How to become a millionaire and wealth creation are two of the questions I get asked the most. People are absolutely amazed at what a college dropout who barely graduated high school has been able to accomplish. I travel around the country speaking with people of all ages teaching them the exact same formula that has allowed me to live such an amazing life. Three years ago I was working a dead end job, overpaid and under worked, and swapping hours for dollars. One afternoon around thanksgiving while I was working I was tapped on the shoulder, called into an office, and informed that my services were no longer needed due to company cut backs. This couldn't have come at a worse time, Christmas was right around the corner and my three children were really looking forward to their Barbies and remote control cars.
My wife was understanding but I could see the concern and panic in her face. I felt lower than dirt, I thought to myself "How did I let this happen". To make it even worse I was hoping to get a Christmas bonus because we were 1 month behind on the rent and I was going to use the bonus to pay it. I remember asking, can it get any worse? You know what, It did. On Dec 3 my landlord knocked on our door and I could see a white piece of paper in his hand. I was at the lowest point in my life at that time because I knew what it was. We were being evicted. I opened the door and pleaded my case to know avail. He gave us 30 days because it was Christmas time which was really a blessing because we'd have been on the street.
At that point I began to pray, rub rabbits feet, get lucky horse shoes, whatever I thought would turn our fortune around. Then one day I was walking up the sitting in the library looking for a job on the internet. A gentlemen in the library must have picked up my negative vibes because he approached me and told me everything would be alright. He looked at the job classifieds I was reading and asked me had I read "Think & Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. This was the day my life and destiny changed. I read this book over and over, let me correct it I devoured it! I began to read more and more books and read the stories of other successful men and women all over the world.
Throughout history there has been a certain commonality between all successful people this world has ever seen. This common strain is the formula to become as successful as you can possibly believe you can be. Everything in the world is done with law and order. To get to a certain city on a map there is a certain direction that you must take to get there. To make a certain flavor or food there are certain ingredient combination that you must use to create that food or flavor. Success is the same way, and be assured that there is a formula for success. I was absolutely blown away after I began to implement this formula into my life and within a 21 day period I had found a job. In my first week on the job I used what I learned and was able to be the top producer for the week and made enough in commissions to pay my rent. And most important I was able to have Christmas with my wife, kids, Barbie, and the remote control cars.
Three years later I'm a Author, a Motivational Speaker, running a successful business, and enjoying my life working from my home. This can happen to anybody if it can happen to me. If you've been doing the same old thing and expecting different results let me be the first to tell you that it probably won't happen. There is a formula a direct step by step method that every successful person knows that drives them to become wealthier and more successful. Many misunderstand this as greed, but the truth is that those that know and use this formula only see opportunities not challenges. They believe that anything as possible, therefore they approach every task with a mind state that breeds success in everything that is attempted. This is not to be taken lightly.
To develop this Millionaire Mind requires effort but the rewards are far greater that I ever imagined. After my life changing experiences and successes I devoted my life to helping others develop their Millionaire Mind and live the successful and happy life they deserve. I was encouraged to write a book, I wrote this book thinking of others who may have financial difficulties, those who feel like giving up, those who feel like happiness skipped over them and to show everyone that If I can do it so can you! Today is your opportunity for a destiny change. Learn the formula that will most certainly guarantee you Success, Happiness, Health, and Wealth. This is your time Now!
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