LATEST NEWS @mibcoin 68% Jump in last hour HTTP://USA-JOSHUA.MIBPOOL.COM
Hello. This is MIB Team.
Here, we announce some information about trading MIB Coin in crypto exchanges.
You can not trade MIB Coin with crypto exchanges before Swap Process if your MIB Coin was mined from MIB Miner App. (Coinsuper, CoinBene, IDCM)
We have been announcing the said information number of times until now but there are still some people who are sending mined MIB Coin to crypto exchanges to trade. You won’t be able to receive your sent MIB Coin back in this case, therefore you should not send MIB Coin to exchanges anymore if you have mined them from MIB Mining App.
Swap Process is under discussion between MIB Team and crypto exchanges and we are trying to finish the process before the end of March. But the Swap Process is still an important task for us which requires enough discussion and preparation before starting, therefore the swap schedule might be changed a bit.
We will announce the actual Swap date through notice once it is fixed.
Thank you.
![Alt text](*5SaVHZA_9ZFXzaHu7xhvmA.jpeg)
Now meet the SmartX Blockchain Platform of MIB.
The Mobile Platform concept on blockchain basis
Smartphone mining that does not require special equipments (ASIC or GPU)
Mining that used to be monopolized by a certain country or an enterprise is now open for everyone to join
Eco-friendly, low-power based Mining that solves excessive power consumption problem
Maintaining the existing costly Blockchain Network with minimum fee
The problems of previous BLOCKCHAIN
After the growth of blockchain-based Bitcoin, various cryptocurrencies have been issued out to become part of our real lives. But the cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain system Network are having problem with maintaining the system due to their excessive power consumption and costly equipments, thus they are not fulfilling the role as digital currency for everyone.
WHY SO? That is because of the costly maintenance fee of the Blockchain system,
which leads to the monopolization by a certain coutnry and some people with large capital.)
**MIB, the next generation of Blockchain system Network
MIB stands for Mobile Integrated Blockchain. The Blockchain network is based on the smartphone, which is the most generalized device with its endless possibilities that is also called as the portable PC. On this Mobile SmartX Blockchain Platform(MSXBP), anyone can download MIB APP on their smartphone to start Mining, send and receive their cryptocurrencies, and use them for payments and exchanges in mobile environment.
MIB Mining no more requires costly hardware, CPU, Graphic card, or special equipment(ASIC or GPU). It is impossible for a certain country or some mining enterprises to monopolize in the Crypto market since the mining is only done on mobile. Furthermoer, the distributed mobile Blockchain system provides high efficiency Blockchain network with low cost.**
MIB MainNet has been launched on November 12 2018, and people are joining MIB Mining from all over the world including Korea, China, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Russia, Romania, USA, Africa and other places.
There are total 7,112 MIB Miner Apps running by total 1,313 users until November 27 2018.
![Alt text](*IiKlghOyhzSn8V9FvErcLQ.png)
Here are some pictures of MIB users from the world running MIB Miner App in their own way, let’s take a look!
MIB, the Mobile-Based Blockchain Network that comes with endless possibility of smartphone, the most popular device in the world.
Please watch us as we create MIB Coin Ecosystem where everyone is a Miner and a user!
MIB Official Website :
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INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 06:34:48 Jan 17, 2019.
SECTION 108(a)(3)).
playback timings (ms):
LoadShardBlock: 47.255 (3)
esindex: 0.005
captures_list: 60.888
CDXLines.iter: 9.87 (3)
PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 57.321 (4)
exclusion.robots: 0.136
exclusion.robots.policy: 0.126
RedisCDXSource: 1.509
PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 20.583
load_resource: 35.178
![Alt text](*5SaVHZA_9ZFXzaHu7xhvmA.jpeg)
Now meet the SmartX Blockchain Platform of MIB.
The Mobile Platform concept on blockchain basis
Smartphone mining that does not require special equipments (ASIC or GPU)
Mining that used to be monopolized by a certain country or an enterprise is now open for everyone to join
Eco-friendly, low-power based Mining that solves excessive power consumption problem
Maintaining the existing costly Blockchain Network with minimum fee
The problems of previous BLOCKCHAIN
After the growth of blockchain-based Bitcoin, various cryptocurrencies have been issued out to become part of our real lives. But the cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain system Network are having problem with maintaining the system due to their excessive power consumption and costly equipments, thus they are not fulfilling the role as digital currency for everyone.
WHY SO? That is because of the costly maintenance fee of the Blockchain system,
which leads to the monopolization by a certain coutnry and some people with large capital.)
**MIB, the next generation of Blockchain system Network
MIB stands for Mobile Integrated Blockchain. The Blockchain network is based on the smartphone, which is the most generalized device with its endless possibilities that is also called as the portable PC. On this Mobile SmartX Blockchain Platform(MSXBP), anyone can download MIB APP on their smartphone to start Mining, send and receive their cryptocurrencies, and use them for payments and exchanges in mobile environment.
MIB Mining no more requires costly hardware, CPU, Graphic card, or special equipment(ASIC or GPU). It is impossible for a certain country or some mining enterprises to monopolize in the Crypto market since the mining is only done on mobile. Furthermoer, the distributed mobile Blockchain system provides high efficiency Blockchain network with low cost.**
MIB MainNet has been launched on November 12 2018, and people are joining MIB Mining from all over the world including Korea, China, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Russia, Romania, USA, Africa and other places.
There are total 7,112 MIB Miner Apps running by total 1,313 users until November 27 2018.
![Alt text](*IiKlghOyhzSn8V9FvErcLQ.png)
Here are some pictures of MIB users from the world running MIB Miner App in their own way, let’s take a look!
MIB, the Mobile-Based Blockchain Network that comes with endless possibility of smartphone, the most popular device in the world.
Please watch us as we create MIB Coin Ecosystem where everyone is a Miner and a user!
MIB Official Website :
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INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 06:34:48 Jan 17, 2019.
SECTION 108(a)(3)).
playback timings (ms):
LoadShardBlock: 47.255 (3)
esindex: 0.005
captures_list: 60.888
CDXLines.iter: 9.87 (3)
PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 57.321 (4)
exclusion.robots: 0.136
exclusion.robots.policy: 0.126
RedisCDXSource: 1.509
PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 20.583
load_resource: 35.178