Does your side care about the welfare of kids?

in minor •  2 years ago 


When your side is trying to change the word "pedophile" to the term "minor attracted person" in the name of kindness towards pedos, what are we supposed to think about your side in regard to kids?

When your side has intellectuals writing books like Screw Consent, what are we supposed to think about your side when in regard to kids?

When your side is arguing that we should "keep pride nude" -- particularly in public -- what are we supposed to think about your side in regard to kids?

When you ignore, or even support Eli Erlick in the offering to illegally supplying cross-sex hormones for children, what are we supposed to think about your side in regard to kids?

If your side is inviting Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey to twerk Infront of a bunch of five year-olds, what are we supposed to think about your side in regard to kids?

If your side demands that teachers (agents of the state) should talk to kids about sex, sexuality, and sexual identity, while keeping parents out of the loop, what are we supposed to think about your side in regard to kids?

I could go on; but, I think that the point has been made.

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