about him and his work? You keep saying you got to Shoulders and Hutchison through LENR while Judy Wood got there through investigating 9/11. But if I understand correctly from you reply, you actually got to Hutchison and Shoulders via Judy Wood, whose work you found when googling 911 glass holes. But maybe Judy was wrong in pointing towards Hutchison. You've got to be very careful here and more skeptical. Disinformation comes in many guises and usually mixes truth with lies.

Yes, I agree it is about science. But you will never be able to really explain LENR and EVOs and all the other stuff with current science. It's a dead-end. TPTB have not only been hiding the truth of LENR etc. but also more general scientific truths. If you want to stick with the current scientific paradigm, you will never be able to have full control because you'll never have full understanding. So I disagree with the premise that all the theories in the world are trumped by observation of nature in action. I agree that theory needs to agree with observation, and observation trumps theory. But theory should also be able to explain observation. The current paradigm will never be able to do that except perhaps in the most post-hoc, heuristic way. But there is a theory that is wholly consistent with LENR and "anti-gravity" and all that.

Well, I've said my peace. I don't see any reason to continue to bang my head up against a wall. I planted my signpost. That's all I can do. Ignore it if you wish, but you're making a mistake. I sincerely wish you well in all your endeavors and hope you are able to succeed in your goals.

I absolutely did not discover Dr. Judy wood until after I had got to Kenneth Shoulders and John Hutchinson. I was discussing these individuals and how I got to them with Alan Goldwater and the team working on GS 5.4 in Santa Cruz. Additionally, I started trailering (Redpill) a full two days before I came across Dr. Judy Wood's work. I came across her site at 11:47 on 25th Feb 2017. Later that afternoon I saw for the first time that she ended up at Kenneth Shoulders and John Hutchinson.

The observations of both KS and JH (transmutation, teleportation, disintegration, anti-gravity etc) I have just found out in the past few days are all attributes for high spin mono-atomic gold... just as was revealed to me in my visions in the weeks before (Redpill).


So here you have now many things that are matching

  1. My understanding of LENR having put pieces together from the 7 living elders leading me to KS and JH
  2. Tesla's claims for his technology including the 'death ray'
  3. My observations of how this technology explains all of the anomalies on 911
  4. Subsequently found that Dr. Wood got the KS and JH as explanations for 911 without going into how the science is delivered
  5. 5-6000 year old Sumarian texts / Egyptians / Hebrews / Hindus - etc. etc. all describing the amazing properties of specially prepared gold.

Bob, for some reason I can't answer your most recent reply directly, so I'm replying here instead. Thanks for taking the time to clarify the issue of how you came to Shoulders and Hutchison. In retrospect it's not a very important point and I probably shouldn't have even brought it up since it allowed you to continue to dodge and ignore all of the much more important points I've brought up while giving some pretense of actually addressing them.

To give one example of an issue you continue to ignore for reasons I cannot understand: how can you refer to Hutchison's work uncritically despite all the evidence of fraud (I linked to one video of many)? You are already going out on a limb here. Don't you see how citing the work of an apparent huckster as proof of something can only hurt your case and put you in the same category? Or do you dismiss all the evidence against him? And if so, why?

Keep in mind that to admit or even consider the possibility that Hutchison is a fraud does not imply DEWs don't exist. In fact, one goal of his fraudulent behavior may have been to discredit the very idea of DEWs and electro-gravitics. If you don't address the evidence against and/or continue to refer to his work uncritically, then by extension you also discredit those concepts.

As for Gardner and mono-atomic gold. I agree that m-state gold might have some relevance. But Gardner's bio is full of red flags, and the fact that his Bloodline book was serialized in the propaganda mouthpiece known as the Daily Mail speaks volumes about how (un)reliable a source it is for anything even remotely related to the truth (as does its appearance on bibliotecapleyades). And as much as I hate to say it, your uncritical referencing of Gardner's and Hutchison's work, without so much as a hint of a caveat, also speaks volumes about your credibility as a red-pill swallowing truth seeker. I sincerely hope I'm wrong. I know when you first fall down the rabbit hole it's hard to to tell see these things for what they are -- it's all a bit overwhelming.

So I'm going to say this again and for the last time: TPTB have completely flooded channels of alternative information with misdirection and disinfo as much as mainstream channels, to the extent that nearly all the alternative information 'out there' is tainted. You should be wary and suspicious of it, cautious and tentative in your interpretation of it, and careful in separating the wheat from the chaff. In essence, you need to take a very scientific approach. To do otherwise is to do a disservice to the truth. And you wouldn't want to do that, would you?

Bob, I realize the tone in my previous comment sounded ... grumpy. Sorry for that. You have my support. I just ponied up a modest donation for MFMP's work with Suhas and me356. Good luck! -JoshG

Thanks joshg,

we are all looking for answers from the day we are born, thanks for helping out.