Cordial, Respectful, Blessed and Successful Greeting, Dear Friend at Steemit.
The aforementioned analysis has been made on the basis of information, quantity and quality of users, of publications and comments, "rewards", subcomunidades conformed, price graphs, with statistics and descriptors, impulse waves and their projections, between other aspects; which I have been reviewing and studying in the last weeks.
In the same way, I expose data of the readings realized of previous analyzes made by some precursors members of Steemit, recognized authors, Witness and of many others not so well-known; who have warned about the great "failures" that this beautiful community has, which may be their "Achilles heel" for their probable fatal fall, and next to it, if so, we will all fall irremediably.
Therefore, I believe that those who should be more attentive with this point of view are the large accounts or large investors (whales, sharks, dolphins and witness) who must understand and correct it; otherwise, repent after the debacle will not make sense, because to "destroy" Steemit lose all, but for them it will be worse, so as a first suggestion, I say: to care and protect Steemit, that is our duty.
However, I have to clarify about my subtle ignorance on the subject of Steemit in general, and especially of its "interiorities and personalities"; but, knowing the high probabilities of errors that appear in the analyzed scenario, I think it is important to contribute my grain of sand and "Predictive Syntax", to the educational benefit of all of us; with the proper risks that I must take when indicating results, rational inferences and recommendations.
Going into matter, conceptually and broadly speaking we can say that Steemit is an innovative community or social network based on the "Blockchain" scheme, which combines the creation of content, the reading of publications, the interaction between users and the payment of "rewards". "with the use of three cryptocurrencies called Steem, SBD and Steem Power.

The Bad and the Ugly That Affects Steemit
I have observed in Steemit, that as in the daily reality of human society, in this "virtual" community our defects are literally enhanced, with the "dark" fact that the appearances of "mask" deceive as a sibylline whole.
So much so that the speculative, selfish, "mining", vengeful, malevolent, sectarian, fanatizing, divisive, caudillista, centralist and destructive schema that many say "ideally" face and fight from the "mouth to the outside" is being fomented and consolidated. ; but, that the immense majority -especially the oldest ones- tend to maintain as an ordinary, fallacious, hypocritical and "parcel-keeping" practice.
In this sense, it is unfortunately to observe that Steemit's community growth, the value of the Steem and SBD cryptocurrencies, and of us users is not as "real" as it appears to be; but, I clarify that this is not something with fatal consequences to worry about now, because I believe that this "unreal" event does not represent a great risk of catastrophe, at least for the immediate future (in fact, in the short term it brings us many tangible and profitable economic benefits, but, perhaps it is harmful in the long term, if the corrective measures of stabilization and "flattening" are not taken, with progressive "real" growth, self-sustaining and with added values).
That is, it seems contradictory (if anyone with "apparent" numbers in their hands tries to contradict me, my answer will be: "that is not 100% real"), but the "Active Communities of Steemit, Publishers, Readers, Witness and Investors Honest, with Principles of Quality "are not growing at the sustainable pace that should grow, to ensure the progress and natural consolidation that statistically and utopianically is required.
On the other hand, if it is worrying that the "Closed, Sectarian and Centralized Sub-Communities of Speculators, Manipulators, Egoists, Negotiators, Miners, Mediocre, Scammers, Facilitators and Dishonest", is growing at an excessive and chaotic rate, with publications and activities banal, of poor quality and incongruous, but highly remunerated; that even take away the desire to do things right; ergo: they are very bad examples for everyone, especially for the "new members".
Likewise, to the detriment of Steemit's mandatory or necessarily fortifying growth, many negative elements are denoted, such as hypocrisy, mediocrity, selfishness, sectarianism, segregationism, misunderstandings, "centralized groups" almost with schemes and behaviors of gangsters, who by their high position believe themselves to be "stars", the clandestine unfounded accusations, the "punishers" and their unjust, unconscionable and untutored punishments, the deceptive and fraudulent appearances, the sad fact that if "you have nothing, you are worthless", the false envy, insane and destructive criticism from many users and "healers" against those who advance quickly, making our way with honest quality and intelligence and a clean pulse; and the unhealthy denial to train new incomes, among many other factors that have been analyzed and denoted very obvious.
Likewise, they cause many negative impacts on Steemit, and long-term destructive cracks will be noted, when wars of "non-argumentative" opinions are generated between "subcommunities" or a "stable and strong group" against a user, who they degenerate into fratricidal and even vulgar and cowardly "brute force" struggles, such as the stupid, childish and evil wars of "Banderas" and Negative Votes (Flags and Downvote), noticing more when it comes to fights between old users with high voting powers and sponsored by powerful "Whales".
In summary, all of the above forms a part of that "everything" that I believe I know and perhaps I completely ignore (humbly, I apologize for my ignorance and for having an opinion without knowing for sure the facts); but, I am worried and for that reason I take care, "under penalty" of being wrong, to feel that this affects and will affect Steemit's Sustainable Growth and the income and activity consistent with the quality, honesty and spirit of help of the new members.
Rhetorical question: Who in their right mind wants to invest 24 hours or more of their time to do an investigation and subsequent publication of a document of the highest quality, knowing that almost nobody will read it or vote it as it deserves, for then sink into the dust of oblivion with 0.01 $? The Answer is Obvious.
That is, "The Bad and the Ugly Affecting Steemit" is the lead in the wing for the future flight of the community, by discouraging the newly admitted, it is discouraging! For those who surely arrive with great expectations, but they dissipate because they are deflated almost immediately, feeling attacked disproportionately or ignored by the small mistakes of novice they commit, without giving them a chance to learn and without even showing them or showing them the way hand in hand, warning about the failures committed, with the warning and the new opportunity to correct.
However, some "punishers", "witness", "whales" and "stars" instead of helping for the sustained growth of the community, what they do is scare away with imprecise and arrogant attitudes, denying a well distributed vote and "kicking "to people, including potential investors and philanthropists, who wish to learn well to help the community as a whole, and even to themselves, even if they believe they know all and one more, because of their privileged positions, but they are wrongs and to continue thus I guarantee that the future will say the last word.

The Good: Past, Present, and Future Sustainability of the Steemit Community
In basic synthesis, it is inferred that the past and present sustainability of Steemit has been based on its utopian and at the same time pragmatic creation format with powerful, decentralized, fast, big and "Innovative Blockchain Scheme"; in addition to the "Rewards" with trendy cryptocurrencies and the hopes of growth for the improvements applied, proposals on the way to be fulfilled or announced for the immediate future.
In addition, Steemit has not yet been subject to major attacks by speculators and the obvious enemies of the competition (although it has been hit several times, to make it stumble; in fact, they have permeated it creating "dangerous internal enemies" crouched to attack it destructively at the most opportune moment, and even with a "hostile acquisition offer").
Equivalently, to consolidate Steemit as a novel "Interactive Social Community" in the future, first, the "developers" must innovate even more, to create mechanisms and markets for internal consumption with payments of goods and services in cryptocurrencies SBD and Steem, without the need for conversions to Bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies or the dollar.
Also, an intrinsic process of conscience calling, proactive and positive defense of each and every one of us is necessary, from the smallest "Fish" just entered, through the "Witness" to the largest and oldest existing "Whales", and of course to the "Developers" and "Chiefs", "Creators" or "Owners" of Steemit, to improve and change, everything that can be improved and changed, based on sustainable growth, strengthening and anti-speculative barriers.
It is to emphasize, that the most intelligent and advisable thing for a prosperous future of each and every one of us, is to do things well, with clear, precise, honest rules and of strict compliance; and apply the obvious solutions that must be executed, to prevent the hidden and revealed speculators and enemies, external and internal, conscious and unconscious, from destroying Steemit.
In addition, ALL must unite, without quarrels or egocentric and caudillistas parcels, to become the natural defenders of Steemit, because it simply suits us (data for the short-sighted who "do not see" beyond their noses, especially indicated for the VENEZUELAN); since if we invest, some time, other time and real money, the ideal and pragmatic is that we should all be focused on helping us grow, mature our mental schemes, improve, correct and fix cracks, failures and problems, rebuild what is damaged and embellish our prosperous roads with more quality.
Simultaneously, we must evaluate the possibility of evolving or perhaps making evolutionary re-engineering of the latest generation and even a "hardfork" to duplicate the blocks, the capacity, speed and safety of Steemit and its cryptocurrencies, with continuous improvement and the due seriousness that the case it deserves.
All the above, has been configured based on the original proposal of the creators of Steemit of the "Utopia Made Reality" framed in this "Blockchain" economy system with Intelligent Proof of Work, Honesty, Effort, Quality and Brain, which it is very well paid, friendly, sustainable, self-sustaining, equitable, fair, balanced, decentralized, of optimum quality, community and philanthropic.
In this order of ideas, for the future sustainability of the Steemit Community, I humbly recommend to the Whales, Sharks, Dolphins and Fishes, large, medium and small investors of Steemit and all the Witness and Destroyers, that it is urgent, priority, important, fair and necessary, work together supporting each other as an excellent family, if we really want the Steemit Community to grow rapidly and as it should be its rate of active growth, real, quality and superior to the current.

I will make a brief analysis of the cryptocurrencies SBD and STEEM for the collective interest, because "For the Money Dances the Dog" or "For the Silver Dance the Monkey", as they pray in the popular proverb.
In this sense, without hypocrisy I have to say that EVERYONE is here to earn money (but, I clarify that this must also imply that with a great sense of belonging, we ALL must Love and Care for the "Golden Eggs Goose", and we can not afford the "luxury" of mistreating it, or of doing bad deeds that harm it or in the worst of cases that kill it for miserable and selfish personal benefits).
In fact, I feel that I write it circumscribed especially in the context of us VENEZUELANS, who are immersed in this gigantic and crude situation of socioeconomic crisis (those who do not live it in their own flesh, do not understand it or understand it ever).
Specifying my Prospective and Chaotic Analysis for the SBD and STEEM cryptocurrencies, I must indicate the grace it caused me when I observed how many people, between the months before September and November, 2017, were of the opinion and were of unnecessary regrets and concerns, not understanding that it was inevitable that a "pump" or impulse of rebound to sustained growth approached, as happened from November 21.
Likewise, many were frightened by the natural fall observed in the price of SBD and STEEM at the end of last year and the beginning of the present, which was something very obvious to happen, because of the year-end profit taking, and above all because of the heavy burden that we represent the users of the poor countries, who have needed to sell our positions and possessions of cryptocurrencies in a massive way to be able to survive at the end of the year and the associated festivities, in the midst of the crisis.
¿What is happening now and what to expect for the near future?
Apparently, motivated by large investments from Asia and Europe, the SBD and STEEM crypto currencies are preparing to do the next boost or "PUMP", which will cause them to rise to new historical highs above 100% of their current value, such as it is already materializing with the STEEM, which has been triggered and then flattened in the last few days, looking for a stable value around $ 10, target already close to be met (which I think will happen in mid-January, and then follow its ascending path, dependent on speculators).
With respect to the SBD, the analysis is somewhat more complicated, because even though I consider that it will continue to be the reference marker and main indicator of Steemit, it must wait for the stabilization of STEEM, to increase its new path of gradual ascent and thus overcome the barrier of $ 15 (and from there start a new path of flattening, to restart your possible moderate rise to $ 20).
In fact, the following graph is a bit more explanatory because it shows how the SBD just ends its "pump" triangles, triggers its growth waves, generating impulses that will give the wings to initially approach the $ 15 and then towards the $ 20.

The Previous Image, Graph and Analysis is 100% of my Authorship

Self Recommendations 2018
.- I maintain the Faith that my "Prospective and Chaotic Analysis" are accurate in the context of the Positive and the encouraging future of Steemit; whose inference I summarize in: Steemit is an Innovative Community or Social Network of Honest and Intelligent Entrepreneurs, created by Intelligent Philanthropists and oriented towards Intelligent Philanthropists, based on the Decentralized "Blockchain" scheme, to combine the creation and publication of Intelligent Content and Educational, for Intelligent Readers with Desires to Learn; in addition, of the Noble and Honest Interaction among Entrepreneurial Users who enjoy the payment of "Good, Fair and Equitable Rewards", based on the Brain, Work, Honesty, Effort and Quality Test; with the use of three Excellent Cryptocurrencies called Steem, SBD and Steem Power, which grow naturally and self-sustaining over time, for all Win-Win, with perfect corrections of faults and current and future problems.
.- Given the ignorance of some, the stubbornness of others, the bad thoughts of some and the mediocre selfishness of so many others, who prefer to keep their absurd and moderately sensationalist individualistic schemes more ineffective in their projects of supposed aid to Venezuelans (a noble exception of @moisesmcardona, @nnnarvaez and @reveur); I've decided to get away from all the current projects I was intrusively and selflessly promoting to really help the VENEZUELANS in Steemit; in order to avoid all misunderstandings, unhealthy comments and continue foolishly ignoring me. I repeat: I just wanted to help.
.- I declare under oath that I am NOT a Nobody's "Chupamedias", and although it is Normal and Obvious that I want Votes for my Publications and therefore I thank the Vows I receive from my Heart; Likewise, I say that I DO NOT Pray for a Vote, but I DO Essays to Receive Votes, but I DO NOT call Subcomunidades of "Centralized Caudillistas Brands" and it does not matter to me if said Segregationist Subcomunidades Vote or NO on my Publications.
.- I do "Posts" of Quality because I Like It And because of Principle, Ethics, Experience and Analytical and Rational Knowledge of the Many Themes I Manage.
.- My Growth in Steemit led to My Own Intelligence, Logic, Friendly Cooperation Relations and many Trial and Error Tests.
.- Therefore, I reaffirm that in my Campaign that I carried out, I did NOT ask for VOTES for Me; in fact, I requested them with Humility for ALL the VENEZUELAN of New Entrance. Those who NEED those Votes and in consideration for this Help that requested and did not attend or understood, I made them Free Publicity.
.- I thank @nnnarvaez and his Excellent Project @reveur for supporting each other, and who I think if he understood the matter and helped me a lot in this, but possibly I did not understand him.
.- In response to my analytical, prospective and chaotic meditations, I decided to start a project of reinvestment, cooperative alliances, growth in Steemit and synchronization to "bring" SP to VENEZUELA, which is so necessary for us; which already begins to bear its small fruits, seeing how the votes begin to be distributed daily in the Venezuelan Quality Publications). I hope rational proposals to improve and grow with awareness.
.- The previous point is linked to this, because to help grow my VENEZUELAN Brothers, first I must Grow as high as possible, considering myself as reach a high level in SP.
.- I recommend Not to fight against the current and to use in a good way the "Current System" with all its errors, to "Continue Growing" without damaging Steemit; looking, investing, promoting my publications and increasing my rewards.
.- I clarify that those who like these recommendations and everything written in this publication can follow them at their own risk, intelligence and personal "guilt", I am not advising them to do what I say. This is just a "Humble Prospective and Chaotic Analysis" probably plagued by errors and personal criteria is what I intend to take to act for now and in the coming days or weeks.
.- Whoever needs my free personal or professional help services, I am willing to help without any consideration, especially valid for VENEZUELANS.
.- Finally, who is willing to follow a "Cooperative Growth and Help for Venezuelans" together with me, to leave it indicated in a comment and we will get in touch to discuss it and define the guidelines to follow; especially valid only for VENEZUELANS.

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Me gustó mucho tu artículo, bastante profundo para mis pocos conocimientos en el tema, aprecio tus comentarios para nosotros los Venezolanos
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HAHAHAAAAAHAHA que genial esto es muy genial
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It surprises that you are inspired to make this good publication of concept about the community of steemit
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Excelente, algunas cosas de este post ya las pensé
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This post has received a 0.73 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @josevasquez.
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