in miracle •  9 years ago 

"Where there is hope, there is faith. Where there is faith, miracles happen."

An inspiring life story of Charm Cruz Yamamoto.

September 18
At 26 weeks (6 months) her baby bag burst. She did not accepted in BMMG (city hospital) because the doctors refer her to another hospital so that her baby could live. So, she had no choice but to go in another hospital for the sake of her baby (at St. Lukes hospital).

The doctor told her to prepare herself for cesarean operation because many water coming out of her body, and they need to hurry to save the baby. At that time, she cried and cried. She did not mind what will happen to herself but she was scared about her baby.

Her son went out at 10:30 pm.
She wanted to saw her baby but the doctor told her to get rest in 24 hours. Because of her excitement she went immediately to the NICU to saw her baby.

She's crying and crying to saw her baby on the tube because her baby can't breathe alone.  Her baby just 11 inches and 900 grams. He could feel that pierced her heart to saw her baby suffering.
All she can do is to pray to the Lord that her son will live longer and surpass the situation.

After two (2) days...

It's a big good  news because the nurses removed the ventilator of her baby. She was so happy because her baby keeps fighting.

"His little hand stole my heart."

This was the first time that she touched her baby. Only Joy that her heart felt that moment.

An  improvement..

The baby is warrior. See? No oxygen attached at all to her son's nose. Good news that her son can already breathe alone.

In struggle..

Her baby had a pneumonia . She always crying at night because she was scared of what would be happen to her baby. She always keep praying to god. She felt also that her baby keeps fighting and she knows that her baby will survive.

After a week...

The baby get okay. And the baby still smiling despite of all pain.

After three (3) months...

Here's the baby. He was not in the incubator at all. His now in his crib. Close enough to go home after 3 months.

First baby bath...

Finally, they can bring the baby at home.

Baby Akiyo and his proud Mommy Charm

Being a mother is learning about strength you did not know you had, and dealing with fears you did not know existed.

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some small, just want to regret and warm. ♡

When we are in a very hard situation, just remember God and pray. Miracle will happen :)

Hope and faith, keep holding them close like life.

There is no possible if we just believe in Lord God.. Thank you for reading this inspiring life story :)