A Look Into Infinity

in mindfulmonday •  6 years ago 

"There is a wide, yawning black infinity. In every direction, the extension is endless; the sensation of depth is overwhelming. And the darkness is immortal. Where light exists, it is pure, blazing, fierce; but light exists almost nowhere, and the blackness itself is also pure and blazing and fierce."--Carl Sagan
One is often lead to think of One's place in such an endless Cradle of being
The Ambitious Man looks to the stars for Conquest
The Curious Man looks to the stars for the answers to Eternity
The Wise Man looks to the stars and smiles...
Knowing He knows not much of anything
One is taken in by the vastness of such Greatness
Does it inspire One to move Mountains?
Does it invoke a paralysis of Wonderment?
Looking up and out humbles Oneself to the service of a Greater Power
Wherever there is Awe and Wonderment...
There is Dao awaiting
(Photo Cred: Philip S. Voystock Jr.)
Milky Way.jpg

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