Mie Aceh is a typical spicy noodle dish of Aceh in Indonesia. Thick yellow noodles with sliced beef, mutton or seafood (shrimp and squid) served in a savory and spicy soup of a kind. Mie Aceh is available in two types, Mie Aceh Goreng (fried and dried) and Mie Aceh Kuah sub and other many masi Usually sprinkled with fried onion and served with emping, pieces of red onion, cucumber, and lime.
And the clasps( terjemah )
Mie Aceh adalah masakan mie yg pedas khas Aceh di Indonesia. Mie kuning tebal dengan irisan daging sapi, daging kambing atau makanan laut (udang dan cumi) disajikan dalam sup sejenis kari yang gurih dan pedas. Mie Aceh tersedia dalam dua jenis, Mie Aceh Goreng (digoreng dan kering) dan Mie Aceh Kuah sub dan masi banyak lain nya Biasanya ditaburi bawang goreng dan disajikan bersama emping, potongan bawang merah, mentimun, dan jeruk nipis.
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