Mine and Trade Electron Tokens

in mining •  5 years ago 

mine trade electrons 2.jpg

Electron [ELEC] is the Proof of Work (PoW) token on the ION blockchain.

  • Mine Electrons
  • Trade ELEC on ionomy Exchange

Electrons (ELEC) — the mining reward token

When miners direct computational power to the ION blockchain, they are rewarded in Electron tokens.

With the release of ION 5, Proof of Work mining is an integral part of the ION protocol. ION now uses a hybrid security protocol: Proof of Work (mining) and Proof of Stake reinforce each other to fortify the chain.

Create an ELEC account

Create an ELEC account on ionomy

Sign in to your ionomy Exchange account, navigate to the wallets page, and click, "Create Account" next to ELEC to get an ELectron deposit address. Use this address to receive mined Electrons.

Join the Mining Pool

Start mining Electron by joining the pool at mining.ionomy.com

  • Use the x11 algorithm to mine Electrons on the ION blockchain.
  • Enter your ION address as "worker name."
  • Automatic payouts go to that address when you hit the 5 ELEC payout threshold.


Trading is live

ELEC markets are live. Trade ELEC for BTC or ION on ionomy Exchange.


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