Do You Believe In Luck ?

in mgsc •  7 years ago  (edited)

Do you think 'Lucky People' do different things os its just that Attitude and Hard work which makes them 'Lucky'.!

What differentiates positive people from others?

How can one stay positive when things go wrong?

Should we avoid negative people?


I do Believe in Luck, actually i believe that we create our own luck with our hard work and with our positive attitude towards everything. It all depends upon to the awareness of people that how much alert you are to the opportunities coming to your way and how u take decisions on that opportunities and make a decision. We do face failures every time we cant succeed and we cant make the best out of every opportunity but at least we should try to achieve something. These are only the good and bad phases of 'LIFE' , we have to face them.Just as Nature follows rhythmic cycles and our bodies respond to Circadian rhythms, so does life go through its cyclic good and bad phases. Those who are alert and Grab opportunities at perfect time are the one whom we can call 'Lucky' rest who miss these opportunities can be called 'unlucky',
LIFE gives us many chances to be Lucky, its just that we have to bring the good out of it.

The Famous Bollywood Actor 'Akshay Kumar' once said in his interview that its his luck who brings him to the top, but he was always alert for this opportunity and when he gets that he made the most out of it and now Ruling in Bollywood Industry.

A talisman does not bring one any luck by itself. It is perhaps your belief and feeling of positivity when you use that lucky charm which does the trick. A talisman could be anything – from something your wear, carry with yourself, a mantra you chant, or the person you ensure you look at before any important event. The danger however is in becoming too dependent on the lucky charm and forgetting to stay alert and positive. The best and only unfailing talisman is to look into your own eyes and stay confident and positive.

We should not get disappointed and should not think ourselves to be 'unlucky'. Life gives Chance to every one to prove themselves so just be positive may be life is thinking something big for you and when you get that opportunity try to make the most out of it and try to make yourself 'Lucky'.

Dealing with the negativity and still hanging on your positivity is the stuff from which good luck is made of.Someone is said wisely" Luck is what happen when preparation meets the opportunity."


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Very doubtful

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