Write in micro size| 1st Week | SLC Season 21

in microwrite01 •  3 months ago  (edited)


الحراس غير المرئيين

في صمت الليل العميق، وعندما تكون الشوارع مهجورة، حتى الظلال تبدو متجمدة في تردد غريب، تنزل كائنات غامضة تُعرف باسم "الملائكة غير المرئية" بدقة إلى الأرض، وتنزلق بسلاسة صامتة على طول الجدران، لا تحركها الأوامر ولكن غريزة الحماية العميقة التي تحملها مثل شعلة لا تنطفئ في داخلها.

في إحدى الليالي، بينما كانت قرية مسالمة نائمة، غير مدركة للتهديدات التي تتربص في الظلام، أحاط هؤلاء الحراس اليقظون بكل منزل بحاجز غير مرئي ولكنه واقي، يقظ ومخلص، ومستعد لصد أي ظل يهدد. عند الفجر، بينما كانت أشعة الشمس الأولى تغمر الأسطح برفق، اختفوا بنفس الحذر، تاركين وراءهم هدوءًا سليمًا وأمنًا محفوظًا.

استأنفت القرية، التي لم تكن واعية لحمايتها الليلية، حياتها اليومية دون أن تشك في الوجود الخيري لهؤلاء الحراس الصامتين الذين يراقبون دون أن يلاحظهم أحد.

English Version

The Invisible Guardians

In the deep silence of the night and when the streets are deserted, even the shadows seem frozen in strange hesitation, enigmatic beings known as "invisible angels" delicately descend to earth, gliding with silent fluidity down the along the walls, animated not by orders but by a deep instinct of protection which they carry like an inextinguishable flame within them.

One night, while a peaceful village slept, unaware of the threats that lurked in the darkness, these watchful guardians surrounded each home with an invisible but protective barrier, attentive and devoted, ready to repel any threatening shadow. At dawn, while the first rays of sunlight gently bathed the roofs, they disappeared with the same discretion, leaving behind them an intact calm and preserved security.

The village, unconscious of its nocturnal protectors, resumed its daily life without suspecting the benevolent presence of these silent guardians who keep watch without being noticed.



My Inspiration : The sculpture Angels UnawaresLink

I chose the theme of “invisible angels” for this reflection on microliterature because this powerful and evocative image of silent benefactors present without being seen and intervening without expecting recognition, has always captivated me. In every culture, there are stories of supernatural or quasi-divine beings who watch over humans in secret, often in critical moments when they are unaware that they have been protected. This idea of ​​an invisible presence, of those who give but never receive, seemed perfect for exploring the genre of microliterature, which, in a few words, can capture profound and inspiring concepts.


In the context of microliterature, “invisible angels” offer a rich allegory for those who embody quiet benevolence, and telling their story in just a few words requires the reader to guess and feel more than reading explicit details. This approach reduces the space for lengthy descriptions but at the same time forces the author to convey the essence of these benevolent and silent beings, who, through their sheer dedication, protect and preserve human life without even being thanked. This style of micro-literature, where every word counts and every sentence contains within it a kind of respect for simplicity, perfectly reflects the nature of the "invisible angels". Through this form of writing, the author can invite the reader to feel a great closeness to these beings and to recognize their values ​​through minimalist but evocative scenes.

Ultimately writing micro-stories about “invisible angels” allows us to capture the very essence of anonymous benevolence that pays homage to those who work without expecting anything in return. The brevity of these stories echoes the discretion of these guardians and offers the reader a fleeting glimpse of their presence while leaving everyone the freedom to imagine what happens next by filling the silences with their own gratitude and respect.

@joslud @solperez
write in micro size
My Own photos

Thank you very much for reading, it's time to invite my friends @graceleon, @simonnwigwe, @josepha to participate in this contest.

Best Regards,

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Greetings, @kouba01
It is an honor that you share your culture with us.
This course seeks in part to highlight the ancestral culture of each participant, inviting them to write the story, both in their native language, and in its translation into English.

I see that in your publication you use only English. I ask you: is that your mother tongue?
Likewise, I invite you, and you have time, to include the same story in your native language.

Or, just respond to this comment with:
-Proceed to evaluate-

My mother tongue is arabic, I will add it.

  ·  3 months ago (edited)

Your story in Canva.com format
You can share it on your social networks.

@kouba01 ar.png

@kouba01 en.png

Thank you for inviting me. I will take part later. Good luck to you.

salam kouba01,
anda menulis mikro dengan tema sastra yang sangat indah, saya mencoba memahami bacaan anda dengan berulang-ulang kali membacanya.

syairnya harus di pahami berkali-kali (barangkali karena saya bukan orang sastra jadi sulit memahami😅).
tapi saya bisa paham maksud tulisan itu, saya rasa tulisan sastra anda tidak bisa di jadikan mikro karena jika ada satu kalimat yang hilang maka pemahamannya makin sulit.

apakah ini kisah dogeng, atau sastra biasa, karena jika dogeng pasti ada konflik di dalamnya, namun jika satra saja ini hanya kata menceritakan bahaimana malakat bekerja.


"@kouba01, your micro-story "The Invisible Guardians" is a captivating tale of silent benevolence. Your poetic language weaves a tranquil atmosphere, drawing the reader into the world of these enigmatic protectors.

Your exploration of the theme resonates deeply, highlighting the beauty of selfless guardianship. The reflection on microliterature's power to convey profound ideas in a few words is insightful.

Its artistic value and emotional impact shine through. I appreciate your willingness to share your cultural perspective and look forward to reading more of your work.


Cc. @joslud @solperez

  ·  3 months ago (edited)

🔄 2

Thank you very much for your thoughtful feedback and kind words. I'm really happy that "The Invisible Guardians" resonated with you and conveyed the expected emotions. Your encouragement inspires me to continue to explore and share stories that highlight cultural and universal themes. I appreciate your support and look forward to contributing further articles reflecting different perspectives. Thanks again! #microwrite01