We are ALL MK-Ultra victims...how else do you explain HISTORY and the distortion of it?

in mind-control •  7 years ago 

MHR: We are all MK Ultra ‘weapons’, and participants in one huge B.F Skinner conditioning experiment. We have all been 'abused' as children by 'The State', and those people who effectively 'own' 'the state', the few hundred wealthy families, huge corporations, and major institutions.

Education ( especially indoctrination e.g the holocaust and religion ) as trance induction / hypnosis with post hypnotic suggestions and reinforcement / conditioning (inspired by Steve Heller’s ‘Monsters and Magical Sticks-There’s No Such Thing as Hypnosis)
Teaching as a hypnotic suggestion e.g 2+2=4, with post-hypnotic suggestion ‘now remember that’, with repetition as conditioning, and stimulus-response conditioning of ‘smiles, yes, great work X, correct, well-done, A’s for you’ when you get it right, all from an authority figure … i.e repeat it e.g ‘The Holocaust is historical fact, and those who question it are evil, malicious, nasty people’…and ‘frowns, wrong, X’s, you’re dumb, stupid, ‘failed’, you failure’ when you do NOT repeat it … or worse, prison, loss of career, social stigma, huge fines, in case of ‘The Holocaust’…
Now, if someone were to ask you to add 2 + 2, you would feel confident in giving the correct answer. If you were asked how you knew the answer, you might reply that you learned it as a child. In other words, the question itself caused you to go back into your personal history and find the "proper" associational connection. You would have done that instantly, without conscious awareness of the process. Another way of stating the 2 + 2 example might be as follows: When you were a child, an individual who was an authority figure—called a teacher— stood in front of your class. S/he wrote on a blackboard 2 + 2 = 4, and verbally repeated that information many times. In addition, s/he asked the class to remember the answer so that when you were asked to add 2 + 2, you would automatically respond, 4. We might agree that the above transaction could be given the labels: teaching and learning. If we examine the transaction more carefully, and from a different perspective, we might also agree that it bears a striking resemblance to the classical definition of "hypnotic suggestion" and "post-hypnotic response."
MHR reinforced by parents when you bring home that ‘A’, and teachers positive comments…parents happy with you, may reward, or unhappy, punish…and so THIS reward/punishment schema VERY powerful, even if no rapport etc with teacher…child will always seek this from parents even if no real rapport, sadly…so in any case, child wants to please parents, and will seek to please teacher for this reason, even if hates teacher…as teacher has this power to make parents happy with A’s etc…report cards…and entire system reinforces with ‘get good g rades, get a better job / promotion etc…
i.e most significant when it comes to religious indoctrination, why people THINK and FEEL CERTAIN that they KNOW many things that are rubbish…even though they know other people think, feel certain, and know, that what THEY think is rubbish, and are just as confident in the matter of their own ‘rubbish’ ideas…e.g ‘The Holocaust’ propaganda Vs actual real history…
So there are lot’s of ‘triggers’ to reinforce the muscle memory that 2+2=4, or ‘the holocaust’ happened…and lots of continual schedules of reinforcement and punishment…’good boys and girls’ who repeat the lies get elected, slush funds, campaign election contributions, promotions, 15 minutes of fame on Oprah, get their books become best sellers / wildly promoted, win nobel prizes for books someone else wrote (Wiesel’s ‘Night’) etc…
Repeat ‘god’ myths to become President, or at least go to congress…become mayor or … you want to go to Cambridge Mr Hume?...or don’t you? … So everyone you see who is rich, powerful, successful, is repeating the lie…everyone in power, authority, with best sellers, academic success, acclaim, praise, wealth, acceptance, approval, sex, love, affection, status, rank, privilege, power…they ALL appear to subscribe to the same myth…the same ‘social reality’ e.g ‘The Holocaust’, while those who challenge it are destroyed, outcast, disapproved of, have their reputations, along with their careers, families, financial situation etc ruined, end up in prison, vilified, demonised, … by the ongoing, cradle to grave onslaught / promotion of the myth…whether it be some particular version of god-ism / religion, or other form of propaganda e.g ‘The Holocaust’ or ‘911 was Arabs and hijacked passenger planes’ and ‘Hitler was evil’ and ‘Nazi’s were evil’ and ‘Germans are evil’…
All the associations you experience trigger reinforcement of compliance with the myth / lie / belief … you constantly see people with what you want, agreeing with belief X, and people with stuff you want to avoid / hate, disagreeing with it, going to prison, being unemployed / fired/ rejected etc…over and over…so you are bound to end up complying…collective ignorance thus leaves most people complying, even if they disagree, just to ‘go along to get along’…so the numbers themselves become powerful triggers e.g ‘everyone believes X, who am I to question it? Not believe?’ and at minimum triggers compliance, social ‘agreement’ with the ‘consensus reality’…all T vol I stuff… so you have the appearance of consensus, even if no-one really believes it…and the most powerful social reinforcers of it actually behaving totally inconsistent with what they publicly claim to believe, and laughing at everyone for being so stupid in falling for their act…and believing such idiotic stupid inane fatous things…from the Catholic Priest to the President of YOUR nation…whichever that is…
Then many people feel obliged / find it easier, to actually convince themselves it MUST be right…i.e auto-trance / self-hypnotism…just to make it easier for them i.e to avoid mental breakdown, they immerse self in ‘belief’ and act as if it is true, so it is easier to go along to get along…actually end up convincing self it IS true…and become the ‘t rue believers’…just to avoid mental breakdown i.e they KNOW it is NOT true, but to go along to get along have to play along, and this is easier if you first convince yourseflf it is true…i.e if you have integrity, it can really grate on you to have to lie…so by lying to yourself, you refgain your sense of integrity i.e whole-ness…Vs fractured / dis-integrated …all in T vol I
MHR we are all being actively recruited into one or more ‘social realities’…the hegemonic one is called the ‘social reality’, and it is assumed that consensus exists by a mass media that pretends this, and a polity that pretends this, an education system that pretends this…e.g that certain ‘facts’ exist…that the world is flat or a sphere, depending on what time you live in, that ‘the holocaust was not propaganda, but that the propaganda is ‘historically accurate depiction of real events’…there are other sub-realities we call cults or religions, most of ‘ours’ are the products of ‘Jews’, from Judaism to Marxism to man-made global climate crisis tipping point’…brands are actively recruiting to you their team, to the social reality that ‘Coke is the real thing’, ‘Real men smoke X brand of cigarettes and drink Y brand of beer, or don’t’, depending on the cult / group / marketing franchise / company…whether that company be called ‘The Vatican’ / Catholicism, or ‘Zionism’, or ‘Coca Cola company’, or ‘General Electric’…what’s good for MM industries is good for America…you are recruited into a nation at birth, e.g ‘America’, and indoctrinated with all its pro self propaganda, and anti-competition propaganda…this America is really an idea produced by the top few hundred leading families, corporations, institutions etc…and doesn’t exist outside the trance called ‘consensus social reality’… there are some t hings you dare not question…others you are allowed to e.g you dare not question that corporations have the right to brainwash you into consuming toxic chemicals, poisons, etc, but you are allowed to argue that brand X tastes better than brand Y…you are expected to belong to some religion, but you are allowed to argue that religion X is better than religion Y…you are expected to fight in wars, and obey your leaders in killing women and children, but you are allowed to ‘feel bad about it’ up to a point, as long as you don’t affect the ‘morale’ of other trance-induced assasins…you are allowed to criticize Islam in one nation, or Jews in another, but try to criticize ALL of them, and you will find yourself unwelcome EVERYWHERE… you are allowed to hate only certain groups, defined by your mass media, depending on where you live…and what times you live in…you may hate gays in one time and country, or germans in another, … but step over the line, and hate the wrong people, and you become a criminal and outcast…be careful to chose the state-sanctioned, hegemonic consensus group currently defined as a legitimate target of your hate…in some countries, today, it is hard to find anyone it is considered acceptable, let alone desireable, to hate…and so the hegemons pick on new religions like Scientology, historians who challenge the WWII holocaust war propaganda, and whoever they desire you to fight the next war with, in the U.S this is Syria, Iran, and Arabs in general, though as in Germany the policy is total extinction of the German people, don’t dare hate Arabs, because they are to be welcomed, invited into Germany to do the work of the hegemons in breaking down German society so that it is unreocognisable from any other ALREADY dis-integrated, divided and conquered, OCCUPIED territory…where the current consensus reality is to be replaced with division, conflict, confusion, chaos, … to totally break down the remnants of ‘German’ culture and social organisation…to eliminate the very IDEA of ‘Germany’ and ‘Germans’ as a nation, and a people, as something EVIL…something responsible for both World Wars, and ‘The Holocaust’…a people with an innate desire to conquer the entire world, and willing to enslave themselves to their own masters, in order to achieve this evil end, if you will believe supposed ‘anti-new world order’ (automatically controlled opposition if they manage to ‘succeed’ and flourish while others are totally starved out / imprisoned / extirpated) like Carrol Quiggley, and any other form of ‘controlled oppositoin’ out there, not tomentio the openly hegemonic dominant mass media fake news regurgitators and manufactures of mis-informed consent…
You are expected to vote, like in the U.S.S.R (Jew.S.S.R), as if your vote mattered, but you are allowed to get very excited and argue for or against any particular candidate, as long as it is one of the pre-selected candidates already bought and paid for by the hegemons to do their bidding…if people are not in a trance, then how can you explain that fact that people keep turning out to vote, when their vote has NEVER had any impact on the policies of their nation? From promises of ‘no war’ ending in world war a few months later, to ‘no new taxes’ leading to increased taxes a few weeks later…when each supposed ‘opposition’ party ends up introducing the exact policies the voters voted the last part OUT of office was intending to introduce…and you say we are no living in a dream world? Living in a trance? Literally flesh-eating zombies? Literally MK Ultra murder machines, in the millions, ready for ‘activation’ and ‘triggering’ by the hegemons propaganda, at any moment…to suddenly be ‘activated’ to invade some peaceable nation like Iran, or international law abiding, and democratic, popular regime like Syria?... and you claim MK Ultra is just some story? Some fiction? But still you will go to murder, and be murdered, the next time you hear that trigger word ‘conscription’, and march off to your death, and to fire bomb women and children, simply because this ‘trigger’ is produced … some piece of paper, delivered by a person in the right clothing, in the right tone of voice, appears at your door, or in your email, and suddenly you are activated as a mass murdering machine? And that is normal? That proves you have free will, and live in a free society? That proves you are not some brainwashed, B.F Skinner conditioned lab animal? That you are NOT living in a trance? That you whole life has NOT been an experiment in social conditioning? In stimulus-response conditioning? In post hypnotic suggestion induction trance? When all it takes is for the ‘trigger’ to be ‘fired’ by some ‘anchors’, such as a written document ordering you to appear for induction into the mass murder machine, and you, like a dog salivating at the sound of a bell, immediately activate that post-hypnotic suggestion ‘obey’ ? And you are NOT living in a B.F Skinner conditioning experiment? Called ‘Society’?
The moment they ‘trigger’ you, you suddenly HATE people you have never met…while you may have good motives for murdering your boss, or someone who has done you harm, you will instead feel a sudden unleashing of all that pent-up, justified hate, for all the wrongs your society has done to you, and be given a legitimate target for expressing it / for projecting it onto people who have never, and would never have even thought of, harming you in any way…and you say you are NOT living in a bubble of social reality?
You laugh at the ‘victim’ of the hypnotist during the entertaining stage performance , as they suddenly start barking like a dog, just because the hypnotist has clicked their fingers…after the trance induction and post hypnotic suggestion that they do this…while you, at the whim of some people called ‘government’, waste years of your life, risking life and limb, in order to go somewhere to murder men, women, and children, and then spend the rest of your life paying taxes to pay for that ‘war’…and you tell ME you are sound of mind? That you are in control of your own mind? That you have free will? That you live in ‘the free world’? That you live in a free nation? That other people are jealous of YOUR freedoms? People who you are going to murder, in the most horrendous, painful manner, simply because some people you have never met, or maybe only seen on television, have apparently SUGGESTED you do? Remember, the recent wars were fought by ENLISTED military personnel…they VOLUNTEERED…someone SUGGESTED they volunteer, to commit mass murder, and they DID…imagine THAT…now tell me you are NOT curious about HOW this state of affairs came about. Or will you continue in denial? Continue fighting a few elite’s wars for them. Like some game. Like some commercial business transaction. Which YOU pay for. Not just with sacrifices before and during the wars, but for as long as you live, in repaying the costs of those wars…
Ideas, beliefs, possibilities, fantasies, and much more, are continually being "suggested" to you from birth to death, and you have been accepting these suggestions. Some have been authoritarian of the ‘directive’ kind. Others have been associated with warmth, rapport, e.g the loving family, kindly priest, generous educator kind…as soon as you begin acting upon these, your mind wants to feel in control, and will justify the actions with some explanation / justification e.g I hate X because X did this…etc…When you go to war, it will not be simply because someone told you to, but because ‘we are fighting an evil enemy, the enemy of everything I love, the enemy of freedom and justice…we face an immediate and huge threat…I am defending my nation, my family, my god…It is a fact that if you can get someone to DO something bad or nice to someone or thing, they will then post-retrospectively re-define that person or thing accordingly as worthy of that act, as good or bad, and thus have justified your action…and this new belief / definition of them will become embedded / implanted / imprinted, and become muscle memory, automatic, natural, … beyond rational debate…accepted…a BELIEF…which you are then emotionally invested in, and will seek to justify / prove / get agreement for / find agreement for/ find examples that support it / find ways to justify / rationalize etc it…so you will filter out examples that contradict it, and actively seek out anything you could possible distort into being a ‘support’ or ‘proof’ or ‘evidence’ for what you believe…beliefs are mostly irrational…emotional…post retro-sepctive rationalisations for something programmed into your head by others i.e propaganda / conditioning, or to justify some act you carried out…were tricked into by someone e.g you were tricked into fire bombing thousands of women and children in a foreign land, and so either you are evil yourself, or it was ‘justified’…of course who wants to define themselves as an evil murderer? Or a really gullible puppet ? That their acts were horrific and evil? No-one. So they accept the propaganda given to them as the original justification, and invest in it…WANT it to be true…because if it is NOT true that the germans were monsters, then what would that make the U.S bomber pilots who fire bombed Dresden? Etc etc etc…Please think about it before YOU become the next mass MK Ultra killing machine, and find yourself in the same situation i.e of either having to admit you were fooled into becoming the incarnate of evil, or going along with the propaganda…for decades afterwards, including ‘The Holocaust’, and then finding yourself , or your own children, repeating the same horrifice scenario, and going off to murder women and children for the same people, with NO way of stopping yourselves…no more self-control than the stage hypnotists ‘victim’ making a fool of themselves acting like a dog just because someone suggested they do…
So this is an answer to that old question ‘… ‘can you hypnotise a person to commit a crime’…what a joke…we have thousands of years of human history proving just that…that you can ‘hypnotise’ people, via lifelong conditioning, to commit the most atrocious acts of barbarism, in the name of ‘civilisation’, and ‘freedom’, and a ‘god’ of love…
And still people will ‘debate’ about some silly university experiment where people gave ‘fatal’ electric shocks to other participants, about whether people will commit crimes just because an authority figure directed them to !!!
If THAT does not prove to you that we are all living in a trance condition, what will? Open any history book and look at the horrific acts we have committed against one another, simply because someone ‘directed’ us to, or simply ‘suggested’ we do e.g conscription and enlistment…and we have the age old question answered…why do we continually go to war ? … it is because of what I have been fighting with my TROONATNOOR writing all along. We are all living in a trance state. In a social reality. We are being conditioned to respond to suggestions, and authoritative commands, from birth. We are ALL MK Ultra ‘weapons’ for the hegemonic ruling classes who control our mass media, our education/indoctrination systems, our laws, our governments…and it is time to wake up from our dogmatic slumbers…from our trance state…to free our minds…to start living in ‘reality’…to escape the social reality, consensus reality, ‘bubble’ we have been raised in, like some B.F Skinner conditioning experiment…in which WE have been the ‘guinea pigs’ all along.

everal times, they may become a conditioned part of your behavior. In addition, under certain circumstances, a conditioned response can be established in one trial without repetition, and without "practice."
As J.D Salinger noted, we are not the same person we were a minute ago. All our impressions accumulate, and (ideally) modify each other in interaction…some beliefs / definitions / stimulus-responses are reinforced, others weakend…we may become more or less of anything e.g anxious, confident, angry, motivated…we construct meanings ‘one off’ from powerful experiences / traumatic events or gradually, by observing / ascribing patterns to interactions…we require memory for this…to construct a pattern … i.e antecedence and precedence required for construction of ‘cause-effect’ relationships…David Hume…and even notion of Humean uniformity i.e expectation that pattern will continue…assume this…as logical progression ‘ascribed’ to interactions…consistency…predictability…etc
You can ‘suggest’ something with words, symbols, gestures, tone of voice, facial gestures, body posture, a certain ‘look’, tone, gesture, … i.e hypnotism / trance does NOT require direct verbal commands or verbal suggestions…most trance inductions use music, images, and all these more subtle suggestions…e.g that brand X can make you sexier, richer, more acceptable to others, … without a word being uttered or written…using images…military marching music has no words…the ‘drummer’ in old wars effected a ‘feeling’ of ‘courage’ in the listeners, or ‘patriotism’…Most suggestion is done without ‘linguistics’…directly bypassing the Linguistic / rational centers, and affecting the neurology directly…suggesting emotions like hate, love, happiness, confidence, satisfaction, joy, acceptance, approval, self-esteem, etc…directly…completely bypassing any ‘rational’ brain centers, any logical judgement…reason…the ‘higher faculties’…hence the ancient fear of the power of music as ‘entrancing’ people, and leading them into ‘sin’…
Subconsciously we can be manipulated with such non-verbal suggestions…after a life of conditioning…of stimulus-response training…of trance induction called ‘the hegemonic social reality’, in which it is suggested, and reinforced, that this hegemonic social reality is the only REAL reality…that any other competing belief systems are erroneous, even evil, and either the work of the devil, or some of malicious conspirators with bad intentions…whereas your own ‘masters’ are well intentioned…have your interests at heart…are competent, wise, all knowing, all seeing, and have graciously, benevolently, taken you under their protection, to protect you from the ‘evil’ and ‘bad’ people out there who will try to trick you into thinking war is NOT necessary, ‘the holocaust’ never happened, money is fraud, debt is unnecessary, slavery is unnecessary, god is a myth like all the other gods that came before him/her, that you should be allowed to think for yourself and base your opinions on your own direct experience, and the compelling arguments of ‘philosphers’ etc…
If we are to solve our problems, we must work out which ones are ‘real’, and which ones have been hypnotically implanted in us as part of the trance induction called ‘socialisation’ and ‘education’ … therapeutic trance inductions can be used to find out if we are responding to the here and now reality, or whether this is merely triggering some imprinted / conditioned / engramic response to a past traumat / interaction / experience / suggestion / hypnotic-transaction that took place in an institution, as part of the official conditioning process all ‘citizens’ are compelled to participate in, e.g education … legal systems…mass media…propaganda…or as ‘accidents’ e.g traumatic events, chance words / interactions uttered by parents etc i.e significant others … any and all of which could be responsible for having implanted, over time, through reinforcemtn and deliberate conditioning, or in one-off ‘one-shot’ imprintings…such as very exceptional, often traumatic, incidents…e.g phobia of all dogs imprinted by one incident of one dog bite…or mother saying ‘never spend money on girls’…or ‘you are responsible for your father leaving us (in these terrible conditions we / I must now suffer)’…etc…often forgotten as ‘repressed’ to the subconscious…but constantly being ‘triggered’ … thus giving rise to actions / behaviors / moods/ emotions that seem totally irrational to others vis a vis the objective situations the person is ‘acting out’ in…e.g terminally depressed though very ‘successful’ in every way e.g sex life, romantic life, rich, famous etc…but sad? Despairing? So ascribed ‘imbalance in brain chemistry’, when really the feeling is being triggered by some past ‘suggestion’, implanted in a one-shot incident, or over time, by reinforcemtne e.g ‘you are guilty of ….’ ‘it is your fault…’ ‘you are a bad person’…’you are unacceptable, unwanted, undesirable, rejected…unworthy of happiness / success etc…so success itself can trigger despairing depression, as it triggers all these past imprints…leading to anxiety that ‘I won’t be allowed to be happy, as I don’t DESERVE to be happy, so something horrible is going to happen…so I better sabotague my own happiness now, before something worse happens i.e I am punished for being so happy etc….so common or?...
Of course the mind wants to believe it is in control…has free will…so it will find ways to ‘legitimate’ this feeling e.g maybe even doing bad things that deserve punishment, failing, doing bad job, getting in trouble, just so the ‘reality’ now matches the feeling i.e legitimates it…e.g I feel worthless, so if I do bad stuff so I really AM worthless, this feeling will be legitimate i.e like post retrospective revisionism…make reality fit the subjective feeling, by creating conditions in which it appears valid…I am guilty...I FEEL guilty…if I commit a crime it will make sense.. and now once more the mind feels back in control…with free will…it has given itself a ‘rational’ for that feeling…like low self-esteem leads to dressing badly, bad haircuts, poor nutrition, poor posture, etc etc so end up being rejected i.e people see you as you feel yourself to be…and so your mind can now feel it has ‘free will’…as shown in so many experiments in ‘Convergences’…i.e mind wants to feel in control, so will take responsibility for actions of subconscious…will construct narratives that put it back in charge i.e ‘I did X, because I wanted Y, when in fact the real motives were subconscious e.g I sabotaged my happiness because I had ‘learned’ in a one off incident, or over time, that I am unworthy of happiness e.g I made my family miserable, my dad left us because of me, I am a burden, I am guilty…Edipal complex etc…fear of exceeding achievements of own father…etc…
But if you find out how the belief got implanted in the first place, you can replicate a similar experience which implants a more optimal belief…i.e don’t argue with irrational subconscious motive…replace it…find out what ‘language’ it used i.e representational systems, to program / implant this stimulus-response, and then use the same system to replace it with a generative / positive / productive/ more optimal belief…don’t try to REASON with it…it is NOT reasonable…it is emotional…hysterical…an engram…an implant…a suggestion…a directive…that was implanted over time via repetition, in that trance condition known as ‘family’ and ‘school’ and ‘mass media’, or by some powerful, one-off ‘association’ implant e.g One X did this, so now I will fear all X’s’……you can LEARN instantly, and so you can REPLACE that lesson instantly, using NLP quick phobia ‘cures’ etc…
Words, and other forms of communication, may cause an individual to turn inward and create a hallucinated world to which the individual responds, one in which choices are reduced or excluded, and the individual is conditioned to respond in set ways.
This is what we call ‘society’. Socialisation. Education. Propaganda. This is what TROONATNOOR is struggling to help us all break free of.

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