Military Worship (Episode 3)

in military •  7 years ago  (edited)


Hi, I'm Karin Hall with Chaos News.

Flags wave, Blue Angels fly over head, the Star Spangled Banner blares, and our nation's commander in chief tries to act like he's singing along.

It's truly inspiring.

Americans love their military, almost as much as they love cheap beer, sports, junk food and video games. There are few accidents or coincidences in today's world. Not much is left to chance.

We serve as nameless extras in a star studded Hollywood extravaganza directed by satanic psychopaths. It's a dystopic production to be sure, but despite the truth being hidden in plain sight, most folks absolutely love it. Many say they can hardly get enough.

Some might say our nation's founders would turn over in their graves if they could see what we've become, but they would be wrong. Kings, Queens, despots, tyrants and warlords were the order of their day. A republic where common folk governed themselves was a radical notion indeed.

I'm a direct relation, a cousin, to America's first president, General George Washington. The truth is, our founders had little faith that Americans would be able to pull it off. Few believed the republic would survive twenty years.

We somehow managed to make it until 1913 when Congress handed the nation over to Jewish bankers through passage of the United States Federal Reserve System act which also introduced the Fed's collection agency, the Internal Revenue Service.

WWI followed shortly thereafter, as our nation was dragged into a foreign war whose sole purpose was to make wealthy Jewish bankers even wealthier. Little more than twenty years later, we once again allowed these same banking interests to drag us into WWII.

It's been a downhill ride of endless war and mayhem ever since. America is now hollowed out, bankrupted financially, morally and spiritually. We bow down before false gods like our military in hopes they will somehow save us. Few Americans have any idea what our military is up to, and even fewer give a shit.

The bottom line is our military and law enforcement agencies are nothing more than enforcers for the international Jewish banking mafia. When legs need to get broken, these are the guys who get the job done, here and abroad.

Americans remain asleep, blessed with never having had to live in fear, wondering whether that knock at the door is a neighbour needing to borrow a cup of sugar, or soldiers wanting to cart your ass off to a FEMA camp.

America's experiment with democratic self rule is over. The curtain has been pulled back. A bunch of bare knuckled brutes in fancy uniforms stand before us.

We live under martial Law (see our vid on this topic here), but haven't yet felt the jerk of the chain. A velvet collar works just fine for now. It helps Sheeple get used to the feel of total lock down. The velvet collar will however, be replaced by a choker when those who rule us feel we need a good jerk. Sheeple won't like it, but they're Sheeple and will follow along right to the end. The rest of us may have a more difficult time.

Our armed forces swear an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States against enemies both foreign and domestic, but instead of standing guard over the Constitution, our men and women in uniform have been standing guard over opium poppy fields in Afghanistan, oil fields in Iraq and diamond mines in Africa. The Deep State uses these resources to fund its many Black, off budget operations designed to usher in the Jew World Order.

American troops routinely drone, bomb, torture, maim and kill for Jewish bankers. America is making new enemies every single day. Virtually all militaries employ a chain of command structure. Those above tell those below what to do, and they do it. This is necessary to maintain discipline. Failure to comply with orders carries severe penalties.

Individuals with high intelligence and those experienced in life are far more likely to have critical thinking skills, and tend to steer clear of military and law enforcement careers. This leaves the young, dumb and naïve, those with sociopathic, sadistic desires, and those willing to follow orders without question to fill the ranks.

It's not exactly an ideal situation, and history is replete with the consequences of weak-willed individuals eager to follow orders. Our nation's founders understood this and the challenge it presented. The need to defend our nation from foreign invaders had to be balanced against the danger posed by a standing army.

The founders warned against foreign entanglements, which they knew would lead to war, and opposed a standing army during time of peace, in hopes of achieving this balance. We didn't follow their advice.

Today's military juggernaut stands full of careerists who think nothing of issuing and following orders they know will subvert our constitutional republic, but retirement comes with double and triple dipped pensions and lavish benefits, so it doesn't pay to rock the boat.

We are seeing more and more military retirees reinventing themselves as YouTube patriots, dedicated to restoring the very constitutional governance they worked so hard to destroy. The Pentagon spends tons of our money in Hollywood making sure friendly, encouraging, upbeat military messages get inserted into everything we see. Billions more are spent turning sporting events into cathedrals of military worship.

Military recruiters aggressively peddle their wares in our high schools and on college campuses, extolling the virtues and benefits of service to our nation, as the next generation of obedient, compliant debt slaves comes of age. We can only pray that our children won't return home in aluminum boxes or with limbs and appendages missing.

It's time to look in the mirror, and then get to work. America is in for a very rough ride, and the future is up to us.

Our programming is controversial and may not be available on all media, so be sure to check non censored sites like Bitchute, Gab, etc.

Chaos News does not advocate or promote violence, violent revolution, civil war, religious strife, racial discord, vigilante justice or unwarranted anti-Semitism.

God Bless America.

United we stand, divided we fall.

Contact Karin Hall here on Steemit @chaos-news or on Gab.

Note: This is the full transcript for our video on Bitchute which can be viewed here.

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This Is The Video They Don't Want You To Watch... (2018)


The mind numbing fact is that all the lies and propaganda actually works. The US of A did not have to defend itself for over 200 years. Only wars of aggression.
And still, we thank our veterans for their "service".
What is in REALITY their service? Killing innocent people for the benefit of the cabal. Murderers are heroes. People will never wake up.

@bouboug I agree with your comments. One exception: we see people waking up all the time. A few years ago, we were among an extremely small group of awake people who felt helpless, watching the current chaos coming. Today, many more are not only waking up but taking a stand and speaking out.

For some, speaking out is all they can do. But that is so very important in helping others still asleep to wake up. Keep talking, you never know who is listening (except NSA of course) and will, in turn connect the dots and pass the information down the road.

Thank you for your comment.

For some, speaking out is all they can do. But that is so very important in helping others still asleep to wake up

Well, yes, this IS what we do. But the unfortunate reality is that even though people are waking up, 80% are still asleep and the majority of truth seekers is being mislead by people like Alex Jones, believe in Q, Mandela effect, flat earth etc.
While the truth seeker community is highly fragmented and ineffective, the mob demonstrates for the removal of their rights. The madness is unbelievable.
Decades of fluoridation and social engineering is now paying off.
The information is out there for anyone who cares to look. But the crime is of such magnitude, that nobody can believe it.

Totally agree. Let's not forget it only took 3% to win the first American Revolution against all odds. Granted, TPTB are very strong but so is the determination of those citizens who are awake. We can only hope it is the 20% you suggest. When the collapse arrives, which is likely very close indeed, much of the 80% simply will not survive.

Thank you for your reply and the meaningful quote by Dresden James.

Council of the 13 Royal Families

The leader of the Earths Illuminati is called the "Pindar". The Pindar is a member of one of the 13 ruling Illuminati families, and is always male. The title, Pindar, is an abbreviated term for "Pinnacle of the Draco". Symbolically, this represents the top of power, control, creation, expansion, and fear... The holder of this rank reports to the purebred Reptilian leader in the inner Earth.

Confirms what I have been posting since November